First heartbreak

Y/n's POV

It's been about a week and a half since I moved here to Paris. In this time I had made friends with plenty of people from superhero's to schoolmates to coworkers from Black Out.

In that time spans I also managed to get Adrien and Marinette closer. I've been able to help Marinette be less nervous around Adrien which she found super helpful. I also found myself falling for Adrien harder as we had spent more time together. But there's nothing to do about it. Today is Friday and my furniture finally was going to arrive. But it was weird Max hasn't called me all day and when I try he doesn't answer. Rude. Currently I was waiting for Chat to come so we can talk about his ladybug thing. At the thought there was a knock at my door. I head over and open it. It was the delivery person.

They helped me bring everything into the living room. "Thank you!" I say. It wasn't his job to help me bring everything inside but he still did so I gave him a 50 bill. "Oh no, it's fine I don't need the money." He says refusing the bill. "No please i insist." He sighs taking the money. "Thank you have a nice day!" He says waving at me before leaving. I didn't notice that there was someone leaning on the wall watching the entire thing.

"Fifty bucks really? Well I don't know what you wouldn't give." I was startled by the voice that spoke. I look over to the person that was leaning into the wall. My eyes widen so big I thought they'd fall out. "MAX!!!" I run over to him tackling him in a hug. "Woah I didn't know you missed me that much!" He say laughing returning the hug. "You know you worried me right? You wouldn't answer my calls or texts and your dad works so I didn't want to bother him." I say pouting looking up at him. "Aww poor puppy got lonely." He pats my head talking like if I was a kid. My eyes widen when I hear someone else.

"Wow, y/n. How come I don't get hugs when you see me?" He says landing on his feet. At the sound of the voice I roll my eyes releasing myself from Max's hug. "Cause you don't deserve my hugs." I say sticking out my tongue at the cat. I grab Max's hand and one of his bags. "Come one let me show you around the apartment!" I say dragging him inside. "Woah this place is really nice." He says looking around. "Right? Here this is your room. You can unpack and I'll be over there." I say showing him his room. I walk over to the cat out side with a smile on my face.

"Well, you seem awfully happy. Did you miss your boyfriend~?" He says as I step out of the door. "He's not my boyfriend!" I state. "Oooh then what? Forbidden love or is it...gasp... one sided love?" I roll my eyes. "We aren't like that he's my best friend, I haven't seen him in two weeks."I explain to the fangirling cat. His ears go down. "Awww I was hoping there would be a love story!" I look at him. "What does it matter you have your own lovestory going on," I pause putting on a dramatic face and a deep voice for effects. "A superhero falls in love with two different people.... what will happen when he finds out they're the same person? dunDunDUN!!" I start laughing at myself cat laughing with me. We continued discussing on what we could do to make him and Mari even closer.

When the talk ended Max came out shirtless with sweats on his hair wet after I'm guessing a shower. I always found him attractive but that's all nothing else. I mean he had a prefect face and perfect body how could I not?! But like I said I thought of him like a brother.

I stared a little at his six pack but then looked at his face, he was looking at chat weirdly. "Why's he in a cat suit again?" I started laughing at how that was my same reaction when I first saw chat too. "He's a super hero. I'll explain it later. He's a friend of mine the ladybug one too." I say trying to keep my eyes on Max's face. He nods. "Nice to meet ya. Names Max." He takes out his hand for Chat to shake. Chat smiled taking his hand in his. "Chat noir."Max lets go.

"Hey imma start fixing up the furniture better not leave me to do it alone." He tells me heading back inside. I smile nodding. "Alright bye chat." I say turning to the door. He grabs my hand pulling me back. "Hey how come you don't give me hugs???" He whines. I roll my eyes. I walk up to him giving him a hug my arms around his neck my face by his ear. How close we were was making me blush so I pulled away before I was noticeably red. "Happy?" I say crossing my arms. He smiles. "Very. Bye y/n!" He says before leaping away. I head inside helping Max with the furniture.

By the time we were done the both of us were famished. "Y/nnnnnn I'm starving!!!!" He whined. "How about we go to Marinettes bakery. Food there is so good!" I suggest throwing away the last box, looking Max who had thrown himself on the coach when he was done. He nods. "Ok come on." I pull him up, then the both of us put on our shoes and he heads to his room to get a shirt. I was waiting by the door when he came out wearing a loose tanktop that had long armholes . "Let's go!" We both day laughing. My legs were sore from yesterday's dance practice so I had Max carry me. Perks of having a strong best friend😏😏😏. We arrive with me still on his back. I wasn't paying attention but I know when I felt Max's body get hotter. I look up to see him and Marinette staring at eachother. She seemed more red than when she was with Adrien. And he seemed so captivated. Both looking like mesmerized by the other i knew what was happening.

Oh no. No. NO! I mentally panicked. And it only got worse when I saw Adrien come in. The two of us looked at eachother before looking at Max and Marinette. He knew what was happening and stepped out. I let go of Max and went out with him.

I look out to see Adrien eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed with worry. "Hey Adrien you alright?" I say softly trying not to break him. "It wasn't what it looked like right? Please tell me no." His voice was cracking and his eyes were watering. I went up to him and hugged him. I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to lie straight to his face. "Y/n," he sniffles before speaking again. "What do I do?" Was all he said before breaking down in sobs. My shirt got wetter by the second. He really did love heart stung. I didn't want to see him sad. My heart feels like someone is grabbing it and is squeezing it like if it were a lemon. "Hey it's going to be alright." My voice cracked on alright. I didn't know what to do to help him but I was going to do everything I could to make him feel better. I rubbed his head and it seemed to calm him down. "I'll be right back." I say heading into the bakery. "Hey Max something came up I have to go can you get the food for me. I'll see you at home!" I say quickly returning to Adrien. He was sitting down looking at the night sky. He just got his first heartbreak.... oh what to do??? "Hey Adrien..." I say softly walking closer to he looks up at me. When I saw his eyes there were so many emotions, relieved, envy, sandness, but the one I saw the most was confusion. "What about we go to the store get you some junk food and you can cry and mope around to your hearts content." I suggest. He looks at me bewildered. "I can't father and Natalie would kill me if they found out." I smirked. "Well as far as they would know your staying at your friends house doing a school project." I say looking at him slyly. He smiles. "Let me tell them first." I need waiting besides him. "They said yes!" He exclaims wrapping me in a hug. "Thanks a lot y/n this means a lot." My heart raced and my face reddened at how close he was. "O-Of course!" I tell him. "Ok lets head to the store and get all the supplies we'll need." He nods and salutes like a soldier. We laugh and head off to our destination.

While at the store we were messing around playing in the aisles while we got the food and tissues. He seemed to be really happy and have a good time. We had asked his parents to leave toiletries and undergarments at my place as hell be staying with me for a while. I smiled at the thought of spending more time with Adrien. After we finished buying we headed to my apartment I made sure that Max was either in his room or not in the house yet.

When we entered I took in the sight of my apartment with the furniture. It really was nice. We head to my room and I tell Adrien to shower. His things were already here by the time we got here. I had him wear one of my hoodies and sweatpants so he was comfortable. I was currently putting the ice cream in the minifridhe I had gotten a while ago when he stepped out of the bathroom with my clothes. I blushed looking back at the ice cream in my hands. Cute. cute! CUTE!! MADAY!!! MADAY!!! TOO CUTE!!! TOO CUTE!!!

I was having a mental breakdown when he sat on my bed. I finished putting everything away and went to my closet so that I could shower. When I glanced at Adrien his eyes were read and puffy his hair was messy and everywhere and he was hugging one of my pillows with the blankets over him. I looked away. STILL TOO CUTE!!! UwU i sigh at my minds way of thinking I was honestly pretty tired. So I took a quick shower.

By the time I came back into the room I saw Adrien rolled up in blankets the ice cream bucket in one hand the spoon in the other. He was watching a romance on tv and talking. "Maria don't be stupid he likes you. Uggh you are so dense!" I raise an eyebrow at this. Your one to talk. I lay down next him in my tank top and sweat pants. I then realized he's rolled up in ALL of the blankets. I groan rapping my arms and legs around him for warmth. He jumps at my actions. "Oh hey y/n." I moan in response not feeling like talking simply exhausted.

I eventually fall asleep I guess cause I woke up to the sun shining into my room. I try to get up but something holds me down. Then I realize I was clinging onto Adrien like a koala to a tree. One of his arms were around my waste and I panicked. Oh what to do?! what to do? Ok ok... relax... your only in bed with your crush no big deal... right? I start questioning my sanity when I feel him move.

I close my eyes pretending to be asleep when he wakes up. He groans and tries to get up but stops and tenses up. I'm guessing he saw me clinging onto him. He tries to get my limbs off him so he can get up. I sort of help him get myself off him By me "groaning" and turning over to the other side of the bed away from him snuggling up in the blanket. I hear him sigh in relief and feel the pressure on the bed lift as he gets up.

I hear him walk over to the closet probably to change into clothes for school. Wait am I missing something? What am I supposed to do today? Well I have to go to the store cause I'm running out of toothpaste and soap and I have dance after school. But something's missing... wait dance! Dance I have it after....SCHOOL!!! I jump out of bed looking at the time 7:30. Shit!

I head to the bathroom combing my hair while getting a toothbrush and putting paste on it then placing it in my mouth. I take of my shirt heading over to the closet to change my clothes. I step in on Adrien putting on his shoes, sigh thank god he's not missing clothing! I walk in grabbing a f/c hoodie and some ripped jeans. I slip on my grey allbirds merino wool shoes not bothering to tie them.

I head to the bathroom to spit out the paste I had in my mouth. I completed brushing my teeth and ringed my mouth and toothbrush. I dried my mouth heading to the closet again to grab my bag and then my phone wallet and keys.

I sit on the kitchen island tieing my shoes when I see Adrien come out of my room dressed and all. "Ready?" I ask stepping onto the floor getting off the island. I head to the door. "Bye Max!" I say. "Bye baby I love you!" He says as I roll my eyes at his games. "Hey!!!" Is all I hear before I close the door. Laughing to myself.

"Let's go!" I said to Adrien getting to the sidewalk. I decided to get breakfast somewhere else as I didn't want Adrien to run into Mari at the bakery. We were playing around and he was laughing. I was awestruck at the sight of him being so happy. I smile like an idiot and my face reddens. "Hey y/n you alright? Your face is red." He says stopping and taking my face in his hands. I feel my face get even redder at the contact and grab a hold of his hands pulling them away from my tomato looking thing that I call a face.

"Yeah I'm fine I just...remembered something I did a long time ago that was really embarrassing!!!" I explain after coming up with something. I couldn't tell him that I liked him not after what happened yesterday. He simply nods putting an arm around my shoulder. "Well how about you tell me what you did then, I bet you anything mine is worse." He says walking us towards the school. I felt my heart pounding really hard I was almost cirtain he could hear it cause I definitely could.

Ah I love this guy way too much...

I smile at the thought heading to school with the love of my life.