Dance class

Y/n's POV

I hung up.


They died..?

I was crying but relieved at the same time. But I didn't know if I was relieved that they couldn't come back to hurt me again, or that they don't have to suffer with the thought of what they did to me. The dream...was that really them..? Sigh I need a run.

When I stepped outside I saw it was like 7:00 am based off of the suns position. I kept on jogging until I reached a park. I sat down by the fountain taking in the view. I put my head in my hands as the thoughts of my parents came rushing in again. I can't believe they're really gone.

As I sit I take out my phone. Music. That'll help. When I open my phone I see about ten missed calls and thirty messages from Max. Ah I feel bad I just hung up. He must be worried.

I was about to call when I got a call from Max. "Hey Max I'm sorry abou—""Y/n what happened are you ok?! What are you doing?! How are you feeling?!" He interrupts me ambushing next with questions. "Yeah I'm fine. It was just a lot to take in. I didn't mean to hang up I just...did. I needed some air so I came out for a walk. Sorry I didn't notice you trying to contact me.." I felt bad for worrying him like that.

"No it's fine I get it I was just worried. Are you sure you're ok though? I know they weren't the best people but they were still your parents..." I always loved that somehow Max manages to just know how I'm feeling. Even if I lie he knows. He always says the right thing and I'm thankful for that.

I smile listening to him. "Yeah, actually I had a weird dream a couple of minutes before you called me... it was about them. They were apologizing about what they did and then they left and I woke up then you called..." I say skeptically still not believing it happened. "Omg!!! My best friends a psychic! Wow when am I gonna get a girlfriend?" We both laugh. I could tell he was trying to cheer me up. I look at the time on my phone. "Hey Max imma head home. Schools gonna start in like thirty minutes and I'm in my pjs in the middle of a park." I can hear him laugh. "Okok I'll let you go. Bye." He hangs up before I put my phone in my pocket heading home.

When I arrive I shower then change. I wear a f/c t shirt and a sweater with some white ripped jeans and my Nike air charge sneakers. I grab my bag and put in all my necessities. When I was done I head out grabbing my phone wallet and Keyes. As I walk to Marinettes bakery to get some breakfast I silently pray I actually get to EAT it today.

I walk into the bakery taking in the smell of perfectly baked goods. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Dupain!" I say walking up to the front. "Oh good morning y/n would you like the same as yesterday?" Sabine says turning to look at me. Before I came in she was talking to Tom, and when I greeted I got a simple smile from Tom. Odd.. but I guess he's just than Marinette and her mom.

"Yes,please!" I say agreeing to her suggestion. I hand her the money, and she hands me the pastry. "I'll go get Marinette. Just give me a second." I nod.

Ok if I want her to get with Adrien then I have to find out how she feels about cat.... I strategize in my head what to do before I hear Marinette stumbling down the stairs. My head perks up when I hear a thump hit the floor. I stand up to see what it was and I see Marinette sprawled on the floor. "Hey! Marinette you alright?" I walk up to her giving her a hand before picking up her stuff that lay on the floor. I see tiki at one end shivering and coughing. I pick her up. "Hey what happened to her?" I look over at Marinette. Tiki had snuggled up against the hood of my sweater that engulfed her in warmth. "She had somehow gotten sick and I don't know what to do... she says she knows someone who can help but I have a test today and if I miss I'll fail, and they'll expel me because of my frequent absences. I promised I'd take her after school." I nod thinking about it. "What if I take her? I don't have anything today and if I miss anything important I can ask Adrien Alya or Nino about it." I say looking back down at the shivering kwami. "Really you would do that! Thank you so much! Well I have to go or I'll be late, bye!"

She leaves and I look at tiki. "Can you show me where it is I have to go?" She nods pointing in a direction and I listen eventually arriving at an apartment looking thing. I knock before stepping inside after hearing someone say 'come in'.Ding ding. The door makes a jingle as I enter. I look around the Japanese styled room before my eyes land on an old man. I glance at tiki asking if this is the guy. She just nods.

"Umm.. excuse me I need help with something." I say looking over at him. "What is it young man?" He says beckoning me forward. I take a few step closer before taking tiki out of my hood. "She's gotten sick and she said that you would help her." I say watching the guys eyes widen. He takes a step back. "Why do you have her?! I didn't give her to you!" He says taking another step back. I panic not knowing what to do. "No-no! Do not misunderstand. Marinette, the girl you gave her to. She had something to do today so I told her I would take tiki so she can be in the best shape for when an akuma attacks." Tiki sneezed and I pull her back into my hood trying to keep her warm. "O-Oh alright." He hesitantly takes a step toward me taking his hands out for tiki. I take her out of my hood gently placing her in his hands. He looks over me cautiously before retreating to a seat doing... something to tiki. I just awkwardly sat to the side watching. I didn't want to say anything because I might interrupt a magic...thing or...I don't know! But I didn't want to mess anything up.

After a while he speaks. "How did you find out Marinette was ladybug?" I sit up straight the memories going through my head. "U-Umm ladybug isn't the only identity I found out..." his eyes widen at my words. "I d-didn't stalk them I swear! But I'm just really observant. When I first met Marinette she was very jumpy and her pigtails and eyes are very distinctive. When I met ladybug she was the exact same. And well Chat.. I hadn't left the best impression on him on our first meeting. It was like being at the wrong place at the wrong time kinda thing... And then the next morning Adrien when I first met him seemed very displeased to see me. But as the day went on we started to become friends. And when I saw chat later that day. It seemed as if he didn't hate me anymore. But those things weren't really the thing that gave it away. When he was Adrien he had hit himself on a wall and gotten a scratch on his jaw. But he covered it trying to not leave a bad impression on people who saw it. Then as chat I saw chat had the same scratch and I got suspicious and then all the dots connected and well... yeah that stuff happened..." my ramble soon came to an end as I took in a breath. He just nodded at my statement. "Well they need to be way more careful... But I'm glad that it was you who found out. You don't seem to be a person with any ill intention."I smile at the compliment. "Haha thanks. What do I call you because I don't think I should just continue calling you sir." I nervously chuckle. "You can call me master fu. You are.." "y/n" I reply answering his question with a smile.

"But master fu is it true that the cat and ladybug miraculous are the most powerful?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going. "They are two of three. But as of now yes." He says putting his focus on tiki. "Woah both of my friends have miraculous and not only that but the most...powerful? Wait what do you mean two of three?" His words remained in my head. "There is a third miraculous. It's stronger than the other two ladybug and cat. As ladybug brings creation and cat brings destruction, the third brings the thing only all wish to have. Happiness. Now although it is stronger it is in the same power group as tiki and Plagg. But as I said for now it's only ladybug and chat noir who are the strongest, as the third has been lost for a very long time. No one knows who had it last." He says sighing.

"There." Tiki opens her eyes and flys quickly over to me seeming to be filled with energy. Ding ding. She puts her arms around my neck as if giving a hug but she was flying with so much force I tumbled backwards I hit something that I could only asume was a wall until I heard someone behind me. "Ouchhh." I turn around to see Adrien. Tiki and I yelp, both jumping slightly at the sight of the boy we were talking about only minutes before.

Adriens POV

As I walk into master fu's place I hear people talking. That's weird he hardly has people over. I open the door only to be hit by a body ramming into mine. "Ouch." I say. The person who hit me looks back to face me. Y/n? He and a red blob let out yelps at the sight of me both jumping. I started laughing at the sight of both of them. Both had both their eyes and mouth open andplagg got sick, he got tiki sick as well." I nod realizing why the red one, sugar cube? Seemed so annoyed at plagg. "Alright, well me and tiki better get going! See you Adrien! Goodbye master fu!" And with that he walks out leaving me looking at him leave.

"So you and y/n." I look at master fu as he began to speak. "Huh? Y/n and I? N-No there's nothing." He looks at me weirdly. "What ever you say Adrien."

Y/n's POV

Omg that was so scary..!

"How are you feeling tiki?" I say looking down at her as she was in my sweater pocket. "Better than ever! But what about you and Adrien~ he seems interesting~" she says teasingly. I playfully roll my wyes at her, my heart slightly sinking at what has to happen. "We both know he and ladybug go together I don't stand a chance." I speak while walking to the end of the alley that I used as a shortcut. "But y/n you two have something going on I could feel it!" She persists. I sigh. "But we both know how much ladybug likes Adrien and he likes her, so who am I to stop them? They should be happy together, I'll find someone else eventually." We reach the end of the alley way and I was about to make a turn when I felt some one looking at me. I turn back to see nothing so I shrug it off. I continue on my walk to school.

Adriens POV

Master fu told me to head to school as plagg would be a little more difficult to heal as his atoms destroy a lot of the medicine he tried putting in. I simply nodded and said my goodbye. I headed out hoping to be able to walk with y/n so that we can talk about me getting together with ladybug when I heard people talking.

"-what about you and Adrien~he seems interesting~" it sounds like the red blob from before. "We both know he and ladybug go together. I don't stand a chance." This Perón sounded like y/n. I wanted to walk up to them so we can walk together but something told me not to. "But y/n you two have something going on I can feel it!" The blob insisted. I raised my eyes brow. I hear y/n sigh. "But we both know how much ladybug likes Adrien and he likes her so who am I to stop them? They'll be happy together, I'll find someone ese eventually." When they reached the end of the alleyway he stopped turning back. I hid just before he could see me and he walked away. Does y/n really like me? He's so nice leaving us alone to be happy. I wouldn't be able to do that. He's a really good friend.

Y/n's POV

I arrived at school and lunch was about to end. Perfect! I step inside immediately being tackled my Luka. I made sure he didn't hit tiki as I held her in my hand. "Omg where were you! I was so bored!" I smiled laughing. "Sorry to keep the prince waiting. I had to run some errands for the castle." I say bowing to keep the act. When I looked up the both of us started laughing.

Me and Luka got along really well with our love for music. Yesterday in our free time he was playing the guitar and I was dancing. He said I was really good and I thanked him. He was going to hang out with me today after u went to Black Out.

We continued the rest of our day like any other and said our goodbyes. At the end of the day I walked with Marinette into an alley and gave her tiki. We said our good byes and I headed home.

When I got home I grabbed a bag putting a two water bottles, an apple, soap, a towel, and a change of clothes. After that I changed into a tank top and some basketball shorts. My body wasn't bad. I had some muscles from the sports and dancing. I wasn't that bad looking either but I don't pride myself in that. After I finished I headed out walking to Black Out.

When I got there there was a guy with green eyes and hazel curly hair. He was wearing a white baggy tshirt and blue ripped jeans with white converse on his feet. He was in about his early twenties and really handsome standing at the front. He looked at me then started walking towards me.

"Your y/n right?" He says when he reaches me. "Yeah. Who are you?" I ask no having a clue on who he could be. "I'm August, I dance here too." He says taking his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand. "Well it's nice to meet you August. Do you know what I'm going to do?" I say. "They had told me to give you a tour and make you feel more welcome here. So I guess you'll be with me for a while." He says before turning to go into the building.

When we enter the building has sleek white walls and a carpeted black floor with nothing close to dirt on it. "You know I find it really impressive that you joined at a really young age you must be pretty good!" He says entering a hallway. "Haha thanks. I consider myself good but I know I can be better. That's what I'm here for." He smiles. "For eighteen you sound pretty smart too. You're like a whole package!" I return the smile following him. He gave me a tour of all the floors and what they do in each room. Then he took me to the roof. "If you really like the building I bet you're going to love this." He says getting off the elevator. I didn't know what he meant until I looked out. It was around seven or eight and the sun was setting. "Woah..." is all I could say. "I know right. It's really nice here when you need a break from practice." The view was like the one from my apartment but better. It was higher and you could see more of the building and city. The Eiffel Tower was black compared to the sun that was hitting it directly from the other side. It was really incredible. "Thanks for the tour, August." I say looking at him. "Well if you want to do me a favor you can call us even." I look at him waiting for him to continue. "How about you show me some of your moves. I'm looking forward to seeing you dance." I think about it. "Why don't we do it right now. I wouldn't mind." I tell him. Might as well get it over with. He shrugs looking at me. "Sure."

He starts a song and with the beat my body starts moving. The bass was slow and so were my movements but when the chorus came there was a huge beat drop. And when it came I jumped and dropped to my knees on the floor laying back. Before getting up and continuing the dance. When the song ended I was panting slightly. I heard claps coming from behind me. I looked at August but it wasn't him. He looked as confused as I felt. Then I turned around to see a chat sitting on the edge of the roof.

My eyes widened. "W-What are you doing here?" I ask my face slightly red. "Just watching my favorite person dance is there a problem?" He asks innocently. I roll my eyes looking back at August. "Even?" I say putting my hand out for a shake. " 'Course man." He takes my hand. "I'll be inside, I'll wait for you." He says I nod turning back to chat once August left. "Now what are you really doing here?" I say my face not as red as before.

"What do you meeeeaaan? I just came to see you I heard you had your thing here today." I give him a look that says I don't believe him. I really would love to think that but we both know you're not here for that... I think my heart slightly sinking.

He sighs in defeat. "Fine I wanted to ask what I should do to win ladybugs heart for chat too." He says. I think. "Well I know all too well that feelings aren't something you can control, so you can't force her to falling in love with you. But you can try charming her like a gentleman and not a total flirt." I suggest. Chats eyes widen before smirking. "'All too well', huh? Is our little y/n in love~?" My face reddens again. "N-No! You're being stupid! Who says I'm in love!?" I cover my face looking away. He can't know that it's him I'm in love with! And like he remembered something chat drops the subject, face serious. "Alright, I trust you'll help me out. I'll leave you to do what you have to do." He gets up. "Bye!" I wave. "BYE!" He yells front he other building. I laugh at his silliness. Then I walk over to the door of the elevator entering and meeting up with August. He leads me to a practice room with students older than me and introduces me.

After a good two hour practice I head to the shower rooms, shower and get clothed, then head out talking with August. After a while we part ways heading to our own homes.

"I had a great day today. So fun!" I say to myself heading home.