Lightning Strikes

The bell of the clock tower rang as Jack and Hilary walked down the street.

"Are you sure we can be seen out in the open?" Hilary asked.

"Enough sneaking around." Jack scoffed. "If your dad has a problem with me walking you to a school bus, I'm more than happy to have that chat."

"You're brave. You'll need that for Operation Cobra. Speaking of, do you think we need code names?"

"Isn't 'Cobra' our code name?"

"That's the mission. I mean us. I need something to call you."

"Oh, um... well, I don't-- you can just call me 'Jack' for now."

"Okay, well I'll see you later, Jack." she boarded the school bus, which soon drove away.

As Jack turned to walk down the street, Sheriff Andrea pulled in front of him in a police car, blaring the siren.

"What's with the siren?"

"It's so hard to get your attention." She stepped out of the car.

"Alright, well, you got it. Are you arresting me again?"

"I'm thanking you for your help finding that patient. We all owe you a debt of gratitude."

"Well, what do I get? A commendation? Key to the city?" He joked

"How about a job? I could use a deputy."

"Thank you, but I have a job."

"As a bail bondsperson? There's not much of that going on here."

"I don't see a lot of sheriffing going on around here either."

"Well, here's your chance to see it up close. There's dental. Why don't you think about it and stay awhile." She gave him one of her information cards.


In Ellen's Diner, Jack was reading the newspaper when Michelle brought him a cup of hot cocoa. She set the cup on the table and walked away.

Just then, Derek entered the diner and sat across from Jack. "How was your walk with Hilary? That's right I know everything. But it's ok, I don't mind."

"You don't?"

"No. Because I'm not worried about you anymore. You see, I did a little digging into who you are, and what I found out was quite reassuring. It all comes down to the number seven."


"It's the number of addresses you've had in the last decade. Your longest stint anywhere was two years. Really, what did you enjoy so much about Tallahassee?"

"For your information, I did find a place here in town."

"I know, with Ms. Richards. How long is your lease? Oh, wait. You don't have one. You see my point? In order for something to grow, it needs roots, and you don't have any. People don't change, they only fool themselves into believing they can."

"You don't know me."

"No, I think I do. All I ask as you carry on your transient life, you think about Hilary and what's best for her. Perhaps consider a clean break. It's going to happen anyway. Enjoy your cocoa." Derek stood up and left.

As Jack stood up, the cup of cocoa spilled on his lap. "Ugh, really?"

"Och!" Michelle rushed over with a towel.

"Do you have a laundry room I can use?"


Jack angrily walked in the back to the laundry room, put his shirt in the washer, and took one off of the clothesline.

"Darn it!" shouted Ray, a man with red hair and blue eyes, as he pulled a shirt from the dryer.

"You okay?"

Ray held up the shirt with faded stains on it. "It didn't get those oil stains off."

"You try bleach?"

"I've been a racer for so many years, and never had one crash. Until now. But I think I came close to fixing the car."

"That's great."

"It's just that, now everyone's telling me it's time to retire. Maybe they're right."

Jack started the washer and turned around to face Ray. "Don't listen to them. Look, people like to tell you what to do. But in the end, it's up to you."

"It's not exactly that easy."

"It never is. People are going to tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, 'No, this is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them. You want to keep doing what you love to do, then go and do it."


That night, Ms. Wood walked up to her shop door and changed the sign from open to closed, shut the lights off, and left, locking the door behind her.

After she was gone, Ray approached the front door of the shop, bashed in the bottom left window pane of the door with a brick, and entered the store. He came up to a painting on the wall, which he revealed was covering a safe.

"Ray, what are you doing?" Ms. Wood asked, appearing behind him.

"I decide when I'm done." He sprayed her in the face with pepper spray.

She screamed and fell to the ground. Ray removed a key from her and used it to open the safe.


The next morning, in her loft, Laura Reed brought two plates of food to the table.

Jack was unpacking his recently arrived belongings. "I'm so glad my stuff is here. Oh, thanks." he accepted the plate she offered to him.

"So, that's all your stuff? Is the rest in storage?

"No, this is all of it. I'm... not sentimental."

"Well, it must make things easier when you have to move."

There was a knock on the door, and Laura opened it to see Ms. Wood.

"Ms. Richards, is Jack here?" Jack walked up to them. "Hi, I'm Ms. Wood. We met briefly when you first arrived."

"Yeah, I remember." He nodded.

"Good. I have a proposition for you, Jack. I need your help. I'm looking for someone."


"You know what? I'm going to jump in the bath." Laura Reed walked away, leaving them alone.

Ms. Wood came into the apartment. "I have a photo." She handed Jack a security camera picture. "His name is Ray Saetta. He's a former race car driver, and he's taken something quite valuable of mine."

"So why don't you just call the police?"

"Because uh... he's a confused young man. I don't want to ruin his life, but I just want my property returned."

"And what is it?"

"Well, one advantage of you not being the police is discretion. Let's just say it's a precious object and leave it at that."

"When did you last see him?"

"Last night. That's how I got this." She showed him the gash on her forehead. "It's so unlike him. He was quite wound up, rambling on and on about deciding when he's done. I have no idea what got into him. Jack, please, just help me find him. My only other choice is the police, and I don't think anyone wants to see that car impounded, now do they."

"No, of course not."

"So, you'll help me then?"

"I'll help him."


The door opened and Hilary entered the apartment. "Hey, Jack, I was thinking we..." She stopped in her tracks when she saw Ms. Wood.

"Hey, Hilary, how are you?"


"Good. Give my regards to your father, and um, good luck, Jack." She left the apartment.

"Do you know who that is?" Hilary asked Jack.

"Yeah, of course, I do."

"Who? Cause I'm still trying to figure it out."

"Oh, I meant in reality."

"Is that all you brought?"

"Hilary, what are you doing here?"

"My dad's gone till 5:00. I thought we could hang out."

"Aw, kid I wish I could, but there's something I gotta do."


Soon, Jack and Hilary were walking down the street.

"Please, let me help." Hilary pleaded.

"No. It could be dangerous."

"The racer man is dangerous?"

"He attacked Ms. Wood."


"This isn't a game. He's desperate."

"Well, then let's find him."

"Oh no. There's no 'let's'. You can't come with me."

'Then I'll look for him myself."

"Then I'll find you and I'll bring you back."

"Then you wouldn't be helping that man."

"I'm just trying to be responsible here."

"And I'm just trying to spend time with you." Hilary climbed into Jack's car.

"Oh, that's really not fair." He also got in the car.

"So the racer-- what's his story?"


Outside Ellen's Bed and Breakfast, Jack and Hilary were questioning Michelle about Ray's disappearance. A tow truck sat on the street, slowly putting down Michelle's car.

"So, this girlfriend of his-- you don't think she was involved in his disappearance?" asked Jack.

"Uh, that would mean that she was involved with him at all, which she isn't," Michelle explained. "She left him right after his big crash. Hasn't spoken to him since. Like I said, she's a--" the tow truck suddenly dropped her car. "Hey, hey, hey! Matt, be careful. You almost shattered my bear thing. It's good luck."

"Sorry, Michelle," the mechanic apologized in a thick rural Southern accent. "But, look, it's okay."

"Michelle, does he have any family or friends?" Jack asked.

"Oh, um, he does, but after the crash, he was too embarrassed to talk to them. They even served as his pit crew."

"Wait a minute," Hilary interrupted. "Pit crew, a crash, and he's a racer?"

"Hilary, not now."

"Look, I don't know what you've heard, but it's wrong. Everyone thinks he should give up racing, but he wants to get back into it. Can you understand that?"

"I think so."

"Look, maybe you should just stay out of it," Michelle suggested. "He's been through enough already."

"I can help him."

"Then try his ex."

"Where can I find her?"

"She lives with her dad."


A car pulled into the garage of a house, as Jack knocked on the front door.

A woman with blue streaked hair and blue eyes answered. "Can I help you?"

"Sarah Hudson?"


"I'm Jack. I'm looking for Ray Saetta. He's in trouble. I just thought maybe he came to see you."

Paul Hudson exited his car and approached the front door. "My daughter doesn't have anything to do with that boy anymore, so whatever trouble he's in, there's nothing we can do to help you."

"You're the reason she broke up with him."

"Absolutely. I'm not gonna let my girl throw away her entire life over a mistake."

"So you just told her to leave him?"

"Well, what are they going to do, drive around in a wrecked car?"

"Some people only have a car."

"Well, they're to be pitied. I'm not letting that happen to my daughter." He walked past them, into the house.

"Daddy, maybe we should help him look."

"It's a waste, Sarah."

"Sarah, if you want to come, come." Jack whispered to her. "Stop letting other people make decisions for you. If Ray runs away with his car, he's gonna be in some serious trouble."

"He's running away with the car?"


"Sarah, inside. Now." Sarah went back into the house. Paul began speaking to Jack. "Look, believe me... if I knew where he was, I would tell you. I went to a lot of trouble to get him that deal."

"Deal? What are you talking about?"

"You don't know? Ray agreed to give up the car, and he's being paid very well to do so."

"He sold the car?"

"Oh, you make it sound so crass. I found someone who's going to give that car to a professional racer."

"And who are you to judge whether Ray is capable of being that?"

"Look at him. He's a rookie, and he's never shown any evidence of being responsible. How could he possibly know how to be a racer?"

"Maybe he's going after what he wants to do."

"Everybody says that. Now, look, I found someone who's going to pay Ray extremely well, someone who's going to see to it that everybody's happy."

"Ms. Wood."

"Well, isn't that why you were hired, to bring her the car?"


Jack and Hilary were driving down the road in his car.

"You can't make her double-cross Wood." Hilary pleaded. "No one's ever broken a deal with her."

"Happy to be the first. If Ray wants to be a racer, he should do it. Anyone who wants to live their dream should be allowed to."

He pulled the car up to Ellen's Diner, and the two entered.

"Why didn't you tell me he sold the car?" Jack asked Michelle at the counter.

"Because I didn't think it was important."

"Really, considering that's why he's running away?"

"Look, Ray's a nice guy. I don't like the idea of people judging him."

"Michelle, where is he? You didn't send me to Sarah to find him, you sent me there to give him a head start."

"Look, I'm only trying to help him."

"Yeah, so am I. Ray's in more trouble than you know. Where is he? Don't make his deal with Wood without me."

"I can't talk in front of her." She pointed to Hilary. "She's the mayor's kid."

"Hey, I'm on your side."

"Hilary, I need to find this man," Jack whispered to her. "And in order to do that, I need you to go home, okay? So please listen to me, seriously. She's not gonna tell me anything if you're around."

"Okay." Hilary nodded and left the diner.

"Thank you."

"He left town," Michelle explained. "Said he was gonna try Boston. Thought he could disappear there."

"How long ago did he leave?"

"About a half an hour."


Jack was driving his car to Boston to look for Ray. Suddenly, Hilary sat up in the back seat. "What did she tell you?"

"Hilary!" Jack shouted, surprised. "I'm going to Boston. You can't come with me."

"You can't go to Boston. He can't leave. Bad things happen to anyone that does."

"I don't have time to argue with you over the curse. I've got to get you home."

"We have to stop him before he gets hurt. We're wasting time. If you drop me off, you'll never catch up to him."


"Then Ms. Wood will call the police, and she'll have him sent to jail."

Jack closed his eyes and sighed. "Buckle up. Ray, what did you get yourself into?"

"I told you. That's the car." Hilary pointed to Ray's car broken down just before the Pixfare border. They pulled up beside it.

"Ray?!" Jack ran over to the car but found it was empty.

"Jack? Is that you?" Ray came from behind the bushes, holding a cell phone. "Am I glad to see you. I couldn't get a signal."

"Don't worry. The tow truck is on its way." Jack assured Ray.

"No, no, no, no. Take me to Boston. I can't go back there. She's gonna take my car. I don't want to retire."

"I won't let that happen, but are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Yes. I want to keep racing."


Later, Jack and Hilary sat in the auto repair shop's waiting room.

"You know Jack, you're different."


"You're the only one who can do it."

"Break the curse? Yes, I know. You keep telling me that."

"No, leave. You're the only one who can leave Pixfare."

"You left and came and found me in Boston."

"But I came back. I'm ten. I had no choice, but if anyone else tried to go, bad things would happen."

"Anyone except... me?"

"You're the savior. You can do whatever you want. You can go."

The mechanic soon approached them. "Jack, the car has been repaired, and it's running just fine."

"What great news." Ms. Wood said as she entered. "Excellent work, Jack. Thank you for bringing me my merchandise."

Jack turned around to face her. "A car was your merchandise? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, because at the time you didn't need to know."

"Really? Or you thought I wouldn't take the job?"

"On the contrary, I thought it would be more effective if you found out yourself. After seeing Ray's hard life, I thought it would make sense... to you. I mean if anyone could understand the reasons behind giving something up, I assumed it would be you."

"You're not getting that car."

"Actually, we have an agreement. And my agreements are always honored. If not, I'm going to have to involve the police, and that car is going to end up in the pound, and that would be a pity."

"That's not gonna happen."

"I like your confidence. Incredible, but all I have to do is press charges. He did, after all, break into my shop."

"Let me guess, to steal a contract."

"Who knows what he was after."

"You know, no jury in the world will put a man in jail whose only reason for breaking an entering was to keep his car. I'm willing to roll the dice that contract doesn't stand up. Are you? Not to mention what might come out about you in the process. Somehow I suspect there is more to you than a simple woodworker. You really want to start that fight?"

"I like you, Jack. You're not afraid of me, and that's either cocky or presumptuous. Either way, I'd rather have you on my side."

"So, he can keep the car?"

"Not just yet. There's still the matter of my agreement with Ray."

"Tear it up."

"That's not what I do. You see, contracts, deals, well they're the very foundation of all civilized existence, so I put it to you now. If you want Ray to have his career, are you willing to make a deal with me?

"What do you want?"

"Oh, I don't know just yet. You'll owe me a favor."



Soon, Jack and Hilary came into the garage where Ray was admiring his newly repaired car.

"Hey. Car looks great."

"Thanks for bringing me here."

"Ms. Wood was outside. I took care of it. You can keep being a racer."

"I can? But what did you do?"

"Made a deal with her."

"Thank you." Ray smiled, shaking Jack's hand.

He smiled back and then noticed the time. "Oh, hey kid, it's almost 5:00. You gotta get home." They rushed out of the garage.


Jack and Hilary were driving in his car.

"'Speed'. My codename. I was thinking in honor of Lightning McQueen-- 'Speed.'" Hilary shook her head. "You got a better one in mind?"

"Yep. But I'm not sure you're ready yet."

They soon arrived at Derek's house, and Hilary got out of the car.

"Hilary!" She stopped and turned back. "About what you said at the garage, about me being able to leave..."


"See you tomorrow."

They smiled at each other, and Hilary super sped into the house and upstairs just as Derek was pulling in. She accidentally dropped a toy car on the stairs.

"Hilary?" Derek called as he walked in the front door. She reached her room and pretended to be casually reading, as Derek entered the room. "Hilary? What did I tell you? Do not... leave your toys lying around on the stairs. Someone could get hurt." He set the toy car on the shelf and left the room. Hilary sighed in relief.


At the garage, Sarah walked up to Ray and saw the newly restored car. "Wow. It looks just like new."


"I'm sorry. I never should have left you."

"You're back?"

"Yeah. What do you say we take a drive?" The two got into the car and kissed. "You know what would look good on this thing? Stickers." Sarah suggested.


Jack leaned against the side of his car. He took out the card Andrea gave him and called her.


"Andrea, it's Jack. I was thinking... maybe some roots wouldn't be so bad. That deputy job still open?"


"Then I'm in. Derek gonna be okay with this?"

"I don't care, it's my department. I'll see you Monday morning."

"I'll see ya." He hung up the phone and glanced at Hilary through her window.