
Y/ns POV

After getting home from the bakery I finished my food and continued unboxing. I sit on my chair on my balcony over looking the city. The Eiffel Tower was glowing with the lights, the building lights shining through windows, everything looked peaceful. After I finished unboxing everything I sat here looking over the city while ordering furniture on my phone.

It was 10:00 but I wasn't tired I had energy inside that I needed to let loose. So I decided to go on a jog. Changing into a tank top and joggers I put on my nikes and put on my AirPods. After putting my phone in my pocket I head out side. I stretch before beginning my jog around the neighborhood.

At some point durning my jog I had seen a girl coming up on my path. Then out of no where she just disappeared. Weird. I guess I just imagined it. But then later on in my jog it happened again, and again. I decided to take a breather and head to the top of a roof, as I got up I saw a lady wearing a skin tight revealing dress, with makeup and a hair do. I wouldn't have paid it any attention if it weren't for the wings and dark mass coming from her. Besides her was a guy who looked horrified.

I was walking up to her when someone pushed me off the roof holding me till we both hit the floor. "Oucchhh." I say rubbing my back I had landed on. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drop you! It was an accident I swear!" She said almost as nervous as Marinette. "Marinette..?" I ask, seeing the outline of pigtails and the voice. She stepped into the light, yes she definitely looks like her. Blue eyes and midnight hair. But then I saw her outfit. A red suit with black dots aligning the entire thing, topped off with a mask covering the upper part of her face. "M-M-Marinette?!?! Pshh haha you must be c-confusing me for someone else!! I'm lady bug!" She says frantically shoving her hands in front of her. "But you're just like her.." I say standing up getting a closer look. "I-I'm not just like her! How would you know anyways??? You only met her today!" I furrow my eyebrows confused. The release them. "You might think so.. but how would you know I just met her today?" I press the question taking another step towards her trying to intimidate her into telling me.One thing I really didn't like were liars. She sighs in defeat. "O-Ok yes it's me.. But y/n you have to promise me you won't tell anyone who I am!! Please it can put my family in danger!" Now I was really confused. "Danger? How is it that you dress up like a bug at night put your family in danger?" She was about to say something before she looked behind me stopping what she was about to do.

"Hey bugaboo! What are you doing here in an alley?" I turn around to see a hot guy in a cat themed suit made out of...leather. Damn talk about uncomfortable. I look at his face half covered by a mask his green eyes glowing. Looking in between us the cat guy talks. "What's going on? Who are you, why are you so close to her?" He asks accusingly. I look at her too see we were only like six inches apart. I step away at the realization so does she. "It's not what it looks li—" I was cut off by a cat ramming me into a wall. I hiss as my already injured back hit the wall hard. "Then what was it?!" Before I can speak 'lady bug' pulls him away from me. She walks up to me lifting up my shirt to see my back. "Ooh, how are you y/n? You have scratches and I think you'll have some bruises." She asks completely ignoring the cats presence. "I'm fine, nothing a little Vick's won't fix." I say pulling my shirt down giving her a smile. I look behind her to see a jealous cat. "Sorry about the impression. I could see how that must have looked. You were just trying to be a good friend." I smile at him giving him my hand to shake. "Names y/n." My efforts just earned a tch from the cat. "Chat.." I heard from behind me most likely lady bug. He takes out his hand shaking mine "Chat Noir, lady bugs partner." He emphasizes the word partner so that I get the message.

"So lady bug who was the lady that was up there?" I ask looking at her from over my shoulder. She sighs before answering. "It's another akumatized civilian. Her boyfriend hung out with girls so she got jealous, she calls herself  'One'." "Akumatized?" I ask. "I'll explain later. Me and chat have to go make sure she doesn't hurt anyone. You can head home."I knew that it meant we would talk as civilians tomorrow so I nodded. Heading out. As I was walking back I was deep in thought why are they dressed like that?

I shower, and get an apple from the fridge heading to my bed. I lay down while on the phone with max explaining everything that happened. "Wow was the cat cute?" Was the first thing he said after I finished my story. "That's the first thing you say really? No 'are you ok y/n' or 'how's your back' ?" I ask laughing. "Oh right! Is your back okay?" He says sarcastically leaving the both of us laughing. "Ok imma go to sleep call you tomorrow!" I say yawning, before throwing my apple core in the trash. "Yea goodnight y/n!" He hangs up then I put my phone to charge. All I have in my room is my bed and a nightstand right beside it. It'll get better! I think closing my eyes falling asleep.


Ugh great.. mornings here.

I groan rolling around until I hit the floor with a yelp. I get up heading to my closet to put on clothes for classes. Today was Monday. Which means no dance class today, which gives me time to explore even more.

It was a warm March morning so I had gotten a simple black tank top with a sweater zipped up 1/3 of the way with the sleeves rolled up and black ripped jeans. Today I decided I'd wear some black nike charger sneakers. Simple was what went through my mind when I looked in the mirror.

I head out after packing my back pack that I had slung over one shoulder putting my phones and wallet in my pocket. I head out locking the door before placing my keys in my backpack. I walk to Marinette's bakery once arriving I enter. I was greeted by a lady that looked like Marinette. Her mom. "Hello, what would you like?" "Hello, Umm can i get f/p?" I say looking at the man besides her afterwards. "Hello." I say to be nice. "He smiled giving me a wave. After I pay she was about to give me my food when Marinette came in from a door that led to stairs. "Ah! Y/n! What are you doing here?" She screams startled by my presence. "Good morning to you too marinette. I just came to get something to eat before going to school." I say reaching out to get my food before she pulls it away again my lips close into a line. "Oh you're a friend of Marinette? Well why didn't you say so? Well nice to meet you I'm Sabine and this is my husband Tom." She gestures towards the man that was standing behind her. "Ah nice to meet you too I'm y/n I just moved in!" I shake their hands then get my pastry finally being able to put my hands on my food. I turn around before Marrinette grabs my hand that has my food to grab my attention. But when she did my pastry fell from my hand to the floor. Ahh darn it... "Oh Marinette... here I'll give you another one, on the house!" She says trying to make up for my fallen pastry. "Really thank you!" She gets me another one while Marinette was speaking to me. "How about we walk to school together and I can tell you what has been happening in Paris!" She says giddily. "Sure, it'll be fun!" I say grabbing my other pastry to replace my fallen one. "Thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Dupain!Have a nice day!" I say before heading out with Marinette.

I open the door and walk out apparently without paying attention as I crashed into a male that was entering the same time as me. The sudden interruption made me drop my pastry (rip) and made Marinette and her drink ram into my back. Ahhh poor pastry the things you have done to get to me just for your efforts to come in vain... I silently pray for my pastry before looking up to the person who I had ran into.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" I say looking up to see a guy with green eyes and blond hair. Chat..? When he looked at me his face turned into a scowl for an instant before going back to normal. "It's fine." He didn't sound like it was though. I gave him a wary look before turning around. "Hey Marinette are you ok?" I say lending her a hand as she fell onto the floor. Her shirt was wet and it sort was see through now. Being a good friend after she got up I took off my sweater. "Here. I don't know if u want to wear this until your shirt dries or if you want to go change." I say avoiding her chest area looking into her eyes. "Really thanks y/n! But what about your pastry?" She says pointing to the floor where my pastry lay dead. *tear. "It's fine I don't want to bother your parents by having to get another one. Let's just head to class." As I say this I pick up the pastry giving but to some birds that were on the ground. I turn around realizing we also had Goldilocks with us.

Adriens POV

As I saw everything y/n did I could see he had no I'll intention. He was nice to even the birds that no one pays attention to by giving them his fallen pastry! Guess I misjudged him. He had given his sweater to Marinette so he was left in a tank top that fit him well he wasn't like super built but the amount of muscle he had complimented his body and face. Then I remember some thing he said. "Wait...having to get another one?" I ask. How many times did his pastry fall this morning? "This would be the second time it fell. The first time they had given me another one for free. I don't want to ask for another because they seem like they would give me another one for free too." He explains making gestures with his hands. I nod not saying anything.

His eyes widen like he just realized something. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself! I'm y/n I moved here yesterday! It's nice to meet you." He takes out his hand for me to shake. "Names adrien I go to class with Marinette." I say taking his hand. "So Adrien how about the three of us walk to class together?" He looks at Marinette with a look I can't read before she nods, then he looks at me. "Sure"

"So Marinette, what are your hobbies?" He asks breaking the awkward silence that we've held for about five minutes. "I really like drawing, but mainly fashion that's what I'm majoring in!" She says excitedly talking about her passion. "What about you adrien?" I thought about his question before answering. "I like fencing, I find it a really cool version of art shown in battle." His eyes widen in interest. "Wow, you guys have really cool hobbies, mine is dancing. That's actually why I came to Paris, I'm working at Black Out! It's so thrilling!" Now it's our turn to be interested. "You work at Black Out?!" Me and Marinette say in sync. "Yeah, i got the job three months ago but I'm going to start tomorrow!" He says basically skipping in excitement it was pretty cute in how he was excited. "Hey y/n I heard you hung out with lady but yesterday. What happened?" I ask trying to find out what he was doing. "Haha actually I was on a jog and wanted to get a breather on a roof and there was this weird lady holding a guy not too far from me. When I tried getting closer Somehow me and lady bug were falling onto the floor of an alleyway. She had landed on top of me and I hit my back pretty hard on the floor," I grimaced. No wonder lady bug was worried when I threw him into the wall he had already hurt his back.... "Chat came to help his partner and I accidentally hit the wall on my back and it got worse. Even though I've only met them once I think they're good people." Omg... he purposely avoided when I threw him into the wall. He doesn't want us getting a bad image of me... I really misjudged this guy. A wave of guilt fell on me and it seemed y/n noticed. "Hey are you all right man? Nothing bad happened you don't have to worry." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him making sure he knew I was alright. "Yeah I'm fine. But chat didn't do anything right? He tends to get out of hand when it comes to ladybug." I ask trying to get it out of him. "No he actually was a really good friend to lady bug. He seems really reliable." He told me. I stayed silent simply nodding my head. "How's your back though y/n are you sure it's alright?" Marinette being the good friend she is asked. "Yeah like i said don't worry it's just a couple of scratches." Some sort of fear ran through y/ns eyes but I don't know what could have caused it. We let go of the topic finding another one.

We got to know y/n better and by the time we got to school and we became good friends. We walk to the stairs when Alta comes running to Marinette and Alta jogging over to me.

Y/ns POV

I felt slightly awkward as I was left alone, the other two groups just talking. I head into the school after waving them goodbye. (Pretend luka is only a year older he is a second year in college you are a first year. Ok? ok.) i walk in wandering around heading towards the principles office. I grab my schedule sitting down at a bench. Setting my bag in front of me. As I did my stomach grumble and I groaned remembering I didn't get to eat this morning. I heard a chuckle from the side of me when I looked up. "Here you can have it. I already ate I won't eat it." Say a good looking boy with black hair and blue tips. I looked in his eyes and got slightly lost. "Thanks my breakfast went through a lot this morning.haha" I say laughing at the memory as he sits down besides me. "How about you tell me what happened?" I nod telling him what happened. By the end of the story I was pouting and he was laughing beside me. I opened what he gave me and it was a sandwich made  just the way I like it. "Thanks again...." waiting for his name I look at him. "Luka." I nod. "Names y/n." We talked more until the bell rang and we went into our separate classes.

I really liked that kid I kind of felt like he was a brother I never had. I felt nice. I think walking into my class, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the new kid. Aka me. Talk about uncomfortable. I got annoyed by their stares so I decided to say something. "What are y'all staring at?" After that everyone went back to what they were doing and I sat down next to a kid with red hair. "Hey, names y/n." I say placing my bag in the seat. He nods. Shy. Was all I thought before he said something. "I'm Nathaniel." He says face red. He reminds me of Marinette. Speaking of Marinette I'm pretty sure she had a thing for Goldilocks. She hardly spoke to him on our walk but when she did she would stutter and her face would redden. I feel like I was in the middle of a teenage love story, trying to keep the story going.

I chuckled to myself when I looked over to see what Nathaniel was doing. He was drawing...Marinette. "Ooo love triangles are the worst.."I mumble to myself. Nathaniel looks at me. "Huh?" He asks questioningly. I shake my head. "Nothing!" After that I place in my AirPods and wait for the teacher to get here.

There is going to be so much drama! I couldn't tell if I was excited for it or dreading the amount of tears that people will shed. Oh well I'll find out soon enough.

Thing is, I didn't know I was going to be a big part in this drama.