January 3, 1990 - Daffodils (Part 3/3)


To Eleven. January 3, 1990.

It was probably the worst Christmas of my life. No one came to greet me, "Merry Christmas" at probably the worst and most boring moment of my life. I was all alone in my studio sitting in the back of the kitchen wondering why my parents opposed to me going to school in the capital city. Instead, they agreed to let me go to a school in a neighboring island. I get it that they wanted me to be an alumnus of the same university as them.

Even though the modernity of the city was very much alike to the capital city, I still missed the warm company of my friends back home. My parents, as much of an entrepreneur they are, they would always put work as second priority and never let me celebrate Christmas alone. This year though, they were stranded because of a typhoon. Hence, they just decided to celebrate Christmas and New Year's abroad.

I could have went back home to the capital city alone, but considering how flights are fully booked around the holiday seasons, I was left alone in the damn studio. Recently, my new friend Cal, invited me to celebrate New Year's at his house over at his mountain villa. He stated how he would invite other friends over, to have a small gathering of maybe five people.

Cal instructed us to bring items for a small ritual of Secret Santa which was at this point, long overdue. Knowing not what to bring, all I could think of was the small painted box I made during arts class and putting one of my favorite books inside, Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson.

I arrived at seven in the evening. Cal was busy cooking popcorn for a skylight viewing he arranged, while another acquaintance, Jon was selecting the track list for the music to be used for the party. About thirty minutes later, other people started arriving. Heidi, Jon's girlfriend entered first while Selena, Cal's girlfriend entered next.

Now Playing: Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh (1986)

Just before Cal was about to commence the party, Selena suddenly blurted out that she had invited another person to the party. That was when I first saw you. You were wearing a red dress as red as crimson that made you stand out from everyone. Your eyes glistened as the warm lights of the room reach your very eyes.

I could remember each and every moment of the now slowing time. I could still remember Chris de Burgh's Lady in Red playing in the background. As everyone slowly settles and a slow dance initiates, Heidi went with Jon and Cal went with Selena. You were left with me as the song slowly progresses to its end. We looked each other in the eyes and started dancing to the slow tempo of the song. You were graceful and stunning.

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek

There's nobody here, it's just you and me

It's where I want to be

But I hardly know this beauty by my side

I'll never forget the way you look tonight

-Lady in Red-

At this very moment I realized that maybe this holiday season wasn't so bad after all. As the dance comes to an end, everyone went off to do different things. As the two girls went off with their boyfriends, you were left alone in the dark corner of the room.

As your eyes were scanning and checking out on things to do, you saw me on the other side of the room, and suddenly, your smile popped out from the darkness as dimples started to show from the side of your cheeks. I could feel my very ears start to feel hot and numb. I didn't know how a smile could get me a blood rush, but somehow it did.

Suddenly, I felt feverish and timid as I slowly walked over to your direction. We talked slowly as the fragrance of your perfume filled the room. You said you couldn't go home as you were busy with school and your research paper. For once, I was actually thankful for research papers. How would I possibly meet you if it weren't for that?

People say how time moves quickly when you are in the most blissful moments of life. We talked for hours that felt like minutes. After a while, Cal called us over so that we could start exchanging gifts. As Jon started rolling papers with our names on it, I slowly grabbed my gift and wishing that we'd both be each other's secret Santa.

Just before I could grab a paper from the jar filled with our names, I slowly uttered a fervent prayer wishing for your name to be in my hands. I opened the sheet of rolled paper, realizing how we never asked for each other's names. As I unrolled the paper, I saw an unfamiliar name, "Eleven". I was so happy to see your name inside.

Even though you didn't draw my name, I was more elated than I ever was for the past semester. Your sweet name in my hands means you'd at least something that you'd remember me by. I received a tumbler from Jon while you gave out a journal to Selena. When you opened the gift box and saw a box with a Daffodil motif, you slightly smiled in my direction.

After receiving the book I gave to you, you slowly went in my direction. You asked why I gave you a box with a daffodil motif. Though I couldn't answer then, I can answer you right now. I didn't know if it was purely coincidental or was it by fate, but all I know was that everything started from a Daffodil box.

Fireworks exploded, marking a new year. Just like how a yellow daffodil shows bliss and simplicity, it also coheres with the same emotions my heart radiates. In the language of flowers, Daffodils signify "New Beginnings". May this new year signify new beginnings for you and me.

Love, Sol