Secrets in the Night

The wind was blowing a cold breeze, sweeping away some dried leaves and making the bushes dance. It was indeed a cold afternoon on the outskirts of Lakeburgh, a not-so-small but not-so-big town.

The corn fields almost seem endless, old worn out wooden fences trail to as far as one can see. There were tractors and barns with beautiful simple houses. Children can be seen running on an open field, pulling a kite that is swimming in the air like a fish in the ocean.

A blue car sped past the houses, inside the car are four people, two girls, and two boys, who were chatting along their peaceful ride.

Although this side of the town seems so countryside-like, it wasn't that far from the shoreline, which is a very peaceful place to relax with tranquility.

The car continued and entered a small bumpy ride, the calming color of orange started to pass through the trees' leaves, it almost feel like autumn but it wasn't it was still in the middle of summer.

"You guys should take proper care of your body, especially you two twisted sisters, your body is more fragile than Eleanor."

"Geez you worry too much Ezene, you're like our mom," Shaine complained pouting, being scolded is not an enjoyable time for her.

"Zip your mouth and tie that sharp tongue of yours Shaine, I'm scolding you so you would know what's right and what's wrong, always going with the flow isn't always the best decision you know."

"But it's much easier to just relax and follow the flow."

Shaine being a thick-headed girl when it comes to her cousins spoke up even if she was already told to shut up.

"And that flow will probably take you to a waterfall if you don't listen to what we say," Ezene said looking at her from the mirror.

Pouting Shaine crossed her arms and slide her back down, it's not like she was doing anything wrong, she has had enough reminders and scolding from her mom now her older cousin adds more flavor to her mom's yapping.

Being told over and over to be careful is sweet and all but it's tiring to listen to the people saying the same thing every time.

The lines of trees ended at a meadow with slightly tall grass swaying to the afternoon breeze, some flowers budding and getting enough sunshine to grow, there are fewer houses on this side of the outskirts, and the farthest is Grandpa Toren's land.

Kids running around the clear meadow waved to the familiar car with bright big smiles on their faces, it was a weekly habit to welcome the three to their side of the town.

"The kids seem more energetic than usual," Abby said opening her window to wave back to the children.

At the end of the meadow, a clear path made its way through the trees, almost feels like being in the mountains. The car went on then down a small hill entering a clearing, there were patches of grain and wheat fields and corn, Grandpa Toren's house stand proud and tall in the middle with a barn not far and the twisted oak tree being the tallest out of all the trees surrounding the house.

It was indeed a sight to be seen, the air is fresh, no unnecessary noises, just the feel of being in a petite paradise.

"Grandpa Toren!!" Abby happily shouted as she walks out of the car.

An aged man walked out of his porch and greeted the four with a big smile. They all walk up to the house and kiss the man on the cheek.

"Haven't seen you in a while sonny, how's your life been?" asked Grandpa Toren, the eldest of the four chuckled and put his arms around the old man's shoulders.

"I don't wanna talk about it Gramps and I would love to spend more time here but I don't have time to chatter about it, I have a meeting to attend to around 7 so I'll be going now." Ezene then patted his old man's back and walked down the three-step stairs.

"Busy as always I see, well say hi to your mom for me."

They all waved goodbye as the blue car drive away from their sight. The sky began to grow darker, and the breeze have become colder.

"Are you kids sure you will be okay here, you know what happened last time you were here."

"It's okay Grandpa I'm feeling a lot better than before." Shaine happily reply although what she said was the opposite of what she thought.

Dinner was already prepared so all the three should do is freshen up. They all went up to their rooms and unpacked what they brought.

Abby looked out the window to see fireflies flying around the small garden their grandpa has.

"Sis check this out," she called out to her sister.

Both the girls stared with awe at the flying petite lights fluttering and flittering around the bloomed flowers. Then all the fireflies fly together almost making a small sun, they gently fly toward the oak and began circling it. It was absurd and magical at the same time, why would fireflies circle a tree, they normally flutter around meadows and forests.

"Let's go eat," Shaine said snapping both herself and Abby out of a tranch they didn't know they were in.

Both girls finished unpacking and change into something they feel comfortable sleeping in. They walked out of their room and down the creaking staircase, as they entered the dining everything was already prepared, all that was left to do is eat.

The sweet smell wrap the whole dinner, there were boiled eggs, fresh wheat bread, a freshly baked apple pie, and even roasted chicken, it was a feast.

"Wow, Grandpa is there something we're celebrating or what?" Shaine joked settling down on her sit.

"How exactly are we going to finish this all?" Elly added as he sat down.

Both only earned chuckles from their grandfather.

They all give their thanks for the food and began eating.

"I heard you had another game this week, how was it?" their grandpa started putting a piece of apple pie he baked on his plate.

Shaine doesn't know how to answer her grandpa's question, but she tried to keep the conversation going. "It was..... cool."

"Doesn't have that much energy in saying that now my dear, did something happen?"

"Nothing at all gramps just some slight bumps and humps," Elly said and took a big bite out of his bread.

Remembering the game and their talk would ruin their time with their grandfather, all those unexplainable things don't matter for now.

"I sure hope that nothing happen, although I heard from your mother that you, my dear passed out again after your game." Grandpa Toren stated smiling at Shaine. Even if it was supposed to make her feel okay it did the opposite.

"Sorry." she apologized, lying wasn't an option after all. There's no news about them that their grandfather doesn't know especially if it involves their wellness and health.

"There's no need to hide it from me, my dear, I won't scold you like your mother but I would tell you to take much better of yourself."

'Here we go again.' Shaine said to herself making herself giggle too.

"I know you're a tough girl, strong and all of that but it's not a bad thing to take stuff slow, it's not a soccer field everywhere you go you know."

"I know Grandpa," she said chuckling at herself.

"The same thing goes for you too Eleanor, don't be so serious about playing, I know you love soccer so much but I didn't know you love it to the point where you would sprain an ankle."

"Technically I didn't sprain my ankle, the other team's player did." Elly proclaim.

"Well that is just not fair, you could've broken a bone or two. Those kids need to learn the proper rules. " their grandpa said drinking his orange juice.

Shaine raises her glass almost saying for a toast. "Agreed."

They continued with their feast-like dinner and shockingly finished most of it. Grandpa Toren volunteered to do the dishes but it took a long chatting before the trio let him do it.

The three walked up to their rooms and started to get ready to sleep, it wasn't long before they were fast asleep snuggling under the cozy soft blanket wrapping their bodies.

In the silence of the night, the crickets sing their lullaby which dances along with the wind's unseen rhythm. The back door of the powdered blue-colored house was open, letting the light creep out in the darkness of the night. The lanterns on the trees were lit up, one specific tree has no lanterns hanging from it, not a single one. Considering the oaks size it should be lit up with different colored lanterns.

Grandpa Toren walked up to this big oak, on one hand, he held a bright lantern to light up his way. He stood in front of the oak with his eyes staring at the top, the sky was barely visible because of the thick leaves of this tree.

He put the lantern down on the ground and held the trunk, feeling its cold and rough texture. Fireflies suddenly came flying down from the tree and started fluttering around the old man, it was strange how the fireflies were each a different color even if the most known and only known color of a firefly is yellow.

"I see that it's time," he said smiling gently as he rubs the trunk of the tree.

As soon as he lets go the fireflies' lights began to fade letting the darkness consume the tree. Grandpa Toren grabs his lantern and returns back to his house.

What a strange but somehow normal day it is and what a strange tree this old man has.