Cookies and Love Letters

It's a cloudy day in the town of Lakeburgh, looks like there will be a downpour around the afternoon time.

Shaine stretches out her arm in the air and said. "Finally done with math."

"It's only first period." A girl said with fine brown long hair that was braided to the side.

"But it did feel like a day had passed by." Said another girl, her blonde hair tied in a high ponytail with some strands left behind, and black-framed glasses sitting on her pointed nose with a small smile on her pinkish lips.

Shaine giggled to the girls and then said. "See even Edith thinks so too."

Edith Henderson, a smart but cheeky girl with natural blonde hair that reaches her mid back and a pair of glasses, Shaine met her on the first week of the school year she transferred to StonFilia High, Edith was the first one to say hello because of her kind and cheerful personality.

"Hah I just sleep through math." the brown head girl said sitting on Shaine's desk with her legs crossed.

"That's so like you Bea," Edith said giggling along.

Beatrice Hamel Toddbern, a well-known businessman's daughter, their family has a share in the StonFilia High but only Shaine and Edith know about it, in her younger years she was known to be a delinquent in her previous school though her past didn't stop Shaine to be friends with her she still picks fights with some delinquent outside the school just to kill time.

Shaine chuckles a bit and slightly hit Bea on her elbow. "When are you going to act like a proper lady Bea?"

Bea snorted. "Don't even start Shaine, by the way, how's your cousin we were shocked to see him go home in a wheelchair."

"He should be fine by now but his mom doesn't want him to come to school." Shaine smiled to herself.

It feels a little lonely without that guy, she thought.

The second period has begun and Shaine wasn't paying any attention to the teacher, she scribbled some things on her notebook to make it look like she was taking notes of their lesson. Without realizing she scribbled a twisted oak tree on a small hill, it reminded her about the oak back on their grandfather's land. Her brows meet with her mouth open a bit.

"Ms. Moores!"

"Yes!" she shouted standing up, all of her classmates are staring at her with small giggles.

"Could you please read us the second paragraph." her teacher ask glaring at her.

She cleared her throat and started reading the sentence.

"Thank you." her teacher said before turning his back and starting to write on the board again.

Shaine sighed in relief and put her head on her table, I almost got caught, she thought. Just then the school bell rang in the entire school saying that it was lunch time.

"See you tomorrow." the teacher said smiling to everyone before leaving the door.

Edith happily stood on her seat, grab her bag and walk towards Shaine. "Hey, Shaine let's eat near the field."

Bea walks up to them with a grin on her face. "Why so you can fantasize over Shaine's team captain?"

Edith's face flushed red and frowned at Bea. "Stop making things up," she said slightly smacking Bea's shoulder.

"Your blush gives it all away." Bea laughs.

Shaine giggles at her friends before standing up, she grab her pack and started walking out with her friends playfully arguing behind her. Her attention is drawn to each student they pass by, she would stare at them until they have passed by and she even made an underclassman blush of embarrassment due to her stare.

When they exited the building they are greeted by a puff of wind and the smell of freshly cut grass. The sky is getting a lot darker than earlier but there's still a little bit of sunshine piercing through the thick clouds. They all walk towards the field and sat under a tree on a hill, the field was designed like a hole so the ball wouldn't go that far off-field.

The soccer team has another practice for today but Shaine took a day off out of practice.

"Shaine!" a small feminine voice yells from the building.

Abby came running towards her sister with a plastic bag in her hand, her backpack swaying from side to side her hair bouncing due to her long steps, and her bangs held up by a plain white hair clip.

Shaine stood from the ground and greet her sister with a smile and a small wave.

Shaine giggles at her sister panting in front of her. "What's the rush about?"

Abby held both of her knees and bend over to take a few breaths, instead of answering her sister she held up the plastic bag for Shaine to take which she gladly did. Shaine rustled in the bag and pulled out a warm plastic wrapper with freshly baked cookies.

Finally being able to maintain her breathing, Abby stands up straight and smiles.

"Well looks like you've been busy," Shaine said jokingly. "Come on let's eat it together." she put her arm over Abby's shoulder and pulled her towards Bea and Edith.

Both Bea and Edith greeted Abby with a pair of grins and a wave, all of them settled down on the ground and open up their lunch boxes, and began eating with small chatters.

"So what's up Abby, you aren't just here to deliver these yummy cookies aren't yah?" Shaine began biting on Abby's cookies.

Abby slightly averted her eyes and awkwardly laugh to herself. What's up with her, Shaine thought to herself.

Shaine positioned herself so that she was facing Abby who is still looking in a different direction.

"Spill," Shaine said making Abby groan a bit under her breath.

Abby peeked towards Shaine but sigh in defeat knowing her sister would never let anything slide out of her fingers. Abby pulled her pack onto her lap and began to rustle inside it, Shaine tilted her as her sister keep rustling in her pack searching for something.

When Abby stopped she pulled out a small pink envelope with a heart sticker to prevent it to open.

"I found this in my locker this morning, I didn't know what to do with it so I was wondering if you or Elly would know though Elly is not here." Abby spooked and handed Shaine the envelope.

Shaine examined the envelope up and down, and side to side, looks like she still hasn't opened it, she whisper to herself.

"Is that a love letter?"

Shaine turns her head to Bea who is chewing on a piece of cookie.

"A love letter?" Shaine asked not sure if she had misheard her friend.

Bea gulp down the cookie she was chewing and calmly grab the letter out of Shaine's grasp, she held it to the left side of her head and turned it from side to side.

"Pink envelope, heart sticker, yup it's a love letter alright," Bea said handing back the letter to Shaine.

"I usually get those from boys in another school." Bea happily announces making Edith cough.

Edith cleared her throat and face Shaine. "What does it say?"

"Dunno it's still sticked-close." Shaine gently handed the letter to Abby who stared at her.

"Open it, it would be rude not to read what that student has written for you," Shaine said crossing her arms with a cheeky smirk on her face.

Abby gulp down and slowly open up the letter inside the envelope, she unfold the piece of paper and saw something written in it, she looked at it carefully and began reading it for Shaine and her friends to hear.

"Your smile is as sweet as freshly baked cookies, I yearn for your attention every passing day but never once was it given, I can only watch you from afar, or else if I'm near you my heart will explode. You're like the first spring day, so peaceful and such unexplainable beauty you possess, I do hope that someday you will see me as a special person and not a stranger. "

"Ekkk that was so sweet." Edith squealed shaking Bea harshly.

"All I can say is - that is the most cheesy thing I have ever seen and heard today," Shaine said crossing her hands over her chest, she wore a small smile with bored sleepy eyes.

"It doesn't say anything about meeting in a place or something?" Edith asks looking straight at Abby's eyes with wonder.

Abby flip the paper up and down but doesn't see anything other than the one she had read. She shook her head gently from side to side making Edith frown a bit, she stare back at the letter and felt a little flushed, she isn't the type of girl to get this kind of attention from boys just like her sister.

"I wonder who might you be?" she whispered to herself and the letter.

In that stroke of the moment, images began flashing through her head, there was this boy that keeps appearing, he wore a cute gummy smile with fair skin and chocolate brown hair.


Abby shut her eyes tightly before opening them again slowly, the images began to slowly fade away as her eyelids flutter open.

"Who's Zabene?" Shaine ask looking curious about what her sister just blurted out.

Abby shook her head and smile at her sister, she stare back at the letter in her hand and recall the images that appeared in her head. Who was that? she ask herself. Her attention was drawn to a letter at the bottom of the letter, Z. B is written on it with beautiful calligraphy.

"Could this be from.... that Zabene?" she whispered under her breath.

A loud bang noise caught her attention making her look towards it, her glance ended up on the baseball team, and she stare at the boy who is about to pitch, he has fair skin and chocolate brown hair coming out of his helmet's side. He positioned and when the ball came flying towards him he hit it with full force making the ball fly through the air.

As far as what she can see the other baseball team member greeted the boy with smiles and grins for a great pitch, he soon look towards Abby's direction and without realizing they both met eyes, Abby flush a bit but it soon fades away when the boy turns his head away.

Okay maybe not him, she said in her head frowning a bit.

"You okay?"

Her gaze came back to her sister who is eating yet another cookie. She shook her head and eat along with them.

Just a few meters away a boy was smiling to himself while staring at a girl who was enjoying herself to a nice lunch.

"Let's have lunch."

With a nod, the boy took one more glance to the girl before walking away with a sheepish smile and a slight blush on his fair cheeks.