The Power of Love

A continuous wind attack was thrown at Shaine as she keeps herself being cut furthermore. Elly keeps on punching the glass not caring at all about how red his knuckles get, all he wants is to grab his cousin and protect her but he can't do that at all.

"You sure are amazing dodging my attacks but you're more amazing to catch most of them." Narkitt cackled.

Shaine's body was covered by bruises, scratches, and cuts, her head was bleeding due to a rock she hits when dodging. She was barely even standing.

"I'll finish this once and for all, so show your magic!" Narkitt yelled pointing at Shaine's direction.

"Here and Now!" Narkitt started chanting.

"Narkitt stop, if you use that spell she will never stand a chance or even dodge it!!" yelled one of the boys from the crowd.

"I evoke the elemental force of Pyro!!" Narkitt continued. The air around him then started heating up, and the fire slowly emerged from his feet on his left hand, he can barely hear the people shouting at him to stop.

"Shaine get out of there now!!" Elly yelled and punched the crystal with more strength than before but nothing happened.

"Hear my call, Phoenix Flame!!" Narkitt yelled as a bright red and orange magic crystal appeared on his right hand. A scorching flame came out of his hand and it formed into a phoenix-like and flew towards Shaine at high speed.


The flame hit Shaine and an explosion blows up in the exact spot as she.

"Shaine!!!" Elly yelled and punch the crystal with all he has.

"Oh shit I might have overdone it." Narkitt chuckled awkwardly before falling to his knees. He might have used a lot of his magic.

The whole field was covered by the smoke of dust. Everyone wasn't making any sound, they were all in a trance at where Shaine was standing hoping to see if she was still okay.

The smoke slowly clear up and a traumatizing scene was seen.

"Shaine..." Abby quietly said, her eyes grew bigger to see her sister on the ground, her clothes are burned at some parts and so was her skin. She was lying in the puddle of her blood, her body was smoking due to the burns on her clothes. It was not a pleasant sight.

Abby's eyes slowly blurred, and tears slowly roll down her cheek. Her most loved sister is at the end of a field, lying in her blood, looking lifeless. Her hands were shivering, she can't bear to look at her sister in this situation but she also can't take her eyes off her.

"I'm gonna kill you, bastard!!" Elly yelled pounding on the crystal with his eyes raging in anger, he kicked and punch the crystal trying to get to Narkitt who is about to collapse.

"Narkitt why did you use such a high-ranked magic!!" Selviah yelled, anger was seen in her eyes but she slowly felt a strong sense of magic coming from her back, she slowly look back and was shocked to see Abby. Something was gushing out of Abby's body.

"GAHHHH!!!!" Abby screamed at the top of her lungs, strong winds came from her feet pushing away everyone close to her. Her hair faded into a dark shade of salmon with blood-red tips.

"Abby!!" Elly yelled covering his eyes as he tries to approach his cousin but didn't get too close.

"Selviah knocks her out, or she'll be out of control!!" Master Verg yelled.

Selviah forcefully jumped toward Abby but was blown into the crystal, but she used the crystal to kick her way toward Abby. She landed behind Abby and didn't waste any time to chopped the back of Abby's neck knocking her unconscious, Abby landed on Selviah's arms and held her gently.

"Are you trying to kill my cousins?!" Elly yelled pulling on Master Verg's shirt.

At the other side of the field, Shaine was barely conscious.

'My body feels cold.'

Her head feels fuzzy and everything feels numb. She slowly lift her head but failed, 'No if I fail now, Abby will Abby will...' she thought.

'Abby will have to fight him and might end up like me.'

'I will never let that happen, I must stand up.'

"Ah crap my head is killing me." Narkitt quietly said to himself. He started coughing up blood which made him curse himself, "Damn, almost used up all my mana." he whispered.

He then suddenly felt a strong sense of magic coming from the other side of the field, he lift his head and was shocked to see Shaine getting up, but she was different than before.

"Such magic," he said to himself, the magic sipping out of Shaine's body was almost visible like a fog. "Looks like you still have some strength in you," he added before standing up slowly.

Shaine's hair slowly faded into an auburn shade with black tips and grew longer than usual.

"O' great wind that blows and sways, dance with me. Wind blades." Shaine chanted under her breath, she lift her hands towards Narkitt and a bright white magic circle appeared, just like what Narkitt did strong puff of wind came flying in his direction but this time the wind was stronger, larger, and more powerful.

Narkitt didn't have enough time to dodge resulting in multiple cuts on his body. 'How did she do that?!' he thought to himself.

"O' great wind that blows and sways, dance with me. Wind blades." Shaine once again chanted.

Shaine keeps on blowing attacks toward Narkitt, repeating the chants over and over again. Narkitt was bearly standing, he doesn't have that much magic left in him so he can't dodge any of the attacks being thrown at him. He was covered in cuts and his blood keeps on flowing, like a waterfall crashing down on a cliff.

" Your magic is strong but how can you possibly use the spell that I created?" Narkitt asked smiling.

"Here and now." Shaine started chanting.

"Wait Shaine stop, you'll surely kill him in his state!!" Halxian yelled from the crowd but Shaine isn't in her original state of mind nor can she even hear the voices.

"I evoke the elemental force of Pyro."

"No stop!!!" Narkitt yelled standing straight up.

"Hear my call, Phoenix Flame."

A bigger and stronger phoenix-like flame came towards Narkitt and there was no way to dodge it or even deflect it. A large explosion evolves in the field creating a big puff of dusty smoke. Narkitt's body lay on the ground, covered by cuts, and was showered by his blood. You can't tell if he's still bleeding or just unconscious.

The dome then shattered and then disappeared in mid-air. Elly instantly stood and tried to run to Shaine but was stopped by Halxian.

"Don't go there Eleanor, your cousin is not in her original state of mind she might attack you thinking that you're Narkitt," she explained and held him tighter.

"Flames that serge beneath," Shaine said aloud.

"I... I know that spell." master Verg said with a shaking voice. "It's Hell's Rage," he added.

"Heed my call of silence." Shaine continued.

"How can she possibly know that lost spell?!" Selviah yelled.

"Grab Narkitt now!!" master Verg yelled to a group, which instantly run towards a bloody and unconscious Narkitt in the field.

"Engulf every enemy that stands."

"Everyone get down!" a girl yelled from the crowd.

"Burst into eternal flames." Shaine continued, her head was down and her auburn hair was covering her face. Her feet then burst into flames as well as her hands.

"Hell's Rage."

A swirling whirlpool of raging flame surrounds Shaine's whole body, the heat is unbearable that everyone was standing behind a crystal sphere made by Selviah.

"We have to do something!!" Halxian yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Halxian, Selviah jump to the top of that whirlpool, the heat is bearable from that point and from within. Go!" master Verg command.

Halxian and Selviah nodded at each other and jumped high up in the sky.

"Aero's floor!" the two girls yelled out loud. They started running in mid-air almost like running on solid ground.

They both flipped and entered the whirlpool of fire, they saw Shaine standing just like how she was before. Halxian dropped fast behind Shaine and hold both the girl's arms, Selviah landed on Shaine's side and chopped the back of her neck.

The flame then instantly dropped and disappeared. Shaine was unconscious and being carried by Selviah towards the crowd.

"Shaine!!" Elly yelled and run up to the girls, he gently grab Shaine and carried her.

"Let's get them all to the clinic." the master said and everyone followed.

Elly looked at his unconscious cousin who looks so pale, her fragile body is covered by multiple cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Her head is still bleeding and the burns were red, her clothes are still slightly burning and are ruined.

"I'm sorry," he said feeling pathetic towards himself, he promised to protect the girls no matter what but look what he just did, nothing, absolutely nothing.

A single tear fell on the girl's pale face, Elly just looked at the dead-looking girl in his arms and keep on walking, his hand was shaking because of how cold the girl's body is.

"We can heal her."

Elly's head rises to meet with the master's back.

"Don't worry we won't let her die." the master added.

Elly couldn't help it anymore and just let out a sob. 'Thank goodness, thank goodness.' he said in his head. 'Don't worry Shaine, Abby from now on I will protect you. Definitely.'

Elly was brought to a staircase that leads to the bottom of the guild building. When they reached the bottom, a long line of curtains was seen. Between every curtain are single white beds and a side table. On one of the beds was Abby sleeping peacefully, Elly walked up to her and lay Shaine on the bed beside Abby, he moved the curtain between the girls and sat on a chair between them.

"Please I beg you, heal my cousin." He begged master Verg, the old man nodded with a small smile and walked towards the stairs.

Elly reached for both of Shaine and Abby's hands, Abby's hand is cozy and warm while Shaine's is beginning to feel colder and colder. He squeezed both hands and sadly smiled.