
The heavy rain had begun pouring down as the school bell rings ending lunchtime, students from the fields came running to take shelter from the bitter storm.

Droplets of water slide down on the windows of each room making not even a slight noise.

Abby couldn't help but stare out of the window, her mind is a long way from the teacher's discussion and stayed focused on the foggy vision through the window. She can't get the love letter out of her head, each word is playing through her mind over and over. The class seems like a mere minute and ended like a flash of light, as soon as the teacher left the whole class started to chatter along not caring about the loud downpour outside.

"Hey, Abby what happened to that letter?" A girl with short wavy hair asks pulling her chair near Abby's table.

"Don't remind me it's giving me a headache," Abby said smiling weakly.

That letter was a slight shock for her, she doesn't get that many love letters even at her previous school so now why would some guy like her?

"Why don't you investigate this mystery guy?" the girl said smirking with her brows going up and down.

"Isn't that a bit going over the privacy line?" Abby doesn't want to disturb the privacy of this mysterious boy, even though she's curious about what he might be like.

"He gave you a freakin' love letter and only leave his initials, and he doesn't even want to meet in person to confess properly, doesn't that makes you curious even a little bit." the girl proclaims eyeing Abby who awkwardly giggles.

"Well it does but maybe he doesn't want to be known, maybe he wants to remain a secret from me." She said smiling.

"Are you serious, he just gave you a frickin' letter for you to know that he likes you but he didn't like properly proclaim his love for you I mean the letter might be just one of his toys to kill time. I mean aren't you curious why he liked you of all the girls in school."

This caught Abby's attention, yes she did get curious about who might this mysterious boy be, why does he like her, does he like her. All these questions are running in her head, each with a big question mark at the end.

"So what cha' gonna do?" the girl asks grinning out of excitement.

"Even if we do try to find him we don't have a clue on where to begin."

The girl clapped her hand and stood up facing Abby with a big grin.

"That's easy peasy, let's just check the student documents and list down everything that has the same initials as this mystery guy of yours."

Abby chuckled and stare at her friend. "I don't want to get sent to the principal's office Sam, my sister would kill me."

Sam fake laughed and slightly hit Abby on her head. "Don't be such a scaredy cat Abby it's just Shaine what's there to be scared about?"

"I don't know, maybe a lot." Abby sarcastically said.

The thought of her sister glaring and shouting nonstop at her makes the hair on the back of her neck stands. Shaine is a loveable girl, with a very energetic vibe but once she's angry it's as if she changed into another person.

"Plus if this guy doesn't want to be known then we should leave it be like it is."

Abby didn't utter another word, letting go of a big sigh she started doodling on her notebook while likely listening to Sam's cocky stories.

The school bell rang through the whole school, and due to the heavy rain classes were suspended, it is dangerous to be going home really late in the afternoon with a storm surging.

"My brother is gonna pick me up today, want to hitch a ride?" Sam playfully smiled, pulling her bangs out of her sight and swinging her bag to her shoulder.

Abby gave a warm smile. "Nah I'm fine I'll be walking home with my sister and Elly, hopefully, they have an umbrella. "

Sam shrugged and messed up Abby's hair before waving goodbye. Pulling her bag to her back Abby walked out of her classroom with a small but warm smile.

The weather may be cold and gloomy but there's this small glow coming from Abby, making her feel all cozy and warm.

Shaine's classroom isn't that far and so is Elly's, the corridor is filled with students chatting away as they pass other students from another year. A soft tone is being played in the broadcast speakers making the atmosphere more relaxing.

Abby put her back against the wall right in front of Shaine's room, some students that came out from the room door took glances at her with a smile or even a wave. She is very well known in her sister's class maybe because of how she always stands outside the door waiting for Shaine to come out.

Her eyes were glued to her black shoes which were tapping on the ground making an unrecognizable tone.

Three familiar voices came in sync with her ears, she stood straight and look at the door where three girls came out.


She happily greet her sister, Shaine smiled at her along with the two girls with her.

"Ready to go home?"

Shaine's smile then became less energetic, she scratches her neck with an awkward smile.

Shaine ruffled Abby's hair and said. "Sorry Abby I won't be home until late 4, got a meeting to attend to."

Although Shaine is on the soccer team she is also a part of the community club, which helps with all the clean-up or preparations for school events.

"Oh I see, that's fine."

"Hey!" a voice yells from the right.

They all turn to see Elly with his friends walking towards them.

Shaine gave both Alex and June a fist pump before slightly patting Elly's shoulder. "Hey Elly, what time will you be going home?"

Elly held his chin and look up as if thinking of an imaginary clock floating above his head.

"Maybe around 4, I don't know I got to help with the soccer team cleaning up the club room, why'd you ask?"

"Looks like Abby doesn't have any club activities today." Shaine worriedly smile down on her sister who giggled.

"Oh man talk about wrong timing, sorry Abby but if I skip my cleaning duty captain will make my training twice as hard," Elly said suddenly feeling all gloomy just thinking about extra practice for himself.

"It's perfectly fine, I can go home by myself no need to worry." with that said Abby let go of a warm smile towards her beloved family. "I better get going seems that the rain won't be stopping anytime soon, oh, and speaking of which do you guys have an extra umbrella?" she then asked earning only her head shaking from left to right.

Abby then bid farewell to her sister and cousin before running off, she thought if maybe she can borrow a lost umbrella in the lost and found.

Unlucky as it may seem, there was no umbrella in the lost and found, Abby walk towards the entrance and stop at the very end carefully not getting her shoes or socks wet.

She stared up at the gloomy gray sky and slightly smile. "Can you at least stop for a minute for me to go home?" she playfully laugh as she said those words.

Looking around she realized that she was all alone, everyone went home huh, she thought.

Not long after she heard footsteps coming from behind her, they were heavy at the same time soft. She felt someone stand near her but she didn't look, maybe someone from a higher year, she said to herself.

"Damn looks like this rain won't stop until evening." the person said laughing afterwards.

' Is he talking to me', Abby thought looking in the other direction.

"Why haven't you gone home?" the person asks.

'Yup, he's talking to me', she said to herself. She slowly turns her head towards the person with a small smile so she won't look rude. She was about to answer but stop when she saw the person, he was looking at the sky with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was the boy she saw from the field earlier.

"I seemed to forget my umbrella," she answered awkwardly laughing.

The boy laughed at her but still didn't look back, he's eyes are stuck on the gray sky crying down on them. He then began ramping in his bag and brought out an umbrella, he smile at the sky and gave it to her.

"Use it I'm going to enjoy the rain for once," he said and started walking in the rain.

"Wait you'll catch a cold!" Abby yelled and hurriedly open up the umbrella.

"No worries I'm used to illness, they come and go. It's better if I'm the one that gets sick and not you." he stands still under the rain before looking back to Abby with a smile. "Get home safe now." he then started running and didn't stop until he was out of her sight.

Abby stared blankly at the fogging street until realizing that she was supposed to be following the boy. She fixed up the umbrella and run to the school gate hoping to see even a small sight of the boy but she didn't. All she could see are foggy streets with the lamp post on early in the afternoon.

She let out a loud sigh and started walking towards their street. Her footstep came along with the beat of the pouring rain on the umbrella, the puddles she would step on would splish and slash on her shoe but she was too busy spacing out to notice how wet her shoes are. She stops at her pace and looks up at the sky with the umbrella still keeping her nice and dry.

"I wonder if he got home safely," she said and started to walk again. Leaving behind her footstep that syncs with the raindrop on puddles and leaves.