Escaping Nomanisan

"Jack, what can I get you?" Michelle asked as he entered the Diner.

"Nothing." He passed by Andrea, who turned to look at him. She threw a dart in his direction, and it landed in the wall, right beside him. "What the? You could have hit me."

"I never miss." She came over to him. "You've been avoiding me... since last night when you saw me."

"'Leaving the mayor'? And, yes, that's a euphemism. I'm not avoiding you, Andrea. I just have no interest in having this conversation. It's your life, and I really don't care." Jack walked out the door.

She followed him out to the sidewalk, running in front of him. "If you don't care, then why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset!"

"If that were true, you'd be at the bar with me having a drink and not running away."

"It's none of my business, really." Jack walked away from her.

"Can we please talk about this? I need you to understand."


"I don't know. Uh, maybe so I can understand."

"You need analysis, go talk to Felix."

"I wanna talk to you."

"Well, your bad judgment is your problem, not mine."

"You don't know what it's like with him. I don't feel anything. Can you understand that?"

"A bad relationship? Yeah. I understand a bad relationship. I just don't wanna talk about yours."

"Look, I know you and Derek have your own issues, and I should've told you about that before you took the job."

"Yeah, why the secrecy? We're all adults. You can do whatever you want."

"'Cause I-I didn't want you to look at me the way you are now."

"Why do you care how I look at you?"


"What?" Jack was now getting frustrated.

Andrea stared at him for a second and then kissed him on the lips. She suddenly saw blurred images of a jungle. As the vision became clear, a large black robot with a red light appeared. They both pulled away from each other.

"What was that?" Jack asked in shock.

Andrea looked like she was in a daze. "Did you see that?"

"How much have you been drinking? That was way over the line."

"I'm sorry. I just...?"

"What? You what?" Jack shouted, wide-eyed.

"I need to feel something."

"Listen to me, Andrea. You're drunk and full of regret. I get it. But whatever it is you're looking to feel, I can tell you one thing. You're not getting it with me." He turned and walked away, down the street.


Later, Andrea knocked on the door in front of Derek's house. A light turned on and Derek answered the door.


"Is Hilary asleep?"

"Yes. Why?"

Andrea entered and began kissing him passionately.


Andrea bolted upright in bed, sweating and breathing heavily.

"What is it?" Derek, who was lying next to her, also woke up.

"I had a most intense dream. I was... in a jungle. There was a robot."

"A robot?"

"The funny thing is... I think I've seen the robot before."

Derek kissed her, hoping to calm her down. "Come back to sleep, Andrea. It was only a dream."

"It didn't feel like a dream. It felt like a memory." She got up and gathered her clothes.


"I need some air. I need to think."

"Andrea, please. Come back to bed."

"I left my car at Ellen's anyway. I need to go and get it, clear my head." She sat on the edge of the bed and put on her boots.

"Andrea, listen. It's late. You're tired. You're probably still drunk. Don't leave."

"Since when do you want me to stay anyway?"

"You're not well." "I'm fine." She finished getting dressed and left. Andrea soon approached her police car but dropped her car keys. As she went to pick them up, a large robot approaches her. She backed away, scared. The robot looked at her and then walked away.


The next morning, Jack came downstairs and found a bouquet on the kitchen table. "Really?" He angrily grabbed them.

"Oh! Hey, wait. What are you doing?" Laura Reed came in to see him throw the flowers into the garbage bin.

"If Andrea thinks flowers will work on me..." "No, those... were mine."

"Oh. From Clark?"

"No. Uh... Dr. Whale."

"Why would Dr. Whale..." Laura Reed gave Jack a look. "Are you serious?"

"I know. It's a disaster."

"No. That's great. You're getting over Clark."

"First of all, there's nothing to get over, and second of all, it's just a one-night-stand."

"Not according to those flowers."

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have called him."

"Oh my God. You called him? That's definitely not a one-night stand."

"Not according to those flowers." Jack took out a pitcher of juice from the fridge.

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have called him."

"Oh, my God. You called him?" He set the pitcher down on the table. "That's definitely not a one-night stand."

"Well, okay, I'm still learning. I... I never had one before. I felt guilty."

"Why? There's nothing wrong with what you did. Trust me. One nighter is as far as I ever go."

"Yeah, but that's because you're..."

"Because... I'm what?"

"Never mind."

"No. Tell me. What do I do?"

"You're just protecting yourself... With that wall you put up."

"Just because I don't get emotional over women."

"You don't get emotional over women? Uh, the floral abuse tells a different story."

"What story is that?"

"The one that's obvious to everyone except, apparently, you. That you have feelings for Andrea."

"Come on." Jack rolled his eyes.

"There's that wall."

"That's not a wall."

Laura Reed picked the flowers out of the garbage bin and put them into a vase. "Really?"

"There's nothing wrong with being cautious."

"Oh, true. True. But, Jack, that wall of yours-- it may keep out pain, but it also may keep out love." She took the vase and left.


Andrea ran through the woods, following the robot that she saw the other night. She turned to the sound of rustling and branches snapping. Ms. Wood stepped out from the bushes, wearing an apron, boots, and holding a shovel.

"Good morning, Sheriff. Sorry if I startled you."

"Right. Sorry, I-I thought you were a robot. What are you doing out here so early?"

"A sport of gardening. Yourself?"

"I was looking for a..."

"A robot. Yeah, I think I'm beginning to catch on. You know, to the best of my knowledge, Sheriff, there are no robots in Pixfare-- not the literal kind, anyway. Why are you looking?"

"You'll think I'm crazy."

"Try me."

"I saw one in my dreams, and then I saw one for real, just a few hours ago. Did you, uh, did you see anything unusual out there?"

Ms. Wood looked closely at her shovel. "I'm afraid not. I do wish I could be more helpful." She walked past Andrea. "You know, Sheriff... they say that dreams--" She paused and turned around to face her. "dreams are memories... memories of another life."

"W-what do you believe?"

"I never rule out anything. Good luck, Sheriff. I do hope you'll find what you're looking for."

Andrea started to leave, but stopped to look around, and began walking.

Later, Andrea ran through the woods, hearing mechanical noises in the distance. Eventually, she found the robot in a clearing. "What do you want?" The robot approached her. When Andrea touched it, she had another flashback. She saw Mr. Incredible in a containment unit and flashes of electricity. When she snapped back to the present, the robot was gone. She looked around confused and then headed back to town.


Soon after searching all over town, Andrea entered the Diner and found Clark sitting at a table.

"Clark? Can I talk to you?"

"Andrea. What's the matter? Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

She sat across from him. "I think we, uh... I think we know each other."

"Of course, we do."

"No, no, no, not-- not from here. Not from Pixfare."

"From where, then?" He asked, confused.

"Another life. Clark, how long have we known each other?"

"Um... I don't know. A while."

"Do you remember when we met?"

He opened his mouth to answer but thought for a moment. "Um... no."

"Me neither. I can't remember when I met you or anyone. Isn't that strange?"

"I don't know. I mean, I suppose. But... but, you know, that's just life. Things get hazy."

"Have I ever hurt you?"

"Oh, Andrea, no. Of course not. What's going on?"

"Do you believe in other lives?"

"Like heaven?"

"I mean, like past lives?"

He smiled, now understanding what she meant. "You've been talking to Hilary."


"I heard she has this book of stories. She's been going on about how she thinks we're all characters from them-- From another land, and we've forgotten who we really are. Which, of course, makes no sense."

"Right. No, of course."

"Andrea." He touched her forehead. "You're burning up. Go home and get some rest. I think you'll feel much better after you've had some sleep."

"Right. You're absolutely right." She nodded. "I'm sorry to bother you. And thank you."

"Of course."

Andrea stood up and left the Diner.


At the sheriff's office, Jack was trying to shoot darts when Derek walked in.

"Our tax dollars hard at work, I see."

"Andrea isn't here. I assumed she took a sick day - with you."

"Oh, so you know about us. Good. That's why I'm here. Because I also know about your relationship with her."

"I don't have a relationship with her."

"Oh? So, nothing's ever happened between the two of you? You forget, Jack. I have eyes everywhere."

"Nothing that meant anything."

"Well, of course not, because you're incapable of feeling anything for anyone. There's a reason you're alone, isn't there?"

"All due respect, the way I live my life is my business."

"It is until it invades on my life. Stay away from Andrea. You may think you're doing nothing, but you're putting thoughts in her head-- thoughts that aren't in her best interest. You're leading her on a path to self-destruction. Stay away." Derek turned and walked away.


Andrea rang the doorbell at Derek's house. Hilary answered the door.

"Hey, Sheriff. My dad's not here."

"Actually, uh, I'm here to see you, Hilary. I was hoping you could help me."

"Help you with what?"

"It's about your book. Am I in it?"

Andrea and Hilary were sitting on the bed in Hilary's room, flipping through the book.

"Well, when did your flashes begin?"

"Right after I kissed Jack."

"You kissed my dad?" Hilary looked disgusted. "What did you see?"

"A big robot. I saw these electric pulses, and I was with Clark."

"Were you about to hurt him?"

"Yes. How'd you know that?"

"Because Clark is Mr. Incredible, which makes you... Mirage."

"So, you really think that I... could be another person?"

"Makes total sense. You were Syndrome's assistant. That's why you keep seeing robots. You helped him kill off superheroes as part of his plan."

"I'm remembering this because I kissed your father? How is that possible?"

"Well, you two do have a special connection. He owes you his life."


"Mr. Incredible is his father, and you spared him."

"Well, what happened after I freed Mr. Incredible?"

"You helped him and his family get back to Metroville to stop the robot." Hilary explained. "And then you quit working for Syndrome."

"Thank you, Hilary." She stood up and ran out of the room.


Jack waited in his car when he saw Andrea come out of Derek's house. "Hey. I hear that you're having a rough day."

"Who says?"

"Pretty much everyone. I think maybe you need to go home and get some rest."

"I'm fine."

"No, Andrea, you're not fine. You just went to see a 10-year-old for help."

"She's the only one making any sense."

"What's going on? What's...really going on?"

"I know what I have to do."


At the sheriff's station, Andrea packed her things into a box. She took her badge off and put it on the desk.

"You're quitting?" Jack looked shocked. "But I thought you liked being Sheriff."

"I did. But I just can't work for Derek anymore."

"You're doing what?" Derek, who was standing by the door, yelled to them. "Did you put him up to this?" He pointed accusingly at Jack.

"Don't blame him. It was my idea." Andrea stood in between them.

"You don't look well, sweetheart. Let's take you home." Derek grabbed Andrea's arm, dragging her with him.

She broke free from his grasp. "No, I-I don't want to go home. Not with you."

Derek looked back and forth between them. "Oh? But you'll go with him?"

"Hey, this is between you two. Leave me out of it." Jack said firmly.

"He's right. It's between us, and things have to change."

"And I wonder, why that is all of a sudden."

"It has nothing to do with him. You know, I've realized that I don't feel anything, Derek, and I know now it's not me. It's you."

"So, you're leaving me for him?"

"I'm leaving you for me."

"Andrea, you're not thinking straight."

"Actually, for the first time, I am. I'd rather have nothing than settle for less. Nothing is better than what we have. I need to feel something, Derek, and the only way to do that is to give myself a chance."


"I'm sorry. It's over."

Derek stepped back, hurt. Andrea and Jack looked at each other.

"I don't know what I ever did to you, Jack, to deserve this." Derek angrily snarled at him. "To have you keep coming after everything I care about."

"I told you, it's not him." She assured him.

"None of this happened until he got here."

"I'm sorry, but have you ever stopped to think that maybe the problem isn't with me, but with you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Hilary came and found me." Jack said. "Andrea kissed me. Both were miserable. Maybe, Mr. Mayor, you need to take a good, hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why that is. Why is everyone running away from you?"

Derek punched Jack in the face, making him fall into Andrea and they fell to the ground.

"Derek!" She shouted.

Jack stood up and punched Derek back in the face. Jack grabbed Derek and pushed him against the wall.

Andrea also stood up and tried to split them up. "Stop! Stop, Stop!" She finally pulled Jack away. Derek gently touched his bloody jaw.

"Not worth it." Jack glanced at Derek before walking away.

"Andrea." Derek approached her, but she began to leave, following Jack.


Andrea had gotten an ice pack from the first aid kit and handed it to Jack.

"I'm sorry." She gently pressed the ice pack to his head. "I don't know what came over me, how I lost my mind."

"It's okay. You were tired and feverish... And heartbroken."

Andrea prepared iodine to applied it to Jack's wound. She stopped to look at him. "I don't know why I let myself get caught up with him."

"Because it was easy and safe. Not feeling anything is an attractive option when what you feel stinks." She walked over to him. Gently, she dabbed the cut on his face, making him wince. "Felt that."


Soon, Andrea finished treating Jack's wound. "All better."


She turned to put away the contents of the first aid kit and then saw that Jack was staring at her. "What?"

Jack slowly walked over to her and after a few minutes, they kissed. Andrea suddenly had flashbacks of the events of her life as Mirage in the order they occurred. She broke away from him with a gasp.

"Andrea? You okay?" He asked.

"I remember."


"I remember."

"You remember what?"

Andrea slowly approached Jack, starting to tear up. She cupped his face with her hands. "Thank you." Jack smiled at her and they kissed again.