
⚠️⚠️⚠️There is going to be violence and words that may come across as hurtful. Please do not take any of those words personal.

Y/n's POV

I walked down the calm streets of my hometown, the place I've grown up in. I pass by familiar restraints finally reaching my destination. Walking in I smell Italian food being cooked in the kitchen. I sit down in a table waiting for the food I ordered. My f/f arrives and I take in its aroma my mouth watering. I take a bit—BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!

I groan turning off the ticking monstrosity people call an alarm. I lay staring at the ceiling. I have a plane to catch in an hour, Max can't help, his dad can't help, so I'm stuck doing this... BY MYSELF?! Ughhh! I really don't wannnnnaaaaaa. 3:00 am was visible on my clock.

After my mental tantrum I got up to go shower and brush my teeth. Looking in the mirror I let my hair do it's thing not bothering to brush it.

I checked the time 3:33. I was low key expecting a ghost to come out of no where and scare me but guess not. I put on a hoodie and sweats then grabbing a bag to put all the things imma take with me in the plane. After I put everything inside I double checked to make sure.

Once I was done I went to the door slipping my phone in my pocket my AirPods in my ears blasting my favorite music. Goodbye love!!! I think closing the door to the place I've called home for the past five years.

Walking out I head to my favorite breakfast joint, arriving I order my favorite and sit. While waiting the manager Julianna, came up to sit with me just talking before I leave. She and I were good friends, sometimes she'd give me discounts or even the whole meal free and I was grateful for that. We continued talking even after my food got here and I began eating. When I finished I bid her goodbye and left, hailing a taxi that took me to the airport.

Getting to the airport I got my ticket then I went through security. When I was done I sat waiting for my plane to be called for boarding. I was currently on the phone with Max, my bestfriend, the guy I've been living with for the last five years. Him and his dad had been nice enough to let me live with them after the incident.

"I'm so excited man just two more weeks and I can go with you!" He says over the phone, I could hear the smile in his voice even though I couldn't see it.Currently he and his dad were at their own works, they had night shift. "Yea me too." As I say this I hear my plane be called to get boarded. "Alright I gotta go my plane got called." "Sure, love you man, see you soon!" He basically screams over the phone. "Ok, see you!" Pulling the out my phone to hang up he speaks again. "HEY, You have to say 'I love you too'!" Laughing I reply. "Ok, love you too max! See you soon!" I can since another smile as he says. "Ok I'll let you go, bye!" He hangs up before I put my phone in my pocket making my way to the front of the line.

After I got the ticket I headed through the terminal getting inside the plane. I sat down after helping some people with their luggage's, resting my head on the wall of the plane looking out the window.

Flash back~~

Three months ago me and Max were in dance class practicing like usual. When our couch, Mr.Anderson came up to the both of us. "Boys, I have big news!" He says and the both of us look at eachother then at our coach. "What is it?" We say in unison. "Black Out has requested a dancer from here and I want you both to go!" He says hands in front of him making shapes for emphasis. "Wow really!" I say. "This is so cool!" Max says almost immediately after me. But then our coaches face falls slightly. "There is one thing though..." we look at him after our mini celebration. "What?" I ask before he answers. "There is only one spot open, only one of you can go." Realizing what the problem was we slumped deep in thought. "Well, we all know y/n is better than me, even though it's just by a tiny little bit," he says smirking at what he said looking at me while I playfully roll my eyes. "but I think he should go. And if anything we can raise money so I can go with him and study there too." He says putting his hands together like he was praying under his chin. I nod, liking the idea. "Yeah that's a good idea! Wow Max didn't know you had that in you!" I say acting fake surprised. He pushes me slightly making the both of us laugh as I stumble back.

Mr.Andersons POV

These two are really good friends. At least they're in good spirits. I think before looking up at the boys that were fighting on the floor. "Ok boys keep practicing I'll go make the file in my office!" I say turning around. "And don't break anything!!!" I think back to the other time they put a whole in my wall and a dent in my floor. TILE floor. I don't even want to know how that happened. I enter my office beginning the paper I have to turn in.


I sat in my seat when he flight attendant spoke. "Good morning lady's and gentleman, today we will be going to Paris France. To ensure your safety I would suggest fastening your seatbelts and placing all your electronics in airplane mode. Thank you, enjoy the flight." After doing as she said I soon passed out recovering the hours of sleep I missed by waking up this early.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TK ME LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE FAGGOT?!" My so called day yells in my face before throwing a punch at my already bruised torso. "Honey, just try to make it so you can't see them! I already had teachers call me asking about it!" 'Mom' says from the couch looking at dad. "Don't worry, as long as little faggot here doesn't snitch like a bitch, nothing will happen." Dad says reassuring my mom. As he continues hitting me we l hear something from the front door


I wake up from the dream sweating and panting. The flight attendant noticed and came up to me asking if I was alright. I replied with an I'm fine. "Do you need any beverages? Anything?" She says worried. "I'm fine, but can I get a water please?" I ask wiping my wet forehead. She replies with an of course before heading to get me what I needed. She came back and I thanked her before she headed back to the front.

Time skip

"Lady's and gentleman, welcome to Paris! We will be landing soon so I ask you to fasten your seatbelts and return your devices to airplane mode once more. Have a nice stay thank you for flying with New Blue airlines we hope to see you again!" The flight attendant says before turning off the microphone. I sat up doing as she says looking out the window. It was currently 9:00 am and the sun was far in the sky overlooking Paris. Everything looked so beautiful and I can't believe I'm going to be living here.

As we land I help people with their luggage's then head out of the plane myself. Looking outside I got a taxi and it took me to my apartment. The company I'm working for had given me money in advance to get me here. It was enough to pay for my plane ticket and a months rent here.

Arriving at my apartment I got out pid the driver and entered. The interior of the apartment had white walls with dark oak floors the doors matching the floor. To the left of the entrance was a living area and to the far wall was a closet for the laundry machines that came with the apartment. I closed the closet doors and headed to the right of the entrance. There was a dining area that didn't have much aside from windows on the wall because I had to buy the furniture. Then there was the kitchen. The kitchen had an island in the middle that held a sink and dishwasher. On the built in counter that were on the wall was a refrigerator, stove, and microwave. There was a walk in pantry on the far side of the wall and it completed the look. Walking into the hallway there was two forra opposite of eachother. To the left was a small bathroom with a toilet and sink. Above the sink was a mirror and that's about it. On the right of the hallway was an empty room that I would probably turn into a library or office.

Farther into the hallway there were two other doors in opposite directions. Both are master bedrooms. They both have a small walk on balcony with glass doors and curtains that can be used to cover the windows. They both also had walk in closets with built in drawers and racks for shirts and coats. They also had a separate bathroom each. The bathrooms had a shower and bathtub put together, with built in shelf's on one side for I'm guessing towels. On the other side of the bathroom are white marble counters with a sink and big mirror on top. One bedroom was for him the other is for when Max would come from y/h (your hometown).

I loved it! It looked beautiful and was spacious. Aside from the dozens of boxes on the floor it was really nice. Now to start unpacking. I was able to unpack things for my bedroom, closet, and bathroom before I heard my stomach grumble. I sigh putting the last shirt on the rack before getting up. I walked to the front door of my apartment after slipping on my shoes and putting my wallet in my pocket. Phone in hand, AirPods in my ears I walk out exploring my neighborhood.

About 10 minutes into my walk I saw a bakery named 'Tom and Sabine's Boulangerie Patisserie' . I go inside taking in the smell of baked goods. Walking up to the front I see a girl with two midnight colored pigtails and bluebell eyes. She was pretty cute if I do say so myself. I look at the pastry's on display when she speaks. "H-Hello, my names Marinette w-what would you like?" She seemed very jumpy, nervous almost. "Hi Marinette my names y/n. Can I have the f/p and f/p?" I say pointing to the pastries through the glass. "Of course!" She gets some gloves from the counter besides her. "You're new here right?" I look at her my eyes wide surprised by the question. "I-I-I'm just asking because I haven't seen you around!"She says frantically waving her hands in front of her. I chuckle. "Yeah, I actually just moved in. I'm a college student, I'll be going to Françiose Dupont!" I say excitedly. "Wow really? I go there!" She says getting up handing me the pastries. "That'll be 4.38 euros!" I hand her the money and she gives me the pastries. "We'll see you at school Marinette!" I say opening the door to leave. "See you y/n!" She says before I close the door.

I walk home ima good mood because I just made a friend on my first day! Yes!!