A Place Unknown

In a dark tunnel with just a smidge of light coming from the end of it, three bodies lay on the cold hard ground a bit far from one another. A groan came from a girl with long raven hair, she slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with darkness. She held her head groaning at the process.

Her eyes widen remembering something.

Looking around in the tunnel, she screamed "Abby, Elly!" her scream echoed in the tunnel giving her a shiver in her spine.

She stood up feeling a bit shaky and faintly spotted the two people she was looking for, her shaking step slowly made their way to Abby and Elly's bodies, with every step making a small thud on the ground.

She kneel before Abby's body and held her shoulder, slightly shaking it in the process.

"Abby, wake up. " she calmly said with a sour voice.

Abby is slowly awakened from the shaking her sister is giving her, the instant she opens her eyes a tight hug squeezes her.

"Thank goodness you're awake." her sister said in her sour voice.

A groan came from Elly's direction, his figure started to get up from the ground with a small cough.

"What the hell happened back there?" Elly's sour voice made an echo in the tunnel.

The three all held each other trying to warm their body up from the cold atmosphere. After a couple of minutes of coddling, they slowly follow the small light at the end of the tunnel.

" Where….are we?" Abby asked holding tight to a girl beside her.

A gust of wind came from the end of the tunnel, the tunnel was dark but not dark enough for them not to see.

Elly plucked up all his courage to start walking even faster, even if every limb of his body is shaking. Their footstep echoed through the tunnel making it creepier in every step enough for them to shiver.

Being the youngest of the three Abby can't help to screech quietly every time the wind comes inside, she tends to hide and hold tighter to Shaine who seems to be as frightened as her.

A small light flickers ahead, and it grows gradually as they came closer to the end. The light brightens as they reached it making them cover their eyes. They slowly opened their eyes as they adjust to the light.

"Whoa." came from each one of them.

The scenery was beautiful, countless trees covered the bottom of the mountain, and the sea can be seen from their whereabouts. It all feels so magical. From their point of view, they are at the edge of a cliff on top of a mountain, they all looked back to only see the mountainside, the tunnel was gone.

"How did…" Elly was cut off when a big gust of wind came from the bottom of the cliff.

A long lizard came flying from the bottom of the cliffside, its enormous wings flapping aggressively making whirlpools of dust. Its silver scale bounced off the light of the sun, it was like a group of shooting stars swimming in the sky.

The three tumbled back a few steps behind, their faces tainted with fright but with a hint of amazement. Their amazement however slowly disappears as the lizard creature seems to notice their presence and decided to somehow attack them.

A scream came from Abby's high-pitched voice "It's coming back, it's coming back!" she yelled holding tighter than ever to her sister.

Shaine looked at Elly with her eyes wide "What do we do now Elly?" she shouted with her shaking voice.

Elly started to breathe faster due to panic, he badly wants to protect his cousin but how exactly, the tunnel opening is gone and there was no way up.

With a dangerous thought in mind, he grab Shaine's hand and run towards the edge of the cliff.

"Elly you can't be serious?!" Shaine yell and pulled away from Elly, but he refuses to let them go.

"We got no other choice, it's either get eaten by that or hope that something might stop our fall which might be very painful…just…just jump!" Elly yelled and pulled the two along with him.

Their screams echoed as they fall into their possible death.

" Just so you know Elly I'm blaming you for this, I'm so going to hunt you!" Shaine yells through the air.

" I'm going to die too you know, you can't hunt someone dead too!" Elly answered back.

"Are you guys seriously arguing, we're going to die for Pete's sake!" Abby yelled with anger.

With their voice high-pitched, Shaine's thoughts are sharp. 'You're joking right, this is not the end right?' she asked internally.

A minute ago they were happily playing at the small hill near the small creek, then walking back as they came closer to the oak their body began feeling heavy before they know it their bodies slowly falls down the grassy ground just by that oak, and now they are somewhere they have no idea where and are about to die.

The trees came closer by every second, and now all Shaine wants is to wake up from this dream, no, the nightmare they are having. Her thoughts are as high pitch as her voice, wanting to protect and save her sister and cousin. As they were about to hit the trees that can kill them her mind screamed at her.

'I don't want us to die!'

Their eyes are shut closed ready to meet their doom, but instead of a hard branch, they felt the wind passing by them. Not sure what's happening they open their eyes to be greeted by the leaves of a tree.

Shocked to see they are floating in mid-air, Shaine look at her sister "Are you guys okay?" she asked.

Abby and Elly look at her to smile and answer yes but instead, they were quite shocked at the appearance of her.

Shaine tilted her head and ask. "What's with that stare, what's wrong?"

Not sure what to say the two pointed towards her hair and eyes.

"Your hair is red, auburn that is," Abby said with a shaking voice.

Shaine's hair is longer than usual and a little wavy in the shade of auburn red with fading ends in the color of faded orange.

"You have green crystal-like eyes." Elly then said.

Her eyes are crystals like emerald color, it's almost like two crystals shining on the sun's light.

Shaine hold her hair and scream to see it was red, the minute she screamed her hair and eyes came back to normal, and they instantly drop through the tree and onto the ground.

They all groan from the pain, but luckily whatever happened up there saved their lives and it stop their way to death.

Shaine stood up from the ground with a small groan. "I don't know if I should be glad or creep out by whatever happened up there," she said and help her sister stand up.

"Well, I'm glad we're still breathing." Elly groan and hold his head, it was hit by a branch from their fall but one of them didn't, and the girls have scratches on their legs.

"I so hate this, "Shaine yells holding the end of her skirt which is an inch above her knee, her stripped socks are dirty and a bit rip with her scratches showing.

" You guys never care about the situation," Abby said with a chuckle.

" But more importantly, where are we?"

"This doesn't look like it's somewhere near Grandpa's farm or land."

They all look up at the sky can barely be seen due to the thickness of the trees, somehow the creature didn't decide to follow them to the ground which is a big relief.

Elly look at his cousin settling down on the grassy ground, as the oldest among them he has to take action quickly or they could end up dead.

"For now let's find somewhere safe, we don't know what animals might be lurking around here," he said and pull up his cousin.

"Wouldn't doing that take us further from the farm?" Shaine complained.

"Does this place look near the farm?" Elly replied, Shaine didn't answer and stared at her shoes.

They slowly made their way through the jungle, surely nothing would pop out of anywhere and gobble them up in one go. The rustling of the leaves due to the strong blows of the wind gives the forest more of its nature vibe, the singing of some birds made it more relaxing.

A small rustle of a bush made them stop on their track.

"Did you guys hear that?" Abby asked almost hugging her sister's arm. "I wanna go home to Grandpa," she added.

The rustling came from one of the bushes behind Abby, it soon shake much more than just a rustle. A shriek came from Abby when something came out of that bush.

"It's alright Abby it's just a small cute bunny." hearing this Abby open her eyes to see it was just a bunny but a bit different.

"It's just a bunny…with big scary sharp fangs," Shaine said with a shaking voice, her reassuring statement is not convincing.

The bunny squeak in the cutest way but the cuteness disappears in an instant and got exchanged for a horrifying appearance. The bunny grows much bigger than its average size, even bigger than the teenagers, its eyes are as red as blood, and its paw now bare sharp claws. It's not cute anymore it's horrifying.

"Run!" Elly yell and they all run as fast as they can with the bunny creature following behind.

"I take it back, not cute, not cute at all!" Shaine yell.

The bunny roar makes them scream in shock, being soccer players Elly and Shaine can run fast, however, Abby who is a slow pace runner is being dragged by the two.

They run through the forest not caring if they rip their outfits, somehow they outrun the bunny but ended up on an edge of a cliff. Elly look at his cousin worriedly, the girl's eyes grew, and instantly shake their heads.

"I'm not going to do that again, whatever happened back there must be out of luck." Shaine protested earning a small nod from her sister.

Due to frustration, he grabs Shaine's hand roughly. "Do you want to get eaten by that ball of fur?!"

Shaine pulls back from him. "I don't but I don't want to commit suicide, either way, we're going to die! " She angrily yells.

"Come on, now is not the time to argue." Abby tried her best to push the two away from each other.

A big growl came from the trees, they slowly look back and saw red eyes staring at them. There was no time to escape, the bunny instantly jump towards them, the three fell to the ground and hug each other ready to part from this world.

Just at that minute, a light came shooting down towards them, it was a crystal arrow. It hit the creature on the head making it growl much louder until it exploded and turned into a red crystal gem.

The three slowly open their eyes to see that they are still alive, a small voice came from one of the trees, then a person with a cloak came jumping down on the ground. The wind blew making the hood fall off the person's head. The girl's ginger hair played along with the wind, her skin almost white as snow, her eyes are in a light shade of gray, on her left hand was a bow with beautiful carvings and she was carrying on her back some crystal-like arrows.

The girl uses her bow to point toward the three who are still captive in her unbelievable beauty.

"You guys are strangely dressed," she said looking at the three with curious eyes and a small but sincere smile.