Nightmares and a Confession

Abby's POV

I don't know where I am but I found myself running, running away from a devil-like person. I could feel tears slipping out of my eyes, my breath dry and heavy. What is happening?!

My path ended when I meet an edge of a cliff, I turned my back and positioned my hands in front of me in a cross position, I don't know why but I just did.

My eyes grew bigger when all the trees started to wilt, turning into black lifeless pieces of wood, and the clouds shifted into grey covering every blue of the sky.

A girl floated down on the ground with blood-red hair that's hovering over her head almost like being blown by an invisible wind below, her clothes are unseen due to her black cloak, but what mostly scares me is her eyes, they look like red rubies but with less life and glimmer in them.

"Azur càste!" I chanted holding up my hand in the air, a blue magic circle appeared above my hand, and with full force, I slammed the ground as hard as I could.

Big sharp rocks emerge from the ground piercing everything above it, I stared back at the girl a few feet away from me, her body was pierced by the rocks I made but then I felt a pain in my chest and tears began to pour down on my cheeks. I kneeled on the ground staring blankly at my hands as my tears continued to pour.

Suddenly I felt and heard a heartbeat and when I stared back at the girl, a black wave of energy was released from her body pushing me back and over the cliff.


I held my chest as my breathing was heavy and fast, my face is wet with tears and sweat. The lights were turned on and my gaze landed on Shaine on her bed rubbing her eyes.

"What's wrong Abby?" she asked me slowly getting up and walking towards my side of the room.

"Nightmares?" she asked once more yawning in the process. She gently sat on my bed and looked at me with worried sleepy eyes.

"I think so..."

I don't know if that was a nightmare or just a normal dream, every day seems so weird lately, my sudden daydream visions, Shaine's migraines, and Elly's loss of focus.

I look back at my sister and held my chest, she was looking at me with full worried even if her eyes are half open.

"Hey sis, I would like to talk to you about something." my voice was slightly shaking but serious.

"Sure how about I makes us some coffee or milk to slightly woke us up, especially me." she yawned making me giggle. "I'll go make some, how about talking up there." I nodded to her with a smile.

She smiled back at me and then walk towards the door, I stood up from my bed with my bunny's help by both of my hands, I made my way up to the attic and turned the lights on.

The lights we use are just simple fairy lights, three bean bags are settling down on a big round soft mat in the middle of the small room, paintings and pictures plastered on the wall, a few books here and there, some stuff toys piled on one spot and two small tables on the side. Since this is the attic, and the roof is exactly right above us, we decided to decorate it more by adding a few glow-in-the-dark star stickers.

I sat down on one of the bean bags hugging my knees up to my chest, whenever I have problems I always first consult Shaine, aside from mom Shaine is the first person I trust the most. She was always there if I needed her and always has this crazy ways to cheer me up, because of her I manage to slightly lower my timid meter and get along with people a lot more.

I began to hear her footsteps and the slightly banging sound of the door being closed. Her head slowly pops up from the attic door, she has a tray with two cups of coffee and a plate with cookies. She put down the cookies on the center of the mat and sat down beside it.

She grab one of the cups and took a small sip. "So what's the problem?"

I hugged my bunny along with my knees, I stare blankly at the steam of the other cup of coffee as it flow up and disappeared right away.

"How are you feeling these past few days?" I asked looking at my fingers.

I heard her small chuckle before answering my question. "Is that what's worrying you, if it is then maybe in between normal and not normal."

"What do you mean by between normal and not normal?"

She grabbed a cookie and took a big bite out of it. "Exactly what it means."

Should I tell her, I thought. But isn't telling that weird if I told her I've been having these weird daydreams and dreams that seem like a nightmare and also seem like their true?

I tighten my hold on my knees and put my head on them, I look at my pink-matched pajamas and shut my eyes.

"Come on just spill it."

I snap my head back up and look at her, she was wearing her reassuring smile and her eyes are widely awake, due to her coffee.


She tilted her head and once more smile at me again. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Lately I've been having these dreams that torture into ns nightmares, it's like I can see a different place from time to time then in just the blink of an eye I'm back here." I look back at her and saw her just staring at me. "I often hear this voice and see images in my head whenever I became clueless about something." I continued.

"I don't know what's wrong with me but I do not think that I'm sick or something. No illness has this sort of symptoms." I grab the other cup and help it both with my hands settling it gently on my lap where it slowly warms up my legs.

"Weird huh?" I said chuckling.

"Not at all." hearing this made me stare back at her, she isn't freaked out at all or even find it funny. She was looking at her cup with a small smile.

"What do you mean, I mean it sounded unreal and crazy," I said once more.

"I don't see it unreal nor crazy because..."

She glances back at me and smiles with her eyes closed.

"I'm experiencing the same thing."

The room was quiet, not a sound to be heard nor a sound to be made.

"The day of our game when Elly hurt his feet, I felt this enormous pain every time I score a goal, my headache would come and go but in the end I let it take me and collapsed. I also felt this tingling feeling on my feet when I forcefully kicked the ball to enter the net, every time Elly would look at me he would look shaken and scared, I don't know what he sees but I know that it's not normal. "

I was taken aback by her explanation of her experience, I didn't know that she was feeling that much pain on her game, she was enduring all her headaches just to win the game.

"Like you, I also have these weird images suddenly popping out of nowhere, but it's not my daydreams trust me, it's more realistic as if like I'm exactly in that place." she continued.

"But in each image I see there is always one thing that keeps coming back..."

"What is it?" I ask hugging my bunny more tightly.

"An oak tree. A simple young twisted oak tree."

I suddenly felt this faint headache making me hold my head, it doesn't hurt but it surprised me.

"You okay?" she asked standing from her position and walking near me.

I nodded and smile. "Yeah, just a small headache."

She smiled at me and went back to her position, she blow at her coffee cooling it down enough for her to take a big sip.

"Remember how I passed out back in Grandpa's farm, I was dreaming, well sort of, I was in this open field in a forest, and in the middle was a twisted oak tree standing high and tall on a small hill, I was then attacked by something and that's when I woke up, since then I became more aware and had this weird visions and migraines. "

"That oak tree.... also appears in my dreams and daydreams." I blurt out.

The oak tree was young but twisted, its green leaves are fresh and clean, and how it sits on the small hill makes it more of a calming place but now I see it as something like a horror place.

"Why do you think that we often see that oak tree in our dreams or vision?" I asked looking at her straight in the eyes.

She stared back but averted her gaze toward the steam coming from her coffee.

"I don't know."

I don't know too, but thinking about it makes me anxious to know why.

"Maybe we should consult Elly... about this," I said and sip on my coffee.

She smiled at me and put down her half-emptied cup. "Yeah I think so," she said before glancing up on the wall where a small clock ticks away in the silent night.

"We should sleep, we still got school tomorrow and I think Aunty will let Elly go to school by tomorrow." she smiled at me and I nodded back at her.

We decided to just sleep up here because it's very cozy, although this is an attic it is not cold at all. We laid down pillows and blankets on the fluffy mat, then Shaine brought out the cups and cookies we ate as I finish up our pillows.

"I'm glad you told me that because I get to express my feelings these days, goodnight sis." She said smiling at me.

She turned the lights off in our bedroom and also here, the only thing giving off a small glow was the star stickers shimmering upon us in each space of the roof.

" Goodnight. " I said and covered myself with the blanket.

Without realizing I slowly drifted away in dreamland with a smile planted on my face.