Love sick

Y/n's POV

It's been a week since we saw Marinette and Max fall in love first hand and a week since I witnessed Adrien go through his first heartbreak. During the week Adrien has started feeling better and seemed really happy. All I did was let him mope around my apartment and he seemed to get better after letting all of his emotions out in eating and crying and watching tv dramas. We had gotten even closer than before. Although throughout the week we had the occasional akuma attack so he had to see Marinette while they were on the job. Every time he'd come back in tears saying the same thing. "She looks happier than she has ever been, y-y/n..." before breaking down. I hurt to see him love her this much but he always got better and there's been progress. All while this happened I fell deeper and deeper in love with him. He showed me a side I never saw of him before and he brought out a different side of me too. He was always on my mind and when he was around my heart pounds like it's about to explode from my chest ready to throw itself at Adrien. Max and Adrien has gotten on speaking terms cause, well... Adrien has been living here for the past week so Max was technically his roomie too.

I have been waiting for the right time to tell Adrien that I liked him. But every time I was ready he'd come back crying about Marinette so I always waited. I've been feeling like Adrien likes me too so my confidence has been a little bigger than usual for the past two days.

Today I woke up feeling refreshed. I headed to the closet to change for school. I put on a white shirt tucked into some baby blue skinny jeans. With it I had some all white vans. I was feeling pretty happy today so I felt like being bright.

When I leave the closet I see Adrien with a bed head getting out of the bathroom. "Morning y/n!" He says giving me a hug. My face gets beet red. "M-Morning Adrien!" I say returning the hug. He pulls away heading into the closet. I was left there slightly stunned. I smiled. He hugged me. I get even happier as I head into the bathroom brushing my teeth then my hair.

I head to the kitchen making some food. By the time I was done Max and Adrien step out of the rooms heading to the kitchen. "Mornin Max! Made breakfast for you two!" I said placing the plates full of food on the island. "Ohh sweet thanks y/n!" Adrien says digging in. I smile at the sight. Max raises an eyebrow at me looking between Adrien and I before a smirk forming on his lips. I was confused as to why he was smirking until he spoke.

"Wow, y/n you look great today! Don't you think Adrien?" He says nudging the blonde. Adrien looks at me up and down before returning to the food giving me a smile. "Yeah he does, always has." my face turns red and I look away making sure they don't see my face. "Y/n had a really good taste in fashion." He gives me another smile before continuing to eat the food I gave him.

If it weren't for the island I was holding onto my jello legs would have dropped me to the floor. He thinks I look good... I think dazed. Max. He runs into my head and I glare at him. I give him the 'wtf' look. He gives me a 'you should be thanking me' look. I give him a 'no! I don't !' Look. Then he gave me a 'really' look. And I just rolled my eyes at this.

"Um are you guys ok?" I hear Adrien speak. When I look at him I realize he was looking at me and Max weirdly. He must think I'm weird because of the faces I was giving max!! I think. "Oh, we're fine. Just thinking of something..." he says giving Adrien one of his smirks. Adrien raises an eyebrow at him looking at me questioningly. I swear if Adrien wasn't here I would've strangled Max!

"Hey Adrien how about you head to class without me, don't want to be late!"I say shoving him out of the door. "But—" he gets cut off by the door closing in his face. "See you in class!" I yell through the closed door. He doesn't say anything but I hear him walk away front he door.

I turn back to max. "You." I say pointing a finger at him. His eyes widen. "Me?" He points to himself questioningly. He stood up front the stool taking a step towards me. "You!" I yell tackling him to the floor. "You son of a gun! Do you know how embarrassing that was?! He must be thinking I'm weird!!!" I say straddling his hips grabbing his collar pulling him up so I'm with him face to face. "What I thought he already thought that?" He says playing innocent. I shake him back and forth while talking. "Shut up! Take that back right now or I'll—" i stop when the both of us hear the door opening. The both of us stare at the person who walked in startled.

"Oh umm sorry I was waiting for y/n and I heard yelling to I came in.." Luka says sheepishly looking at the both of us on the floor. I nod "I'll be right there." I say before looking back at the hot idiot in front of me. "This isn't over." I threaten him getting up grabbing my bag and stepping out with Luka on my tail.

"So you and Max..?" He says taking a side glance at me. I looks him confused. "What do you mean?" I say continuing our walk to school. My eyes widen when I think about what it would have looked like to him. Me straddling Max's lap pulling him by the collar looking at Luka like he caught us doing something. "Oh no! Never! At least not with him!" I say frantically trying to explain. He laughs. "Hey chillas I get it if you like Max no biggie." He shrugs his shoulders but there was a sort of sadness in his tone. "No you don't get it. He embarrassed me in front of one of my friends so I was yelling at him and I was going to beat him up but you stepped in and I was soooo close to hitting that pretty face of his." I say clenching my fists in front of my face squinting my eyes at them. He laughs again. "Oh I thought you two were dating or something." Now that was funny. I started dying. He just smiled at me. "HAHAHAHA ME? HAHA AND MAX? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" I was seriously dying my stomach started hurting so I put my hand to it like it was going to  magically erase the pain. I was panting my hand on his shoulder trying to regain my composure.

"I honstly.. pant.. have no idea how you got me and max being together out of that. It's pretty obvious he likes Marinette." I say my eyes then widening at my words worry spreading on my face. Shit doesn't he like Marinette too. Am I going to have someone else mope around in my apartment?

"Oh really? That's cool." He says giddily. Wait what? "Umm your ok right luka? You're not sad or anything?" I say concern in my voice. "Yeah, why would I be sad that's great news!" He says happily. I was really confused. "Wait but didn't you like Marinette? Your face is always red when your around her." I say trying to fix the thoughts I'm my head. Now it was his turn to laugh as I just stood confused. "Haha.. pant... y/n think about it. Every time you saw my face red who was always there?" He says. I think back to all the times. There was that one time at the cafeteria everyone was there. There was also when he Marinette Nino and Alya and I went to the cinimark. Then there was that other time when he Marinette Alya and I went to get ice cream together. Then to that other time I saw him red when it was him Marinette and I were at the fountain taking in the view of the streets of Paris. Who was always there? Adrien? No. Nino? No. Alya? No.Marinette is already a know who else was there. My eyes widen. Me. I was there at the cafeteria. I was there at the cinemark. I was there at the ice cream shop and I was there at the fountain. As the thought hit me I remembered all the other times that his face was red when Marinette wasn't there. At the sight of me Luka sighed. "You figured it out. You know for someone who found out about who ladybug and Chatnoir were in only your first day here,  your pretty dense." He says laughing slightly.

I look at him sadly. Luka was a really nice guy. He was handsome smart, and really talented with the guitar, everything I look for in a guy he was perfect. But I didn't like him like that. I don't know why, but I like Adrien.

"Y/n don't overthink it. It's fine. I knew you didn't like me like that but I just want you to know how I feel. I want you to know everything about me." He smiles at me taking my hand. "ok this may sound selfish. But can I ask for a favor?" He asks looking a little nervous. I nod immediately . If there's something I can do to make him feel better I want to do it. "Can I have one hug... please?" He looks at me pleadingly. I smile nodding. I step forward wrapping my arms around him. "Silly your my best friend you can have as many hugs as you want." I tell him. He sighs wrapping his arms around my waist putting his chin on my head.

"This feels nice." He says. I nod. "I'm glad you like it." He let go. "How about we get to school? Don't want to be late!" He smiles at me and I smile back. I'm really sorry I can't return your feelings but I'm sure you'll find someone who will like you as much as you like them. I think in my head. Walking towards our school.

Tumeskip after school

I walk down the road with Adrien as we head to my apartment from the store, groceries in hand. While we were walking over a bridge he stops halfway. "Y/n?" "Hmm?" I respond not looking up. "I really wan to thank you for what you've done for me." He says softly. I look up at him. "You could have just left me alone to my misery but for a week you've stayed by me helping me get over my heart break I really appreciate it y/n." It sounded like he was going to say something I really wanted to hear. "Your a really kind person y/n that's why.." omg he's going to confess! "I'm really glad that I could be your friend. Your a really good friend to me and I appreciate it I really do." He says patting my shoulder with a smile.


"Y-Yeah no problem that's what friends are for right? Hey can you take these to the apartment I need to get something real quick." I say looking at the ground. Idiot.

"Hmm? Oh sure! See you!" He says heading off with the bags in his hand. I sat on the bridge after I couldn't see him anymore. The words he said repeating over and over in my head, my heart stinging like a whole dozen beehives full of bees stung it.

Friend.. ha.

Of course. What was I thinking?

I'm such an idiot for getting my hopes up. He likes Marinette.

No. He loves Marinette.

Even though he's not hurting anymore that doesn't change the fact that he still has feelings for her.

I of all people should know that you can't change your feelings no matter how hard you try. Not for people or for yourself. 'I'm really sorry I can't return your feelings but I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you as much as you love them eventually.'

The words I wanted to say to Luka today rang through my ears.

Yeah they will come eventually but I don't know how long I'm willing to wait...

I sigh pulling my legs to my chest. I silently cried. After the sun set I got out of my daze wiping my tears hopping off of the bridge edge. I was going to walk home when I saw something glint in the little light that was provided by the streetlights. I look over to see a choker on the dirt where the land meets the bridge. It's been there for a while... I think noticing the dirt that buried two thirds of the price of jewelry. I pick it up dusting it off. It looks real nice I think looking it over. It had black material as the part that goes around your neck and a golden heart. Cute and edgy I like it. It's giving me old fashion Harley Quinn vibes. The jester costume harely. I think of my favorite super villain in dc comics like ever!

I place it in my jean pocket walking home. I think or want to think that fate put it here as a reward for being so strong!! Yeah that's what it is!!! I think trying to remain positive.

I head home happy thoughts running through my head like The Flash.