
Shaine's POV

I was forcefully awakened by Abby, I groan and covered my face with my pillow.

"Come on sis, we're going to be late."

Groaning I stood up from my bed, my hair still in its morning form, and my eyes slightly closing. Since it's Friday might as well enjoy it. I did my morning routine, wash up, and got dressed in my uniform.

"Shaine dear breakfast time!" my mom yelled down in the kitchen, I grab my bag and phone before running down the staircase.

"Shaine please be careful, you might hit your head again." my mom told me right after I settle down on my chair.

I began gobbling my breakfast down along with humming from time to time.

"Your aunt said to wait for Elly down the street, glad he's feeling a lot better than before." my mom happily said drinking her coffee.

"Yeah, he even seems to be ready to be on the field again." Abby then added.

"Dad's early at work huh?" I quietly said staring blankly at an empty chair, my mom sighed and stood up.

"You know your dad, busy as always."

I hummed and didn't utter another word, as we finished eating my mind slowly drifted to imagination land.

"Be careful and don't stay too late at school." Our mom happily said waving goodbye at us as we walk towards the door, Abby and I put on our shoes and walk out.

There standing in front of our yard was Elly playing with his phone.

"Hey, Elly." Abby greeted him first while I give him a nod. We started walking down the path that leads to our school, chatting about how Elly's leg is feeling.

"Mom was overprotective and let me stay in my room for these past days I was bored to death and you guys should have visited me, what kind of cousins are you?" he said jokingly.

"Yeah, you didn't break a bone so there's no reason for us to visit." I joked back. We all laughed until we reached the school gates, the morning is filled with the chatter of other students coming in with their groups of friends.

Just then both Alex and June came running at us, June in the other hand jumped and hugged Elly.

"Bro I miss you so much." June faked crying hugging my poor cousin tighter.

"Get off me you creep!" Elly yelled pushing June's face away. We all laughed and walked together to the buildings.

"I'll see you guys later at lunch," Abby said smiling as she walked away from us, Elly and my rooms are still on the third floor which is a real pain because climbing the stair up and down is so tiring.

Before I parted with the three I then said to Elly. "Hey Elly both Abby and I have got something to talk to you about." he stared at me confused before giving me a nod. "Let's eat by the field later," I added.

"Oh, can we join in with you guys?"

"No," I said seriously, June backed up and hid behind Elly.

"Sheesh, no need to be scary." I heard him whisper, I sigh before walking away from them.

I entered the classroom not paying any attention to anyone, I settled down and drop my head on my table.

"Mornin' sleepy head." my table wobbles a bit which means that Bea is up to her daily routine, sitting on my table.

"Morning guys." I barely raise my head and wave at Edith.

"You don't look like your usual self," Edith said as she sat on the chair next to me, I hummed as an answer. I don't feel all sunny and bright today, all that keeps crawling into my mind was the conversation I had with Abby last night.

Both Edith and Bea began chattering about random stuff and as for me, I quietly listen to them laughing from time to time.

"Class please sit down." our teacher said in a serious tone as he walked in making the room quiet and the students well-behaved.

He started talking about some random homeroom topics but I was too preoccupied to even lend an ear, I scribble on my notes making funny drawings and unusual lines until I felt a sudden pain in my head. The pain shocked me at first then it started to worsen making me clench my hand, gripping tightly to my pen like I'm about to break it. The pain just got worse making me pull my hair and groan quietly.

"Ms. Moores."

I slowly raise my head to see my teacher looking at me, I was still holding my head with my hair a little messed up.

"Is everything alright Ms. Moores?"

I was about to answer when another piercing pain went to my head making me let out a scream of agony and before I knew it I was laying on the floor, I'm groaning and screaming, the pain is just so unbearable it was like my brain is being devoured.

My eyes became blurry with tears but I can still see that all my classmates are trying their best to calm me down. I can see them screaming at each other or me, asking about something but all I could utter are groans of pain. It wasn't going away, the pain was like playing with me it would fade away for a mere second and then come back at me once again. I don't even remember how I'm at the infirmary, but slowly the pain started fading away.

I was out of breath and my face is drenched with sweat and tears. I can see my teacher talking to the school nurse while my classmates are standing by the door looking at me worriedly, while Edith and Bea wouldn't leave my side, they are both holding my hands as if I was parting but they all have to leave so that I can rest up.

I stare at the white ceiling waiting patiently for the pain to completely go away, after a couple of seconds the door bursts, and came in Abby and Elly.

"Are you okay? Is your head still hurting? What do you need, I'll get it for you. Are you feeling hungry? Thirsty or maybe in pain again ----"

"Elly please just one question at a time I can't possibly follow with all your yapping." I giggled, Abby hugged me and began to sob on my shoulder.

"Please don't make us worry again, especially me." she sobbed as I pat her head.

Elly sat on the bed and looked at me worriedly while I just smiled to reassure him that I'm okay. I let Abby cry all her tears out while whispering sweet words to calm her down, she was always a crybaby but she changed for the better. When she finally calmed down I wiped away some leftover tears and smile, she sat on the other side of the bed and wiped her wet cheeks with a tissue.

Maybe this is the perfect time for us to talk to Elly.

"Guess lunchtime couldn't wait." I chuckled and look at Elly.

"Maybe we can have that conversation right now, what do you think Abby?"

Without a word Abby nodded her head, I saw how her hands held tighter to the tips of her skirt, she was worried. I place my hand on top of hers and smiled, it's the only thing I can do.

" Say Elly how are you feeling these past few days?"

Elly looked at me confused but answered my question anyway.

"Fine, I guess. Does my sprained ankle counts?" he chuckled but I'm being serious.

"Are you sure?" I asked in a very serious tone. He silently stares at his hands, I need to know what is wrong with us this is serious. We all need to know.

"To tell you the truth..." he began saying "These past days are slightly weird."

We didn't say a word but I felt Abby's hand holding one of my fingers tightly.

"Remember when I was sent to the infirmary because of a nosebleed, the reason why I suddenly lost focus was.... believe it or not it was as if I was sent to a different world. There was this big gate, the ground was covered with cobblestones and before I knew it I ran into Sam. The same thing then happened when I was at the infirmary, I was lying on the bed when suddenly I was on a small hill laying on a root of a tree. "

"Sounds so unrealistic, I know but whether you believe me or not it's the truth." he then continued. "These things keep on happening to me, again and again, I was in an unknown place with people I haven't seen before, places I've never been before." he held his head and put his elbows on his knees, he looks so frustrated and confused just like me and Abby. What exactly is going on?

"I want to know something, Elly."

Without raising his head he asked. "What is it ?"

"Why did you look so freaked out whenever you look at me on our game against Leo's team?"

I saw how his body flinched at my question, the day of our game was a very unusual day for me it just doesn't seem right in any way I looked at it.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Do I need to tell you?" it was weird to hear his voice shaking like he was afraid of telling me.

"Yes tell me because I have all the rights to know."

I have seen weird this and even felt it what more can they hit me?

"Your eyes on that day...."

"What's up with my eyes that day?"

He finally raises his head and looks at me seriously.

"Your eyes were.... pitch black."

"What do you mean?"

"Your pupil covered up the brown of your eyes, it was like a demon's eyes all darkness and no light but it would go back to its normal color after a few minutes. When you suddenly passed out you were whispering things that I can't even understand. "

I was silent I got no words to say, my eyes were pitch black that day, whispering things Elly can't understand, these weird dreams. Just...

" Just what in the world is going on with us? "