What happened after a fun day?

Abby's POV

My eyes gently flutter open, it's around 6 in the morning, and I can see the ray of sunshine passing through our window curtains. I can also hear the morning songs of birds flying by, sounds like another wonderful day.

I sat up and begin stretching out my body, my sister moved from under the blanket, groaning to herself, we need to get another bed, this room is big after all.

I stood up wore my slippers and went by our window, I sweep the curtains to the side letting in the bright light of the sun, it was warm and cozy on the skin, and I saw two birds skipping on the window edge. I let out a giggle before opening the window which made the birds fly away. The wind blows a gentle breeze enough to make our curtains sway along with some strands of my hair.

I entered our room bathroom and washed my face before wiping it dry with a towel.

"Sis it's morning, time to get out of bed," I said shaking Shaine to woke her up.

She began to rustle on our bed with groans and moans, she's still not a morning person. I tugged on the blanket and revealed her yawning self. I grab one of our pillows and smack her hard with it.

" If you're going to wake me up at least do it less painful." she groaned pulling herself to sit up.

"Breakfast is probably ready by now, let's hurry down."

She yawned once more before standing up to do some stretches, I didn't have to wait for her so I walked down to the kitchen.

A delicious scent then came in contact with my nose, and of course, my stomach answered with a growl.

" Mornin' Abby. " Elly greeted with a smile, even if he was chewing his breakfast.

I sat down on my chair and almost drooled because of hunger, there are sunny side-ups, toast, some leftover chicken from last evening, and fresh fruits.

"Breakfast time!"

Before I could put anything on my plate Shaine is already eating her breakfast.

"Quick for breakfast but slow to wake up as always." Elly teased giggling to himself.

"Hey guys why don't we visit Stefan and Colette, we never came by them when we visited last week." I happily announced.

"That's a great idea, maybe we can even eat lunch at their house," Shaine said making me and Elly giggle, all she can think is food huh?

"While you're at that bring them some fruits."

"Morning Grandpa." we all greeted together to Grandpa Toren who seems to just finished feeding the animals.

I always forgot that Grandpa Toren's farm has animals aside from chickens, he also has some cows, sheep, and goats, and he even has some horses. I never get close to the animals though because one time I was chased by some goats, and there was a time when a sheep started chewing on my dress. They don't like me.

We finished eating and Elly insist on washing the dishes while we wash up.

I used the bathroom in our bedroom while Shaine used Elly's bathroom, I took a quick but clean shower and wrap myself in a towel, I was drying my hair when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, Abby is Shaine still using my bathroom?"

"I think so, you can check up on her but don't enter the room," I said chuckling.

"I know that."

I used a hair dryer to quickly dry up my hair before changing into my outfit, I never wear anything special when I'm here at the farm but since we're visiting some old friends I guess I should suit up nicely. I grab a white shirt and partnered it with a black jumper skirt, and perhaps I could partner them with a white sandal.

I combed my hair and started braiding the sides, then suddenly Shaine entered our room all dressed up with a towel drying her hair.

"Shaine I know you don't exactly like skirts that much but you should wear them, they are such a waste," I said looking at her from the mirror, she laughed at me before sitting on the bed and started using the hair dryer.

"Why what's wrong with wearing shorts, it's much easier to move around."

As I finished braiding I turned around and stare at her with a teasing smile.

"Come on, Mom buy those outfits for you, don't let it go to waste."

She groaned at me but didn't reply instead she walk up to our closet and grab a black skirt just an inch above her knee, I giggled as she changed.

"But I'm wearing these." I let out a laugh when she raised a pair of black and green striped long socks. It unexpectedly goes well with her red checkered shirt unbuttoned and tied at the end, which shows her white t-shirt underneath, and finishing it up with a pair of shoes.

We finished up and walk down to the living room, we both sit on the couch waiting for Elly to come down from his room.

"You girls look lovely," Grandpa said smiling as he hand a basket full of fruits and veggies to Shaine.

"Too lovely."

Elly said while leaning to the living room doorway, we both laugh at him and gladly got up and said goodbye to Grandpa.

The sun was shining and the air is fresh, the gentle sway of the grain field is just breathtaking, I could live in this part of the town forever, I could but I would be just a burden to Grandpa.

Stefan Bhielhart and Nicolette Bhielhart are twins 2 years younger than me, they live in the third house in the meadow before Grandpa's land. They were the first people to welcome us in this part, they are both adorable and jolly which is what made us three fall in love with them more.

"Damn, I love how refreshing this place is." I giggle at my sister, she was stretching her arms high to feel the breeze.

"Language." Elly then said looking calmly at the trees lined up.

Soon those two began to argue, in a friendly way that is, they can be a handful whenever this happens. When we reached the end of the path we were shocked to see both Colette and Stefan just ahead of us.

"Elly, Shaine, Abby!!!" Colette yelled running towards us, I was smiling to see her as cute as ever, even if they lived in this outskirts her skin is well taken care of, her blonde hair smooth as silk and her baby blue eyes just sparkle out of her excitement.

" We were supposed to visit you yesterday but we thought that you guys must be tired and it had gotten late," Stefan explained giggling. Stefan is a good-looking boy, he's like a boy version of Colette, well technically he is because of their twins. And just like Colette, Stefan has blonde hair but a darker shade of blue eyes.

We continued talking while walking until we reached their house, we sat down under this tree near their house, it has the perfect shade and perfect puffs of winds going in its direction, enough to make you fall asleep early in the morning.

We played with their dogs, flew kites, and took a short nap. We were soon called in for lunch by their mom, the twins took a lot of resemblance from their mother, almost like looking at your baby pictures.

We didn't want Grandpa to tire himself out, he loves working around the land though. When the clock strikes 2:00 we bid goodbye to the twins and their mom, they keep on pursuing us to stay a bit longer but in the end, they let us go.

The walk back to Grandpa's house made us more refreshed after eating a lot at lunch. We saw Grandpa by the horse ranch, we notified him that we were back before going to the hill near the creak.

"Those two grew didn't they?" I asked smiling while feeling the warmth of the sun and the cold breeze altogether making me feel cozy inside.

"Sure did. I still have a lot of energy left so how about a game of tag." Shaine stood up and put her hands on her hips, she smiled as she looked at us.

"You're on." Elly then replied.

We began playing and because I'm a slow-paced runner I always get caught, but those two don't seem to want to give up on each other, when one tries to catch the other one they would just stop trying and just tag me.

We ended our game with Elly always winning making Shaine pout and continually complain about how Elly would cheat which he didn't.

"You cheated!"

"For the hundredth time I did not, it's tag how would I cheat."

They continue arguing when we walk back to the house, as we pass the oak tree I suddenly feel my body getting heavy. I held my chest when my breathing became harder and harder. I tried asking for help from the two but they were in different situations, Shaine was holding her head constantly pulling on her hair to stop whatever she is feeling, Elly on the other hand was blank but I can see how his body is trembling, my eyes grew when he feel to ground on his knees. I tried screaming at him but he didn't react at all.

What is happening, I can't feel my legs at all, my breathing is starting to shorten, I tried screaming for Grandpa but no words were coming out of my mouth, I couldn't even utter or murmur a single sound.

A big thud made me look at my sister and my eyes grew bigger to see that she was completely passed out, Elly then slowly falls to the ground without any emotions. I felt dizzy and I ended up collapsing too, my vision was starting to blur but I could still see Shaine and Elly before me, I tried reaching for her hand but I couldn't hold back anymore and everything went black.