I know

Y/n's POV


"Y/n?" He asks. I look at him. "Yeah, why? Is y/n not a good choice?" I ask. I can basically see what he thinks about me this way. Teehee. He shakes his head. "No not like that. Y/n is probably the best person to take care of them, but he has a party to go to today. It's really important to him." He says. I raise an eyebrow he just exposed the fact that he knows me well enough to know about that. He seemed to realize that.

"W-Well that's what he tells me when I see him around town." He says nervously. I simply roll my eyes. I leave the kids for a little sec standing in front of chat. "Of course. That totally makes sense," I lean into his ear. "Adrien." I step back like nothing happened leaving a stunned cat. I look back at the kids.

"Hey I'm going to leave you guys with a really good friend of mine, okay?" I say grabbing their tiny hands. They simply nod. "Say bye to chat, bye chat." I say and they repeat. They wave him off and I leap off with them.

I land inside of my apartment and walk into the kitchen, the kids in my hands. I place them on the stools. "When's the last time you guys ate?" I say, my head stuck inside the fridge. "Yesterday morning." Danny says. "Mommy was in a good mood so she gave us milk with our cereals! They tasted so good!" She says happily. My head comes out and I look at them. Thinking.

The best thing that's happened to them is eating cereal with milk? Dang. These kids have been through a lot...

I think about it and come up with an idea. "Hey how about you guys chose what you want to eat? You can have what ever you want." I say, putting my elbow on the island, my face in my hands. The sit up straight. "Really?!" They say in sync. I simply smile and nod. They jump out of their seats and rush around the pantry and fridge grabbing items after items. Occasionally asking me for help when they couldn't reach something.

When they finished there was ice cream, cookies, donuts, popcorn , chips , and powerades piling on my counter. I look at it questioningly. "So.. how about...we eat everything, and I mean everything!, after I make you guys some food? Okay?" I suggest. I get that they haven't eaten this like ever, but they shouldn't eat this before having actual food. Their shoulders slump but they nod.

"Here," I give them the remote to the tv. "Go watch some cartoons while I make food. If you need something I'll be here." They jump up nodding. They smile on their way to the living room having their own conversation. I was smiling at themwhen I hear a thud come from my room. My smile fades, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion and worry.

I walk to my room and open the door a crack. I see Chat closing the door to the balcony.

Oh it's just chat. Phew. Got scared for a second there.

I turn around heading back to the kitchen.


Wait! CHAT?!

I look back into the room and see a green light then Adrien appearing. He begins bickering with a small floating cat and my eyes widen. I rush back to the living room where the kids were and the second I was out of sight the door to my room opened. The kids looked at me weirdly. "Joker fun times over!" I whisper rushed. I didn't change back though. Shit what the hell. At this point Adrien was like halfway through the hallway. "Joker fun times over!" I say a little louder. I changed back rainbow lights surrounding me before leaving me in the clothes I had on before my hair back to its normal color.

The second I changed back Adrien stepped out of the hallway confused. "What was that?" He asks. "Oh you mean the light? It was just the tv." I say. His face goes back to normal and he nods. "Who are the kids?" He says. I turn to the kids their faces surprised mouths open. "Jokester dropped them off a while ago. He said he had somethings to do." I say. I take a step behind Adrien putting my finger to my lips pleadingly. They made a face of understanding, and said hi to Adrien. "What's your name mister?" Danny asks innocently. I tried not to laugh.


Adrien glared at me but answered him. "Adrien. What's yours?" Danny and Daniela smile at game. "My names Daniela my brothers name is Danny. We're going to stay here until Jokester comes back." She says cutely. I smile at them. "Hey I was going to make food, be back." I say walking into the kitchen. I made Alfredo pasta and served it on plates. I placed the plates on the dining table grabbing forks and spoons placing them by the servings. I got the cheese and placed it on the table. Then walked back to the living room seeing Adrien sitting down with Danny and Daniela laying on him all of them watching cartoons.

I smiled at the sight.

So cute.

The kids too.

"Hey guys foods ready." I say as they look up from the tv all of them standing up. The kids jumped off and ran to the table giggling. Adrien got up silently and gave me a small smile, brushing past me into the kitchen with the kids. I shrugged it off and went to the fridge. "What do you guys want to drink?" I ask my head in the fridge. "The red drink with white letters! When we drank it one time without mommy knowing it was so good!" Danny exclaims.

I think they mean coke... I think grabbing two cans. "Adrien?" "Water." He says. I nod. I grab the bottle and my drink and sit down with them.

We finish eating and Danny and Daniela start playing on the carpet in the living room. "Y/n...you know Jokester?" Adrien asks suddenly. I look up from the dishes I was washing to look at him. "Yeah, i see him around quite a lot." I say continuing to wash the dishes. "But you never told me about him. I never knew." He says. "Ha Adrien believe me there's a lot you don't know about me." I say putting the last dish to dry, shaking my hands a little then grabbing a napkin. "Like what?" He asks seemingly curious. "Like...me..." I say.

I wasn't lying. He basically didn't know anything about me. Nothing about my past or present. Most he knows is what he's been in.

I check the time. 5:30. I sigh. I enter the living room leaving Adrien there in the kitchen. "Do you guys want to watch a movie? You can have the snacks from earlier." I say.

I don't want them to be bored I want them to feel comfortable here. Especially cause what I have to do with their parents won't be the nicest thing that's happened to them.

"Yes please!" Danny says and Daniela squeals tackling her brother and giving him a tight hug. "We're allowed to eat junk food! Can you believe it?! This is the best!" She says then the two start wrestling on the floor while I walk to the counter getting all the things they left there and placing them on the coffee table of the living room. "Yayy!" They say in sync grabbing a cookie each and stuffing it in their mouths. "Guys eat slow or you'll get a tummy ache." I warn turning on the tv playing a movie. We sit down together and they snuggle next to me a snack in their laps. The sound of the movie faded and their rhythmic munching was like a lullaby and I fell asleep like that.

I woke up to Adrien shaking me. I groan closing my eyes again, only to be shook awake again. "Hmm?" I say my eyes half open. "Y/n it's 6:15. I don't know if you want to get ready already cause it's going to get pretty late." Adrien says. I nod slowly and try to get up but look down to see Daniela on my chest hugging my neck and Danny cuddling my arm, both of them asleep. I nod my head towards Danny signaling for Adrien to move him. He nods and picks up Danny. I stand up with Daniela in my arm and head into my room. I lay Daniela down and Adrien lays Danny down next to her. I cover them with the blanket and watch them quietly.

I sit down in one of my chairs and Adrien simply looks at me confused. "Why..? Why would they're parents do that to them?" I start tearing up. "They're angels. They listen, they're polite, they're full of love to give out...but no one gives it back to them." I cover my mouth tears running down my cheeks. "They feel awful. Horrible. They're scared to go home because of what they're parents will do to them." I start balling out.

I don't pity them. No. I know exactly what it's like to feel neglected, ignored, uncared for. But still want to be there for those who aren't there for you. Still want to be there for those who will wait until you turn around so they can stab you in the back.  Those kids are really strong. But I can't relate to them either. I had to suffer alone. They had to suffer alone, but after that they had to sit and watch their sibling suffer. It must've been terrible.

I started calming down, my emotions filling with something unwanted. I was pissed. Those parents are really going to get something when I see them.

I wipe my face and Adrien stood there unaware of what to do in the situation. "I'm going to go get ready. When you leave for the party take them with you." I say looking at Adriens worried face. I really wasn't ready to dance. Not like this. But I couldn't let August down. At that moment I got a call. I picked it up and saw the id. It was August. I sniffled before speaking. "What's up August?" I say running a hand through my hair. I hear Adrien Tch but when I look at him he doesn't show any sign of responding.

"Y/n the party got postponed. It won't happen till this coming Friday." He says and I sigh in relief."y/n are you happy?" He asks. My eyes widen. "A-Ah not that it's a good thing it's just something's happened today, and I wouldn't have been ready to dance. So it's nice so that I can be in my best shape when we have to preform." I say trying to explain myself. "Oh ok. Ha I just thought you didn't want to dance with me." He says. "Nono not like that. Yeah it was just somethings that have happened today." I say rubbing my eyes. "Ok, how about we practice tomorrow? I have some free time then." He suggests. "Yeah sure. See you tomorrow then." I say hanging up.

I sit down on the edge of the bed covering my face with my hands and sighing. Adrien sits down next to me and puts a hand in my shoulder. "You ok, y/n?"he says. "Yeah. August says that they postponed the party till Friday." I check the time. "I should go get Jokster. It's getting pretty late." I say standing up. "Wait y/n!" He says. I turn around. "Yeah?" I ask. He looked hesitant but then shook his head smiling. "N-Nothing. I'll wait for you guys here then." He says and I nod putting in my shoes and heading out. I go around the corner, transform, and jump to the window waiting a couple of minutes to make it more believable. After a while I tap on the window and Adrien opens it.

"Hey, kitty I came for the kids." I say landing inside. I look around and see I landed in the wrong room. "Oh this is Max's room right? It doesn't look like

y/ns. Well if I can remember from the last time I was here of course." I say catching myself. Adrien looks at me with an unreadable look. In look back at him confused. "What?" I ask.

Why's he looking at me like that?

"How many times have you came here? And why hasn't y/n told me?" He says through gritted teeth. My eyebrows furrow. "Enough times. I don't know why y/n doesn't tell you though." I say shrugging my shoulders. I start to head for the door to the room but get pulled back. "Y/n wouldn't do that. Do you tell him not to tell me?" He says accusingly.

"I haven't done anything to him. And aside from the fact that you make it CLEAR to him that you don't think of him other than a friend, your really acting like a jealous boyfriend right now." I say rolling my eyes pulling my arm from his grasp. "So whether Ive come here to talk or fuck him shouldn't affect you." I spit out. Yes I was talking about me, but he shouldn't care what I do with anyone. He's not my boyfriend or anything...sadly.

He looked pissed. "What did you do to y/n?!" He says grabbing my jacket collar pulling it towards him. The both of us were the same height so all it did was throw personal space out the window. "What the fuck do you care?! As far as I know you haven't shown any interest in him! You have no idea how much pain he's in because of you! So out of no where now you care about what happens to him, how he feels?!" I scream at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are to be saying things like that?! You don't know what happens, you aren't here! You don't know anything about me or y/n!" He yells pulling me closer. I scoff glaring at him.

"I know everything about y/n! I know how sad he gets when he sees you happy about someone else. I know how much he hurts when you talked and talked about how great bugs is when you were in love with her! I know how desperate he was to help you be happy again after she broke your heart! Do you think he doesn't like you?! Why would a guy you met only two weeks prior invite you into their house to eat their food to sleep on their bed to shower in their bathroom for someone they barley met?! Are you an idiot?! He loves you!" I yell.

He grimaces. Letting out the most heartbreaking words I could ever hear. "I know..."