Clark looked stunned when he and Evelyn stood outside their house, which had a 'Welcome Home' banner hanging in the front door.
"You know, you had the same look on your face before we bought it, too. You couldn't see past the ugly windmill on the lawn. And said you'd never buy an old lady house." Evelyn explained with a smile. "Do you remember what made you change your mind?"
He looked down at the empty lawn. "I see the windmill's gone."
"Come on. Everyone's waiting."
"Who's everyone?"
They entered the house where a large crowd of people was cheering. Evelyn introduced him to a few of the guests, who welcomed him back.
Dr. Whale came up to greet him. "Hi, Clark."
"Look, I know this is a lot, but it's good for you. The smallest things can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun."
"Thank you, Dr. Whale. I'll do my best."
Hilary sat talking with Jack by the stairs. "You know why he doesn't remember? The curse isn't working on him yet."
"Hilary... Clark has amnesia."
"Which is preventing the curse from replacing his Pixar story with fake memories."
"Right, because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are."
"Right, and now's our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he's—"
"He's Mr. Incredible."
"We just have to jog his memory by getting him and Ms. Richards together."
"Didn't we just try that?"
"And it woke him up."
Clark soon came over to them. "Hey. You're the ones who saved me, right?"
"Yeah, I-I guess." Jack shrugged.
"And, uh, you're also the only ones I know here."
"You can hide with us."
"Fantastic. Jack, you live with Laura Reed, right? You know if she's coming tonight?"
"No, she couldn't make it."
"Oh." Clark looked slightly disappointed.
Derek was in the kitchen with Evelyn, who was setting out food with a sad look. "You should go out there. There's plenty of food. Go. Be with your husband."
"I lost him once, now I have him back. But it's like I still don't have him back. You have no idea how that feels."
"Actually, I do. I lost someone once too."
"Really?" She looked at him, surprised.
"Yes. But the love I lost, there's no bringing her back. You have a chance here. Go to him."
"You're right." She put the plate down and began walking out of the kitchen. "And, Derek, thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. It's been so lonely. I'm not used to having one."
"Neither am I."
"Well, like it or not, you have one now." She left the kitchen and walked up to Jack in the living room. "Have you seen Clark?"
"Um... he..." He looked at Dr. Whale, who shook his head.
Clark spotted Laura Reed tossing a rubber band ball in her yard.
"Did you not get the invite?"
"Clark." The ball slipped out of her hands and rolled towards him.
"Here." He picked up the ball and handed it to her. "So, I heard you resigned from the hospital. Was it me? Because of what I told you, about how I felt, about you. Come on. Don't tell me it's one-sided."
"You're married. It should be no-sided."
"What it should be doesn't matter. Whoever married Evelyn- it's not me. I didn't choose her. I'm choosing you. Now I know you feel it. I can tell."
Laura Reed sighed with a pained expression. "I know you think that we have this connection, but maybe... it's because I happened to be the person who saved your life? So... why don't we leave it at that?" She turned and walked away.
In her apartment, Laura Reed was roughly scrubbing a plate while washing the dishes.
"You might want to ease up or that Brillo Pad's going to press charges." Jack teased as he watched her.
"The dishes were just piling up."
"This have anything to do with Clark stopping by? I saw him sulking away as I pulled up."
"We just... um... he just..."
"Yeah, I know what you both 'just'." Jack sat at the counter. "And you did the right thing."
"He made a pretty compelling case..."
"But he's still married. I know. I was just at the party."
"What do I do?"
"You need to stop cleaning and have a drink." Jack got up, took out a bottle of whiskey, and poured two glasses. They both sat at the table. "Here's the thing. I don't know a lot about relationships, other than having many that failed. But generally speaking, if you think something you want to do is wrong... it is. So... you got to stay strong, and he has to figure out his life. Cheers." They both clinked their glasses and drank.
Clark sat in the living room, looking through a box of old pictures.
"You look different." Evelyn came in and sat beside him. "Your hair. It's longer. You used to always have a buzz cut. You used to complain that long hair was itchy. And hard to take care of.
"I guess it grew while I was in there."
"So I was going to go to bed. Do you... want to join me?"
"Do you mean 'go to bed' go to bed, or... go to bed?"
"Whatever you want."
"Why don't we just... sit and talk some more." Evelyn kissed Clark on the lips, but he pulled back. "This... isn't right."
In the Diner, Laura Reed sipped a cup of cocoa while reading a newspaper. Dr. Whale walked up behind her. "So I heard that you resigned from the hospital. I hope it wasn't because of me."
"Why would it be because of you?"
"Well, our date. I never called you after. Yeah, I know, I know. It's not classy, and I'm sorry, but if you could find a way to get over it, you know where to find me. Have a good day."
He turned and left out the door, just as Derek entered the diner.
"Ms. Richards, may I have a word?" He sat down across from Laura Reed.
"Of course." She put down the newspaper.
"I wanted to talk to you about my friend Evelyn, but more specifically, I wanted to talk to you about her husband Clark. You don't belong together. He's not yours. He's taken. Find somebody else."
"I haven't done anything."
"Really? So he just up and left his wife on a whim?"
"He did what?"
"You don't know." Laura Reed shook her head. "Well, I guess you soon will so listen carefully. Because it's in your best interest. Stay away. He's in a fragile state. He doesn't know who he is or what he's doing, and you're this close to wrecking multiple lives. So before you do something that can't be undone, let him remember who he was." He stood up and left.
In her classroom at the school, Laura Reed was opening mail with a small knife.
"Careful. Looks sharp." Clark stood in the doorway, watching her.
"You can't be here."
"I-I needed to see you."
"Tell me you didn't leave your wife because of me. I don't want to destroy your marriage."
"You're not. It's me. I don't want to hurt her either, but the most hurtful thing to Evelyn would be me pretending. She needs someone to feel about her... the way I feel about you."
Laura Reed closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm really trying hard to stay away from you." She started putting books on the students' desks. "To do the right thing."
"Why is that the right thing?"
"Because you already have a life."
"With someone I didn't choose." The school bell rang and students began to enter the classroom. "The man who chose that life, whoever married Evelyn is gone. The man here wants someone else."
"You really have to leave me alone." She started pushing him towards the door.
"Is that really what you want?"
"Meet me tonight. At least think about it. I'll be at the bridge where you found me at eight o'clock. Think about it until then and then decide. If you don't show, I'll know, and I'll never bother you again." She thought about it for a moment. "But if you choose this if you choose us... you know where I'll be." He turned and left out the door. She looked at him in disbelief.
Jack was looking through files at the Sheriff's station when Andrea entered and held out a box of donuts. "Sometimes the clichés are true."
"Okay. What do you want?"
"Remember when I said no night shifts? I need you to work tonight. Just this once."
"Why?" Jack made a 'do I have to?' face.
"I volunteer at an animal shelter, and the supervisor is sick, and someone needs to feed the dogs."
"Very lucky you brought a bear claw." He took a bear claw from the box and took a bite.
Soon, Laura Reed came rushing in. "Jack, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"I'll just go patrol my office." Andrea walked away, leaving them alone.
Laura Reed waited until she was out of earshot. "He left his wife. Clark- he left her. He left Evelyn."
Jack looked shocked. "Okay. Slow down."
"He did it for me. He wants me to be with him. He wants me to meet him tonight."
"That's, uh..."
"I mean, I'm trying so hard to be strong, but he just keeps coming. I mean, how do I stop it? You know, how do I let him down? What would you do?"
"I'd go."
"Well, he left her. It's one thing to say that he wants you, but it's another to actually make a choice, and now he has. That's all you can ask for."
"Given his new friendship with Evelyn, I don't think Derek would be happy."
"All the more reason to do it."
She chuckled, considering the idea. "Good lord. Is this really happening?"
"You tell me."
That night, Clark returned to his room at the inn, briefly checked his reflection in the mirror, and looked out the window at the clock tower which read 7:45. He fiddled with the ring on his finger.
Clark walked along the sidewalk, looking at a map, apparently lost.
"Mr. Grimm?" A voice came up behind him. Clark turned around, started to come face to face with Derek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was just heading home from work, and I saw you. Are you lost?"
"Yeah. Yeah, kind of." He nodded, with a chuckle. "I'm looking for the toll bridge."
"Ah, where you were found."
"Trying to jog your memory?"
"No, I'm meeting someone."
"So, you made your choice."
"Well, I don't suppose I can convince you to change your mind?"
"I can't change what I feel."
"No, of course not. Walk down the street to Ms. Wood's pawnshop." Derek instructed, pointing down the street. "You'll find a fork in the road. Go left. It will take you to a hiking trail that leads directly to the bridge."
"Thank you, uh, for understanding." Clark started to walk away.
"Good luck, Clark." Derek turned around to face him. "I hope you find what you're looking for."
Laura Reed waited for Clark at the toll bridge, often checking her watch.
Clark walked past Ms. Wood's shop, but then stopped and looked around. Realizing that he must've taken a wrong turn, he entered the shop to ask for directions. "Hello? Hello?" He searched around but found that nobody was there. He then spotted a blue and black suit on a mannequin and went over to look at it.
"Incredible." A voice suddenly said.
Clark turned to see Ms. Wood standing behind the counter. "I'm sorry?"
"The suit. Isn't it incredible? Simplicity in design, excellent stitch work. I could get it down if you like."
"No, no, no. I mean, it's- it's very nice, but actually, I'm looking for the toll bridge. The mayor said there was a fork in the road by your shop, but..."
"It seems he's led you astray."
"Yeah, you'd think the mayor would know his own town."
"One would think. Out of the door, turn right, two blocks, you'll find the trail. Can't miss it."
"Thank you." He started to leave but stopped when he spotted the windmill that used to be on the front lawn of his house.
"See something you like?"
"Where did you get that?"
"That old thing? That's been gathering dust for... forever."
Clark came closer to the windmill and spun its vanes. "I think... this belonged to me."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes. I remember."
As Laura Reed waited for Clark, she twisting the ring around her finger. She turned at the sound of running footsteps approaching.
Clark ran up to her, panting. "You came."
She chuckled. "You sound surprised. In fact, you almost sound a bit disappointed."
"I remember."
He nodded and came closer to her. "Everything."
"And you love her?"
"I don't know. But I know I did. I remember how I felt, and... I think I have to honor that."
She closed her eyes, trying to understand what was happening. "And everything that you said to me-"
"Is true. I do have feelings for you. Intense feelings. Feelings I don't quite understand."
"You're going back to her."
"It's the right thing to do."
"The right thing to do was not to lead me on." Her voice was starting to break, and her eyes glistened.
"I know."
"So, you've made your choice."
"I'm sorry." He reached out a hand to her, but she refused.
"That's okay. I guess it just wasn't meant to be." She turned and walked away, feeling the tears held back about to fall.
Jack was driving through the streets on his night shift when he saw someone jump out one of the windows of Derek's house. Suspicious that it might be a burglar, he pulled over and got out of the car, hiding behind the hedges. As the figure came closer, Jack tackled them to the ground. He was shocked to discover that it was Andrea.
"This is volunteering?"
"Plans changed. Derek needed me to-"
"Sleep with him?"
They both stood up. "Then, why were you sneaking out the window?"
"Because... he didn't want Hilary to know."
"You did this with Hilary in the house?"
"She's sleeping. She doesn't know."
Jack looked at her, horrified. "Oh my god. I wish I was Hilary right now. This is disgusting."
"I really do work at an animal shelter."
"You can finish my shift. I'm done working nights." He tossed her the keys to the police car and walked away.
Clark rang the doorbell to his house, and soon Evelyn answered the door.
"You were right. I did hate that windmill out front."
"You remember. How much do you remember?"
"Enough. I know we weren't in a good place when I left. I know you thought I was leaving you, but I wasn't. I wanted to work things out, I just needed some time. Then I had my accident and got much more time than I expected. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too." Her voice started to break.
"I know we have work to do. Let's see what happens."
"I'd like that." She nodded and smiled, sniffing.
Laura Reed sat alone at the counter in the Diner, as a tear slid down her cheek. Dr. Whale entered and sat next to her.
"Rough day?"
"Don't feel like talking."
"Come on. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone when you don't care what they think."
She looked at him and slightly shook her head. "You ever walk into a situation where you know exactly what's going to happen? And then you go into it anyway... And then when what you're afraid of happens... you kick yourself because you should have known better. But that's just who you are, so you keep punishing yourself."
"How do you do that?"
"By never doing what's expected. It keeps life interesting." He noticed the empty glass beside her. "Can I buy you a drink?"
She gave him a look, not believing that what he asked her. Although, right now that didn't sound so bad. "You can buy me two."