Griffin Claw

Shaine's POV

'I feel cold, I can't feel my body. It's like I'm being hugged by the sea.'

I gently open my eyes to see the crystal clear water, the sun was shimmering through the gentle waves, and I was slowly descending the water. Down to the depths. But I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move or talk so I just let the water pull me deeper.

It was quiet and rather peaceful, which made me close my eyes once again.


There was a voice, it was quiet but I heard someone call my name. My surroundings then felt warm.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, and in front of me is a woman, her curly long auburn hair was swaying through the water, she has a sweet smile that made me feel cozy and her clothes are majestically gently swaying through the crystal clear water. Her hand reached for my right cheek which she gently caress, her hand was so soft and warm.

'So it's you.'

I looked at her face and she was gorgeous. Her eyes are really pretty. She move closer to me and planted a small kiss on my cheek. I shut my eyes once more and opened it again.

A cobble ceiling was in sight. I groan and blinked twice, 'Where am I?'. I think I was supposed to be in the field and...

"Abby!!" I shouted and stood up. "Gahh.." I groaned as my body started aching and I felt a little dizzy. I looked around and saw another bed at the other end of the room, there were also white sheets on both sides of the bed.

"A hospital maybe," I said to myself. I was surprised to see my arms wrapped in bandages, along with my head and legs. 'What exactly happened?'

I heard clinks of footprints that sounded like walking down a staircase, I tried reaching to the curtains on my right to move them aside but I lost balance and ended up falling onto the floor.

I groaned as I felt my body aching again but less painful.

"Shaine!" I look up and saw Abby and Elly carrying two baskets of fruits, Abby dropped hers and run up to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I thought you would sleep forever!" she sniffled onto my shoulder.

"Abby please let me go, my body is seriously painful right now," I said with a sour voice. She immediately pull away and smiled at me with teary eyes. Elly then walked over and sweep me off my feet then gently putting me back on the bed.

Abby walked away and then came back with a glass of water. "So how long was I out this time, a day or 2?" I awkwardly ask before sipping on the cup.

"A week."

I choked on the water and sput out some on the bed sheet.

"What!? You can't be serious?" I asked while wiping my mouth, only earning two small nods.

I stare at the cup on my lap, 'We've been here for a week?'

"I guess it's a good thing that classes were canceled for this week due to another storm," I whisper to myself.

"So how are you feeling?" Elly asked putting the fruit basket on the side table.

"Hungry and in pain," I said chuckling. He grab an apple from the basket and gave it to Abby.

"I'll just go and peel it for you," she said before leaving.

"Hey Elly, what happened to the fight?"

I stared at him as his body stiffed, he looked at me then gave me a gentle smile.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink like an orange or milkshake maybe?" I frowned knowing that he was hiding something from me, and it was not just a situation that I shouldn't be knowing.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Spill the beans," I said but he avoid my eyes and look at the sheet on the left side of my bed.

"You won."

I blinked twice as I heard a familiar voice, the sheet that Elly was staring at slowly slid to the walls. On the bed next to mine was Narkitt who is wrapped up in bandages as well, but he looks like he had gone through a lot more than myself.

I once more blinked when his voice echoed into my ears, 'You won.'

"I what now?" I asked with my head tilted to the side.

He gave out a sigh and looked me in the eyes. "I said you won the battle," he said and instantly avoided eye contact.

"You must be kidding, I was even barely standing. How could I have won?" I asked myself.

"You don't remember what happened?" I raise my head and looked at Elly's eyes, then gave him a small nod.

"Why are you even hiding the fact that you are powerful, what rank are you exactly, C or maybe B?" I awkwardly chuckled as Narkitt stared at me eager for an answer.

"She's not ranked."

Our heads turn towards a gentle voice. It was Halxian. On her hand was a basket full of medical equipment.

"These youngsters are the nephews of an old friend of the master from a far kingdom. They were hoping to learn more magic here under master's supervisor." she place the basket on the table on my right and gently sat on the bed. "Hold still now dear." she placed her hand right in front of my forehead then this glowing circle appeared out of nowhere and that's when I felt a slight chill on my head.

"Looks like you're recovering faster than expected, unlike someone else." she chuckled while slightly looking at Narkitt who pouted and looked away.

"Wait a minute nephews?" I asked curious about what I heard earlier.

Elly walked to my side and whispered in my ear. "I'll explain later." I nodded at him.

"You'll need to rest for 2-3 days more before you can walk but aside from that you look perfectly fine." Halxian smiled at me before walking towards Narkitt.

I stared at my hands all wrapped up in white bandages, there's smidge of blood here and there but I don't feel any stinging pain so I guess I can say I'm fine.

" Here. " a peeled apple was placed onto my bandaged hands, I smile and took a big bite out of the apple.

I don't remember anything that happened about the fight last week, if I can remember some it would be all blurry.

Elly explained the situation to me later that day, the master propose that we should hide the fact that we are not from anywhere in this world. We were the nephews of a faraway friend of Master Verg and are here to study deeper into magic. Although it wasn't really necessary the master told us that our name should be changed or shortened, and that's why I ended up being called Rene Bun Moores. Elly was named Enor Cy Moores and Abby was named Dale Trir Moores.

But the situation that happened to me was being avoided, even Abby couldn't bring herself to tell me what happened but I know eventually they would tell me in detail.

The days went by and I recovered instantly as if my body wasn't even wounded, cut, or bruised. But some left a few scars but luckily it wasn't that bad.

Today I'm fully recovered and all ready to get going. I sat quietly on my bed and fixed up my outfit. We are going to stay at Master Verg's inn as he said the first time we meet, outfits, and food are all free for the time being.

"Hey." I turned my head towards Narkitt, he looks a little better than 3 days ago, the bandage wrapping his head was removed yesterday and he's been walking around lately.

He gently stood from his bed and walked towards me, he sat on the other side of the bed and looked at me, I tilted my head then he suddenly looked away.

"It's been a week but I still haven't said uhh that I'm sorry." I silently chuckled when his ears turned a bit red, because of how pale his skin is his blush is easily noticeable.

"It's fine don't worry about it and I'm also at fault for causing you this," I said pointing at his bandages.

"Shaine let's get going master Verg is waiting." I heard Abby yell from the staircase. I stood up and waved goodbye to Narkitt.

I still don't know why the master is asking for the three of us today but I guess it's very important. I just hope that whatever he has to say to us has something to do with the fight last week.

Abby opened the door of the master's study and walked with me following behind. Master Verg was sitting in front of his big table with paper works stacking on both sides. Halxian and Selviah were standing on both sides of Master Verg's chair while Elly was standing in front of the table.

"Oh great you two are finally here." the master greeted us.

"Now I know it's too sudden but we need to confirm your stay here in Griffin Claw, as for the magic we found a way to perhaps return you to your home but..... you need to learn it by yourself because you are the ones that are going back," he said and looked at us three.

"You three will be official members of this guild," he said and slightly smile.

"But what would we be doing here, I mean being a member of the guild would be pretty much pointless when we go back home," Elly said, he does have a point but to be a member of the guild means that.

"You want us to return right?" I asked and instantly received a nod.

"The magic we found for you to return home allows you to go back and forth. It may sound selfish but I want to see how far can you go. When Dale lost control last week it made me think of the power that is hidden within you that goes to you too Rene. " I looked at Abby when I heard what the master said.

Abby looked at me awkwardly with a small chuckle.

" But I still need to acknowledge your decisions so it's up to you whether you want to go back and never return or join the guild and our doors are always open for you three."

"Master Verg can I have a short conversation with my cousins." Elly requests and he received a nod of agreement. He held both Abby's and mine arms and pulled us out the door.

"So what do you guys think?"