Aw dammit!

Y/n's POV

I made better friends with Nathaniel as I was going to have to sit with him for the rest of the year. For my next class I had science and I had adrien.

I sat with him after asking if the seat was taken. He seemed relieved when I sat down and I didn't under stand why until I heard a shriek. "ADRIKINS!!! There you are I've been looking for— who are you?" She says pointing at me.The second she asked that question everyone's eyes were on us. "Me?" I ask pointing to myself. "Yes! You!" She shrieks. "Me?" I ask again amused, i was trying to mess with her. "Yes!" She yells getting closer. "Me..? I'm sorry do I know you?" I can hear Adrien stiffle a laugh from besides me. I smirked but went back to my innocent face. "Ughhh whatever!!! What are you doing in MY seat?!?!" She seems like a brat. "Sitting." I reply simply putting my face in my hand my elbow on the desk. I hear another stifled laugh coming from adrien. "Why do you ask?" I ask giving her another innocent look. By now everyone was trying to keep their laughter down.

"Well...!! It's MY seat!!" She shrieks almost breaking my ears. "Oh really? Well that's nice to know. Anymore unimportant information you have for me?" I ask tapping my finger on my desk. "It's not UNIMPORTANT ! You're just too stupid to get it through your thick skull." I look at her bored. "Oh sorry was I supposed to be offended?" I ask looking at her in the eyes now. Raising my eyebrows. "What makes you think this is your seat by the way. If I'm correct I am sitting down in it."  "Oh I'm sorry what was that I don't speak stupid!" She says smirking at me. "Well if you ask me you seem to be pretty fluent." I cross my arms over my chest bored of our conversation yawning. She huffed when everyone started laughing heading to a different seat. I smirked watching her leave knowing that I won.

"At least now I know why you were so relieved when I sat here instead of her. What's her name by the way?" I asked realizing i didn't know her name. "Her names chloe we've been friends since we were kids." I nod my mind drifting onto max. It's so weird not having him here I miss him. As these thoughts crossed my mind the teacher came in and started the class.

When the class ended I met up with Luka and we went to the cafeteria. When we got there Marinette waved us over. We both sat down I was in between Luka and Alya. With us was Nino Alya Adrien Marinette then me and Luka. We sat at a round table. Marinette was next to Luka who was next to me who was next to Alya who was next to nino who was next to Adrien that went back all the way to Marinette. I was talking with Alya and Nino trying to get to know them better. When I looked over at the three Marinettes and Lukas face were red, and that's when I realized something. Omg Luka likes Marinette, Nathaniel like Marinette, and Marinette likes Adrien. Oooohhh love SQUARE? Damnnnn Marinettes got hoes!!! Dats my gurl!!! I roll my eyes at my own weird thoughts. Looking back at Alya and Nino continuing our conversation. I also noticed Adrien had somehow gotten a cut on his jaw area in between the ten minutes that we were separated when I asked Nino he said he had hit himself on the wall while they were walking here.

After school I walked with Marinette to her house so we can talk about our lady bug situation. When we arrive I say my hellos to her parents and enter her house. Wow your house looks really nice..." I say looking around. "Haha thanks. I try to keep it clean but I'm hardly here so it's kinda hard."

We walk into her room, and I sit on her bed. Her eyes widen when she remembers the pictures of adrien she has everywhere. She starts running around taking them down. "Haha don't worry I already new about your crush on goldilocks." I say reassuring her to keep calm. She groans "It's that obvious.." she says slumping on the floor. "I wouldn't get mad at him for being dense. I know a couple people who fawn over you already and I don't think you've noticed." I say taking a bite of an apple that I got from her kitchen without her seeing. She stares at the Apple in my hands before speaking. "Well let's get to why we're here. We're here cause you have no idea what's been going around in Paris." After explaining everything, I nodded at everything's she's been saying taking in all the information.

A little bug came out of her bag both of our eyes widened when me and the bug saw eachother. "Marinette!" The both of us said getting on either sides of her for cover. "Relax y/n it's just tiki." "Oooo for second I thought I was dreaming." I say cautiously looking over the small 'Kwami' it doing the same to me. I reach my hand out and it observed my hand before putting their own hand in mine. I step closer to it. "Woah... you're so small! Oh no offense by the way." I looked over the bug and it looked over me like it's never seen someone other than females. "Has she never seen a boy up close before?" I say looking over at Marinette. "Well with me she hasn't, she's usually in my bag or in my room but never up close to a boy." I nod. I was playing with tiki like a little kid. When I noticed the time. I groaned. "Ah I was supposed to go exploring." I say looking out the window the sun was just about to go down. Tiki lights up. "What if me and Marinette take you exploring you know as lady bug!" I nod at the idea looking over at Marinette for approval. "Sure!" She transforms as I watch in awe. "That is so cool!" I tell her. We walk onto her balcony and she carries me around Paris showing me everything I need to know. The last place was the Eiffel Tower.

When we arrived I saw a familiar black cat. "Hey chat!" I say as lady bug lands. He turns to me surprised that I came with lady bug. I look at the view as he replies with a 'hey y/n'. It looks super pretty here. "Hey bugaboo!" He says to ladybug and she just says a simple hey. "My lady why won't you go out on a date with me today? The both of us would make a purrfect couple you know it!" Ha, damn Marinette you have the cat after you too?!

When I looked back at the both of them they looked really nice mashed up with the view almost as if they was born to be in a picture. Then that when I noticed he had a scratch on his jaw. Confused I walked closer about mere inches away from him. He looked at me surprised but then I turned his face to the side so that I could see his jaw more clearly. When I did I asked, "Hey chat, how'd you get this?" I pointed to the scratch he had. When I looked at his face I saw that he was sort of red. "You're a little close don't you think?" I was confused until I realized how close I was. I stepped back givin him some space. "Sorry.." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "It's fine I've found you have a tendency of getting a little too close." He says, the memory of how close I was to lady bug flashed threw my mind. I felt even more ashamed of my habit. I've always had that bad habit of getting just a little too close I had it since I was like five. I never do it purposely I always do it without thinking. But it doesn't make it any better just means I have to control it more.

I look down but then back up at a realization. He avoided the question. Why? "But how'd you get that scratch?" I ask again. He looked slightly worried. "I got scratched by a cat, haha.." he looked away from me. I was even more suspicious. Adrien has the same scratch in the same spot. If Adrien was chat it would make since on why he looked mad to see me in the morning with the impression I left on him yesterday. It would also make since because Chat didn't look pissed when he saw me earlier. I gasped at another realization this one not as important. Wait if he really is Adrien and Marinette likes adrien and Adrien is chat and Chat likes ladybug and lady bug is Marinette they're made for eachother! I smile at my thoughts. I was slightly disappointed as I had a mini crush on both chat and Adrien but oh well what do I have? Leave em be y/n you'll get your own boyfriend someday. I sigh looking at the both of them. Then look at the time. It was really late. "Alright lovebirds I need to get home. See you!" I say getting ready to head down the stairs when I heard Chat call. "Hey why don't I take you home, it's the most I can do for actually helping me get Miladys heart over here." He says turning to lady bug giving her a wink. Earning an eye roll from her. I shrug, "Sure." He picks me up taking me to my house landing on my balcony.

"Thanks, Goodnight Adrien." I freeze. "Shit.." I mumble. He wasn't supposed to know that I knew what he knew that no one was supposed to know!!! Idiot!!! I rambled in my head hoping he didn't hear what I said earlier. "Oh would you look at the time! Good night chat-!!" I walked into my apartment trying to close the glass door but was stopped by a foot holding the door open. I silently groan.

"Do you need something chat? I kinda have a long day tomorrow. *fake yawn* ooh I'm so tired see you later!" I say trying to get rid of his foot but it wouldn't budge. "Y/n." He said sternly.  I look up sheepishly. "Hehe yes...?" I just wanted him to leave and act like I never said anything. "Who told you that I was Adrien he had a serious voice that was concerning. "A-Adrien whaaa???? I had no idea. Wow so cool!" After another attempt of me trying to close the door he calls me again. "Y/n." I sigh with the thought that there was no getting out of this. "Come in..." I grudgingly said opening the door for him to step inside.

He looked at me waiting for my explanation. I sigh. "No one told me I found out with the scratch. Earlier today I saw it even though you tried covering and I asked Nino and he told me that you didn't want people to think that you were getting in fights even though you just hit a wall by accident. And when I saw you today I noticed it so I got a closer look and it was exactly like the one you had earlier today. So then it hit me and all the dots connected when I thought about it. And then I thought about you and ladybug because she likes you and then there were other people that like her but then I thought both of you were perfect for eachother because you both liked eachother and you were hero's and you are really cool people as civilians. And I was sorta disappointed cause I kinda mighta gotten a tiny itty bitty crush on—" I stopped my ramble realizing I was about to say I liked him. "He looked at me shocked. "You know who ladybug is?!" I nodded shamefully realizing I had told him, it's not like I told him who she was right? "What do you mean she likes me though?" He asks. "She likes Adrien but I haven't been with her as ladybug long enough to see if she likes you as chat too..." I say I feel like if I'm a spy reporting everything to the other person when I'm not really supposed to. I looked up to see chats ears down as he sat on my bed. "She likes Adrien. Not me. Adriens a model all looks nothing else." He says sadly. No I have to make this love story work!!! I think!

"No beleive me if she were to list the things she likes most about you looks isn't the first thing that would come to her mind. When I asked she told me 'he's not like that looks is just a bonus, he's nice, kind, sweet, responsible, charming, funny, and everything I'd fall for.'" I say batting my eyelashes like Marinette does when she talks about Adrien. He perked up "Really she said that!" I nodded smiling at his change in mood. He is so cute...!!! No! Y/n this is your friends future boyfriend stop it! I mentally slap my self.

His eyebrow perks up when he remembers something. "What do you mean you were disappointed when you found out because you liked—BEEP BEEP BEEP! I've never been so glad to hear that sound. I let out a breath shoving him out onto my balcony. "Goodbye you have to go before you turn back!" "But you already know who I am—" he got cut off by me closing the door then the curtains. After a while I look out to see him with him with a confused face before it changing into a smile then jumping off the roof. I sigh falling to the floor. How can I have a crush on a guy I met the other day?! Omg emotions are confusing. My heart stung at the thought of me not being able to be able to get with chat. Oh well.

I head to bed exhausted with everything that came with today. I fell asleep almost immediately.

"Hey y/n." I look up to see dad sitting on my bed with a sincere look on his face. "Hey hun. How are you doing?" Mom says on the other side of me. I begin shaking from fear scared of what they were going to do. He sighs "Don't worry y/n we came to talk with you before we have to leave." He says looking at me. "O-Ok..." I say slowly sitting up still shaking. My mom noticed it. "I-I'm so sorry we did this to you my poor baby!" My mom starts crying engulfing me in a hug. "I-It's ok mom. It's over n-now." I say trying to comfort her. I've never ever seen my mom cry. When I looked over to my dad I saw he was crying too. "H-Hey it's alright guys. I'm ok. Max and his Dad took care of me." "Were so proud of you son. You've grown and been able to make your own future." He says before joining my mom in the hug. After a while they let go. "We love you y/n. We always will remember that" Mom says giving me a kiss on the forehead my dad doing the same. "I love you guys too." I say. They nod stepping out of the room and closing the door. Panicking I get up to get them to stay. "MOM DAD NO—"

"COME... back..." my voice quieting as the realization that it was just a dream made room in my head. Just as I calmed down my phone rings. It was Max. "Hello?" My voice came out slightly hoarse. "Hey... um y/n?" He says sounding hesitant. "Yeah?" I say waiting for him to continue. "Y/n... there was in accident and... you're parents... the passed away....—


I hung up.