It's Decided

The three youngsters stood still in front of a wooden door. Only silence was present. The three have to decide, it's not a tough question, all of them wanted to return home, to be in their family's arms but there's a big boulder blocking their way and that's magic.

"I wanna go back home, with Grandpa, with Mom and Dad," Abby said looking down on her new brown boots that were given by Halxian.

"We all do Abby, we all do," Elly said with an uneasy expression.

Shaine however was in her world, the thought of going back keeps repeating in her head. She badly wants to go back.

"What if Mom reported us missing if we don't come back?" Shaine said lifting her head to meet eyes with Elly.

"Then that's that, the decision is to go back," Elly said, his hand clenching the end of his shirt. He turned his back and held the door handle but was stopped by Shaine.

"But if we go back now wouldn't our situation get worse," she said.

"What do you mean is?"Abby asked looking up.

"Your visions and nightmares, Elly's hallucinations, and my unbearable headaches and weird dreams."

Elly held her hand and gently squeeze it. "Shaine, what are you saying?"

"I know I'm not that smart and sometimes I'm a bit dense." this made Elly chuckle. 'She just noticed that now.' he said in his head.

"But the situations that's been currently occurring to us is not something we can explain scientifically or even call as symptoms of an illness."

Abby held the tips of her skirt while looking at her sister's serious look. 'I've never seen my sister like this before.' she thought.

" If something is causing those things to us I think it may be related to magic. "

" What exactly made you think that?" Elly asked.

Shaine gently let go of his cousin's hand and held her hands together. "I don't know but I felt like something is pulling me to that conclusion, rather than something I think is someone."

"The thing that happened to us before coming to this capital, the color of my hair and eyes changing, us stopping in mid-air right before we hit the trees, how I survived that dreadful fight. I get this feeling that something inside of me is begging to break free." she chuckled and looked at her hand.

" Maybe we can explain something to our family when we return. "

Shaine and Abby looked at Elly who has a wide smile on his face. Both girls chuckled and held each other's hand.

" Because I know what you mean. " Elly added to his words.

" So it's decided. "Elly said and put his hand in the middle of them. Shaine and Abby added their hands and laughed.

They went back inside the office and stood in front of the master's table.

" Let us join you master Verg. " the three spoke in unison. Master Verg smiled and stood from his seat.

"Well said kiddos," he said, he lift his hand in the air and a bright light shine from his palm. A moment later three silver necklaces in the same shape as the sign in the door of the guild, each with a small clear crystal appeared in his hands.

"These necklaces are called magic necklaces, the crystals will change into the color of the magic the user possesses, and also this will prove that you are members of the guild since we can't stamp you yet." He chuckled to himself and place the necklaces on the table.

" What do you mean by stamp? "Abby asked.

Halxian stepped forward and then turned her back to the three, she gently pulled her hair to reveal her back, on the back of her left shoulder was the same sign as of the necklaces, it was in the beautiful shade of mint green and almost looked like a tattoo.

"A stamp my dear is the official insignia given to a wizard or magician once they joined an official guild. We can't stamp you yet because the magic within your body isn't fully prepared to be released."

"Is that supposed to be somehow related to a tattoo?" Elly asked.

"Somehow yes." the master answered back.

"But we can't possibly have tattoos I'm not even allowed to have a piercing," Shaine said in a scared tone.

"We'll discuss that another time, now place your necklaces on your neck."

The three each grabbed a necklace and put it on. Each crystal then slowly faded into different colors, and the colors continue to change until they stop on a particular color. Shaine's crystal was a faded sage green, Abby's was a bright powdered blue color and Elly's was a faded color of sky blue.

'I never saw those colors before.' the master thought as he stared at the necklaces. He then smiled and walked up to the door. "Come, let us meet your new comrades," he said with a smile.

They all walked out of the office and stood on the wooden terrace which was only at the top of the bar and outlook the whole building.

"Hey kiddos listen up!!" the master yelled in a very grumpy tone. The whole place became silent and all eyes were on them.

"We have three new members, they are nephews of an old friend of mine so be nice to them," he said and look back at the three, he nodded at them before stepping back.

The three step forward and looked at everyone. "I'm Elea-- I mean Enor Cy Moores." Elly started. "I'm Rene Bun Moores, pleased to meet you all!" Shaine said all hyped. "I-- I'm Dele T-- Trir Moores, please take care of us," Abby said in a very shy voice while hiding behind Shaine.

Everyone clapped and cheered for the newcomers, some were even asking them random questions. While the trio was being friendly with the guild, master Verg was leaning onto the wall together with Selviah and Halxian.

"Halxian when will the others return?" the master asked still not looking away from the trios back.

"Juruh left for a quest 3 weeks ago, I think he would be back next week. Zer still hasn't returned from that assignment you gave him, and Zecla will probably come back after 2 days or so." Halxian said smiling.

"That's good."

"Master, are you plotting what I think you're plotting?" Selviah asked looking calm, master smiled and answered back.

"Who knows?" master Verg said with a much bigger smile.

"I know what you're thinking master but it's not something you can play with." Selviah proclaimed and smirked.

Master Verg didn't say anything more and paid attention to the trio up front.

The commotion about the new members gently fade out, and the trio was sitting at the bar drinking shakes made by Halxian.

"Hey, I told you I want it!"

"Haa I got my hands on it first!!"

The three youngsters awkwardly chuckled at the fight going on in front of a big board plastered with brown papers.

"Aren't you going to stop them Halxian?" Abby asked looking back at the fight and then back at Halxian who wore a sweet smile.

"No need to worry dear this happens all the time, everyone in this guild is rowdy but they still manage to get along from time to time," she said smiling as she wipe a plate with a clean cloth.

"But now they're punching each other," Shaine said as her eyes stare at the two built men wrestling on the wooden floor.

"My my." Halxian chuckled to herself.

A group of young members made their way to the bar, they looked the same age as Elly.

"Hey you, killer girl." a boy said pointing towards Shaine who seems clueless. The boy has blonde hair with pale blue eyes, and along with him are 3 more boys.

"Huh me?" Shaine asked pointing at herself. 'Killer girl?' she thought.

"Yeah, what rank are you at?" the blonde asked.

"Uh I don't know," she answered politely.

"Huh how could you not know, then how did you cast those spells last week?" the boy slightly yelled and step closer to Shaine.

"I'm sorry but I absolutely can't remember the events that happened," Shaine answered in a very honest tone as possible.

"No matter, I want you to join my party!" the boy grins and crossed his arms.

Shaine was lost and tilted her head. "A party? Like a celebration?"

The boy rustled his hair and sat next to Shaine, he faced her and lightly slammed his hand on the counter.

"Not that kind of party, the party that I'm talking about is a group of wizards working together to earn money on quests," he explained while scratching his neck.

'Ohh like a group of friends.' Shaine thought to herself. She was about to speak when Halxian placed a clean cup on the counter between the boy and Shaine.

" I'm sorry dear but Rene here still isn't an officially official member, she, her sister, and cousin will only be allowed to join a party when they earned their stamps," she explained and smiled again.

"I see, then we'll be waiting." the boy said and got upon his chair before walking away with his group.

"After your fight last week members have been really curious about you three." Halxian chuckled.

"What do you mean and hey you guys still haven't told me what happened." Shaine pouted.

Elly and Abby turned their gaze away from Shaine, just remembering the scene made their mood change, if they tell her they might end up crying too.

"My my these two can't tell you because they can't handle it. So if you'd like I will explain every detail." Shaine nodded toward Halxian giving her permission to speak.

Slowly Halxian told Shaine about the event that occurred last week. With every detail told Shaine's expression became uneasy.

Shaine clenched her fist and said. " So that's why you guys can't tell me. "

"But I too am wondering Rene dear, why were you able to do those spells especially that Hell's Rage."

Shaine looked at her clenched hand before speaking. "I don't know, everything was blurry then these words suddenly appeared in my head and maybe unconsciously I said it out loud."

Halxian smiled and patted Shaine's head. "I'm sorry dear for making you think this through, don't worry about it Master will figure out everything." her voice was very reassuring and gentle, it calms one's mind.

Shaine smiled back and took a sip from her drink, she played with the straw with her thoughts still floating.