A Wizard's Class

Three crystal balls shimmer in front of the trio, it was as cloudy as looking through a foggy window glass.

"Um, how does this work?" Abby asked poking at the crystal ball in front of her.

"These crystal balls are called Medeis, it crafts the magic within a person's body into a form of light." Selviah proudly explained. "You see every magic has its color, like so green is for chloro magic and blue is for aqua magic." she then added.

"Chloro you say?" Shaine asked scratching her head.

"It means growth or nature."

Halxian then walked up to Abby's side and gently place her hand on one of the Medies, the ball then slowly glow a bright white. "Now you see the Medeis is crafting my aero or air magic." the light then faded into a calm shade of salmon. "This salmon however shows my shifting magic." she gently lift her hand and the light faded away. "Although I can still use other elements of magic." she chuckled.

"There is five elemental magic that is pyro or fire, aqua or water, terra or earth, aero or air, and chloro or nature. Other magic origins from combining the elements, like lava or even ice. There are also other types of magic like shifting, flight, and more." Master Verg then explains, the trio nodded as they listen closely to what magic is.

"S-class mages specialize in a specific element and learn the other remaining through years of training. We also master different types of magic and of course, our mana is not limitless, when we used up all of our magic our body weakens." Selviah added to the explanation.

"I didn't expect that there is a lot to know about magic." Shaine once again said making Selviah chuckles.

"Now please place your hands on the Medies." Halxian happily said.

With hesitation, the trio slowly place both hands on top of the Medeis in front of each of them. 'Nothing gonna happen.' their minds said. They waited for a few minutes but nothing happened.

"Umm, I don't think somethings gonna happen." Elly awkwardly chuckled.

Just when they were about to pull away, each of the Medeis cracked.

"Eh, why did it--

Silence took over the whole room when the three Medeis sitting on the table completely shattered under the trio's hand.

"My goodness," Halxian said shocked.

"Eh wait did we, did I just break that? I didn't mean to break it please forgive me, I was not pressing on it that hard!" Abby said panicking, Elly and Shaine tried calming her down which wasn't that easy.

Selviah stands beside the master's seat with her arms crossed. "Master this is.." she quietly said earning a nod from the old man. "Indeed." the man replied.

"My hand was only on top of it, I wasn't pressing at all!"

"Calm down now dear it's okay things like this happens, I hope," Halxian said whispering the last part as she slowly gather the pieces of shards scattered on the wooden floor.

"Uh, I have no idea what just happened but are we ranked now?" Elly asked. This question made the mages look at each other, with one thing in mind, 'what are we going to do?'

Before the master could speak the office door slammed open.

"I heard that there are some newcomers!" the boy loudly said. He has blonde hair with sparkly dark blue eyes, he wore a long-sleeved polo topped up with a thin dark blue vest a pair of black pants, and brown boots.

"Not this again," Selviah whispered while Halxian giggled.

"Narkitt please refrain from destroying my office and causing another problem for the guild." the master said not moving his eyes away from the papers.

"Allow me to introduce Narkitt Jadeston." Halxian introduced the boy while silently laughing.

Narkitt walked up to the table and looked at the three sitting in front of the master's seat, he narrowed his eyes as he stare closely at Abby's face and then at Shaine's, he then glance at Elly without bothering to look closely.

"I challenge you to a dual," Narkitt said grinning, his finger pointing towards Abby.

"Huh....wait for me?!" Abby asked and clung onto Shaine's sleeves.

"Hey you don't have the right to challenge her like that and why on earth would you even ask a stranger?" Shaine then defended hugging her sister to hide her face.

"Of course, I do have the rights, you're not exactly yet part of the guild so that means you're just mere citizens and I'm a wizard, which makes me of a higher standard than you." he proclaimed chuckling.

"Please don't use your wizard authority for such silliness," Halxian said smiling sweetly.

"Still wizard or no you can't just wander around asking someone to fight with you! Ask someone else! " Shaine yelled protectively.

"Then you shall take her place?"

"Of course, I will!!" she yelled without even realizing. 'Huh wait what did I just say?' her brain then asked.

"Then it's settled."

At the back of the Griffin Claw's building is a wide open space, standing at both ends are a girl and a boy. Tons of people are standing near the building looking excited about what is about to happen.

'How in the world did I end up in this situation!?' Shaine asked herself.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name, little missy," Narkitt asked combing back his hair with his hands.

'Little missy? This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.' Shaine said in her head letting out some of her annoyance on her face but despite that, she still needs to answer.

" It's Reshaine, Reshaine Blanche Moores."

"You know you're pretty cute but I'll let you know that I don't take girls lightly." Narkitt laughed and pose a battle stance. "I'll have you know I'm a D class wizard and I have master aero magic and a little bit of pyro magic just a few months ago," Narkitt added.

'What am I exactly going to do and why was he even asking for a fight?'

Back at the group, Abby was staring worriedly at her sister who seems to be more nervous than usual. "Umm master Verg shouldn't you stop that guy, I don't like where this is going," she begged only earning a small smile.

"I could but I wouldn't." the answer wasn't clear to Abby but Elly cut in both mad and worried.

"What do you mean you wouldn't, what if something bad happens to her?!" he yelled feeling more frustrated than before.

"Nothing going to happen to her, Narkitt won't harm her that much, also I want to see for myself about her magic." master Verg said though only whispering the last for only him to hear.

"Why did he even ask for a fight with us?" Abby asked looking back at Narkitt who is stretching out in the field.

"That's just how he is, whenever a new member joins us he asked them out for a fight to see if they are worthy of being in the guild," Selviah explained sighing at the end.

"Wait does that mean that he's going to use magic against my cousin who isn't familiar with magic at all?!" Elly yelled at the master.

"Most likely," Halxian answered instead and giggled.

Elly look back at his cousin nervously looking at Narkitt on the field.

"Let's begin!"

Narkitt forcefully swings his hand from the back through that process a white magic circle appeared under his feet, and strong puffs of wind blow towards Shaine who is astonished.

"Shaine get down!!"

The scream pulled Shaine out of her trance and jumped to her left avoiding the puff of winds, the wind hit the tree behind and instantly cuts the trunks. She slowly stand up from the ground and look back at the scene behind her, her eyes grew wider and her breath became heavy. 'Is he trying to kill me?!' she asked herself.

"You have great reflexes but I'm not done yet!"

Shaine looked back at Narkitt and instantly dodge another wind attack, it's a good thing that she runs and dodges so fast or she's probably in pieces by now.

"O' great wind that blows and sways, dance with me. Wind blades." Narkitt chanted and on his hand appeared a white magic circle, great winds blow towards Shaine almost visible due to the dust they carry.

Shaine tried her best not to get caught by that wind but she was too late, the wind slashed on both her right arm and leg showing big fresh cuts on her fair skin. She screamed in agony and fell to the ground, the pain was stinging her skin and she never had these big cuts before.

"Shaine!" Elly screamed and was about to run towards his cousin but he slammed onto something before even reaching the field.

"I thought they had taken that down." master Verg said to Halxian.

"What is this?!" Elly asked punching into a clear glass that surrounds the whole field.

"That is a crystal dome, it's a spell used to confine someone. The other S - class wizards use it to practice but I can see they didn't take it down before leaving for a quest." Selviah said crossing her arms.

"Please take it down my sister will die at this rate," Abby begged pulling onto Selviah's sleeve.

"I would if I could, but only the one that chanted it can break it or if one of the wizards inside is defeated," Selviah explained keeping her eyes away from Abby's teary eyes.


Heavy pants are all that Shaine can breathe out, she's sweating a lot and her blood is just gushing out of her arm and leg.

"Done already well that was boring," Narkitt said laughing on his own.

Shaine looks back at him but her eyes move towards Elly who keeps on punching the crystal dome, her eyes then move to Abby who is crying her eyes out.

'Not yet, not yet.' her mind said.

Shaine slowly stood up, her left hand was covering the cut on her arm while still keeping herself balanced by her left leg.

"Not yet," she said smiling.

"I'm not letting you hurt my little sister!!"

Narkitt laughed at the other side of the dome, "Now that's more like it!!" he screamed back at her with a smirk plastered on his face.