
Y/n's POV

I wake up to the alarm and actually don't hate it as much as usual.

Alarm clock I have more of a purpose than just annoying me in the morning. You bring the beginning of a new day! New me! Giving me exciting opportunities ahead, and are just making sure I'm awake to see them!

Damn. Is a party really making me this poetic? Eh. I shrug my shoulders getting up from my conversation with myself.

I head to the bathroom to shower, only to immediately shut the door,  my face beet red.


"SORRY!" He yells from the other side of the door.

Ahhhh what a way to begin the day...seeing the love of my life with only a towel...ugh. God. Can I die early, cause my life's complete.

I cover my face, internally screaming like a schoolgirl. I sigh, when I run out of breath, my hands dragging themselves down my face.

I head to the kitchen quickly, grab a banana, and come back into the room placing it in my sweater pocket that I had hung on the side of my bed, where Joker found his home. By the time I turned around Adrien was coming out dry and DRESSED. I grab some clothes, heading into the bathroom. I shower and dry myself then put on my clothes. I was wearing a white baggy T-shirt with my choker, and ripped skinny jeans with white Nike's. I leave my hair be so it can air dry plus I don't have to do anything till later! I brush my teeth and floss before getting out of the restroom, putting all my dirty clothes in the laundry.

Adrien was making breakfast when I came out. "What are you making?" I say walking up behind him looking over his shoulder. He jumps at the sight of me and then chuckles. "You really do have a habit of getting a little too close." He gives me a smile. I look down to see I was literally pressing against him. "Oh sorry." I say backing away. "I'm just making f/f." He says getting another ingredient. "Woah really? That's my favorite!" I say sitting on the counter looking at my phone. "Sweet at least now I know you'll like it." He says continuing to cook.

We were in comfortable silence when I noticed the time. "Oh shoot! I have to go see August!" I say almoat knocking over the stool, running into the room. I grab a bag putting a spare shirt pants and undergarments. Then go to the restroom and put in my soaps and a towel. "Hey come on. We gotta go!" I say to Joker urging him into the backpack. He lazily get out with his banana and throws himself inside the bag. I close it leaving a little piece of the bag open. Then I grab my phone, wallet and keys placing them in the front pocket but my phone in my Jean pocket.

I enter the kitchen to see Adrien placing the food on plates. My stomach grumbles at the sight. But I know I can't get to practice in time if I stay to eat. So I reluctantly get an apple and two water bottles from the fridge, putting the waters in the bag. Adrien looked at me weirdly as I tied my shoes.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He says taking a seat in one of the stools. "Sorry id love to but I really gotta go see August." I say finishing tying my shoes and heading to the door. "Bye, Adrien." I say closing the door. And heading off to Black Out.

Adriens POV

"Bye..." I say but it's meaningless as y/n had already shut the door. I look down at the plate of food I made, already have lost my apatite. "What's so important about August, that y/n didn't eat his favorite food? That I made him?" I mumble to myself jabbing the food with my fork."tsk." I say shoving the food away from me. "Might as well date him with the amount of 'practices' they've been having." I roll my eyes glaring at my food.

"If your so jealous why don't you date y/n? It seems to me you like him." Says plagg flying out of the room. I raise my eyebrows. "You haven't been talking for a while. It's odd." I say staring at the floating cat. "Well, I had nothing to do. But watching you deny your feelings for y/n was getting pretty annoying." He says going through the door of the fridge them coming out with cheese.

"I know I like him. But I don't know I'm just not sure about dating him. Especially after the ladybug thing. What if I lose feelings for y/n too like I lost feelings for bugs?" I say putting my face in my hands. He took a bite of his cheese. "Well if you ask me, you didn't lose feeling you just had more for y/n. And if someone does come along y/n would understand. Plus he has a lot of other people he can date other than you. Like luka, August, Noah, Max-" I interrupt him. "Alright alright, I get it." I sigh, getting up. "I'll just get ready for the party. Let's worry about that instead." I say already inside the room.

"Alright but you can't hold back your feelings for him forever."

Y/n's POV

"Good job y/n, as always." August says sitting down taking a swig of water. "You did great too man." I say sitting by him, taking a drink of my own bottle. We just finished a two hour practice and were drained.

I check the time.


"We still got four hours till the party. Imma clean up and take a rest at home. You?" I say taking a breather before standing up and grabbing my bag. "Same. We really need that rest if we wanna impress those people." He says. "Yep." I pop the p and give him a hand to stand up. I enter the shower room, remove my tanktop and shorts, shower, and dry myself changing into the jeans shirt and Nike's I had on before.

I get out of the building heading home. I had gotten out of the building in a rush wanting to get home as soon as possible, my hair wet, and my clothes making me feel uncomfortable with my damp skin. in an effort to make myself feel better in the humidity I tried drying my hair while fanning myself with my small towel.


I turn around to see a school bus literally being thrown in the air. I let out a little scream before running into an alleyway, checking, then transforming. "Joker let's have some fun." I whisper trying not to get any extra attention.

I'm wearing the suit I was before with the jacket but it was pretty hot so I took it off tying it around my waist.

"Oooh this better be good or I'm going back home." I say once I arrive where the other hero's were. When I landed I saw Noah carrying the bus down to the floor gently the passengers getting out one by one. He gets back panting. "So what's our situation?" He says catching his breath. I threw myself on him playfully. "Oh dear sir, Rocky! You are our savior, what could we ever do to repay you!" I say dramatically a hand on my forehead my body leaning on him. "How bout a kiss ?" He says, and I simply raise a sassy eyebrow. "Nono hunny you ask too much." I say with an accent. We both laugh and I ask again. "So who's the buzzkill this time?" Lady bug just looks out. "A magician..." she says groaning. "Ooh does that mean we'll get bunnies from magic top hats as a reward?" I say. Rocky turns to me. "Or pigeons from boxes?" He says. Then we both look at eachother. "Or...ENDLESS RAINBOW HAMKERCHEIFS FROM SLEEVES!" We both say in sinc bursting out in laughter afterwards.  She just simply rolls her eyes.

At that moment I get an unsettling feeling. I look over to see chat looking at me weirdly. I raise an eyebrow at him but he just looks away.

"So where's the black butterfly." Rocky says. "The aluma is in their top hat. But they has it in their head so it'll be pretty hard to get it." She says looking around for the villain. "You haven't seen him yet have you?" I say slowly. She frowns shaking her head. "There's things happening but we don't know where they is. Most we can do is stop whatever they've been doing." She says. "If I had to guess they're is probably doing a disappearing act. But here's the thing. They can be anywhere like right here with us trying to get our miraculous while we're too busy trying to control the chaos." He says.

I nod but notice his ring. It was slipping off. "Chat is your ring loose?" I say looking at his face. "No, why?" After he said that i immediately kicked around his hand. We heard an oof and I started feeling the floor. When I felt something I couldn't see I jumped on it, keeping it down. "Hey! I give up just get off me!" It yells. "

I was going to say something snappy but then I notice a leaf that was floating in the wind push against an invisible force, right next to lady bug. "Bugs!" I scream lunging at her side. An ouch is heard and I sit on another invisible being. As I sit on this one Rocky holds the other down. "What the heck? Why is there two?" I say confused. I'm new to this villain thing but I'm pretty sure it's like one at a time.

"Get off of us!"they squeal. And only now I notice they sound like kids. "Rocky. Off." I order sternly. I stand up and grab the what I assume would be the shoulder of the person. "Joyous." I say. I was mostly curious on what was going on, and how they weren't really fighting. My bat lit up and I tapped the invisible force.

A purple blob formed then disappeared leaving a confused teary eyed 10 year old boy. Keeping my hand on his shoulder I move my body to face the invisible force Rocky was holding. I tap around where it would be and another blob forms, leaving a weeping 10 year old girl. The second she appeared the boy ran to her hugging her.

"What happened?" Bugs said.

"What the heck?" Chat said. Rocky just raises an eyebrow in the situation thinking. I mostly ignore them focused on my own train of thought. They're kids. They must be really scared right now. I think concerned.

I take a step towards them and squat down to their level. Hey guys, it's okay. You'll be safe." I say softly the started calming down and their sobs were quieting. I give them a hug and they return it squeezing me like their lives depended on it. The rest just watched and stayed out of it trying not to intervene. Rocky and bugs make signals that they have to leave, with only me chat and the kids remaining.

I separate from the hug but my zipper gets caught on the boys shirt without me noticing. When I stand up, his shirt comes with revealing his torso. When I realize I see every piece of skin visible is lined with either bruises, scratches, or burns. The boy sees his shirt up and in a panic puts it back down. Obviously this worries me. What's this kid hiding...

I hear chat take steps towards us probably at the sight of the kids torso.



"What are your names?" I ask softly trying not to scare them. I squat down. "D-Danny. My sisters n-name is D-Daniela." He says shyly. "Okay. Danny can you show me what under your shirt?" I say. I was seriously worried. What accident could this kid have been in to have that many marks.

He shakes his head aggressively. "They said not to show anyone." Danny says. My eyebrows furrow. "Who's they?" I asked, this time Daniela speaks. "Mommy and Daddy. They said if  we show people, they will hit us again." She says her voice really soft.

"I'm a hero though right? You can show me." I reassure. They nod. Danny begins picking up his shirt and Daniela rolls up her sleeves on her legs and arms. All parts of skin that were invisible before, are purple, blue, green, and yellow. Some parts had burn marks, or scratches that you wouldn't make falling on the floor. They look like someone purposely cut them, and I really don't want to imagine with what.

My jaw clenches. Their parents did this? To seven years olds? To kids? "You're telling me your mommy and daddy did this?" I ask. They nod fixing their clothes again. I sigh trying to keep my composure.  "How about we take you home, you tell us where you live and we'll take you guys." I say. They started shaking. "N-No p-please i don't want to go home." Danny begged. "Me either!" She said. I bite my lip deep in thought.

I can take em for a bit...but then I'll take them home. I have to have a talk with their parents.

"What do you want to do, Jokester?" Chat says. I basically forgot he was here. "I'll leave them with someone. I know him, he's trustworthy." I say. "Who?"
