Exceed the Average


" Yah!"

The collision of two sharp blades made an ear-piercing sound in the middle of a clear spot in the forest, the swords were held by two girls both dripping wet with sweat and panting heavily.

"Ha~!!" the young girl held her sword charging towards the other, she swiftly drifted left to right at an abnormal speed.

" That won't work on me!" the elder girl yelled as their blades collide once more. A smirk appeared on the elder girl's lips, " You've improved plenty for a short while Rene but," she strongly pushed Shaine away and pointed her sword at her, " you still can't defeat me!" she yelled.

A smirk also appeared on Shaine's innocent face, "We'll see about that sister Selviah." she moved once more from side to side at incredible speed then charged towards her mentor with her sword shining at her hand.

Selviah laughed and positioned herself, " I told you that won't work on me!"

As their swords were again to collide Shaine disappeared out in thin air, 'Another one of her tricks.' Selviah thought, not a second wasted Shaine reappeared behind Selviah, 'From behind!' Selviah yelled in her head.

Shaine roughly swings her sword, Selviah was about to avoid the blow but her young pupil used her feet to land a hit on her mentor's ankle. Selviah loses her balance and eventually falls to the ground. Strands of her hair flutter through the air as they were smoothly cut. The training was over and for over a month, Shaine took her sixth win against her mentor.

Selviah smiled but a small sting caught her attention, she gently tapped on her right cheek and felt a liquid gently flowing out. 'Another cut.' she thought and chuckled to herself.

Shaine offered a hand to her mentor and helped her stand up, " Very well done." Selviah said and smiled 'To learn the elemental magic in such a short period, to be able to catch up on my speed at swordsmanship, and on top of that,' she stared at her pupil smiling to herself, 'her large amount of mana just gushing out of her body. It's still unbelievable every day I trained her.' her thoughts spoke.

For a whole month the three has been training under the mentor of S-class mages, it wasn't an easily achieved task but they work hard not even knowing what they hold within.

" Um sister Selviah." Shaine asked putting her sword into its sheath, " When am I gonna learn that magic that would get us home?"

Selviah looked doubtful for a second but smiled after, " Master told me that I wasn't supposed to tell you this but heh who cares. The magic master told you about is one of the ancient magic that only counted mages can use, the Espideil. "

" Espideil is sort of like teleportation magic, the difference is that Teleport can only take you back to places you've been before and Apport can only teleport small objects to you while Espideil is a much stronger magic that can even teleport you through time, the problem is that it sucks almost all your mana and maybe even your life. "

Shaine shivered at the last words Selviah spoke out, 'A life-threatening magic?' this question run through Shaine's mind like a train going around an ite trl ck.

" Enough of that, I think it's about time to go back to the inn. " Selviah happily said and started making her way out of the woods, Shaine chuckled to herself and followed her mentor.

The woods are as peaceful as a ray of morning sunshine, the grass doesn't grow any taller than a human ankle which makes this forest a good place to talk a short afternoon walk.

Shaine chuckled, " Practice ended earlier than usual." she said looking up at the sky, thick leaves covers her view but as the wind sway the branches it shows the sky and its clouds swimming by. The sun wasn't even near setting.

" Well there's nothing else to teach you that I have mastered, perhaps you may even exceed my magic. "

Their walk was quiet but not awkward in any way, the capital soon came into view, with multiple stone buildings and stalls, and people walking around with a smile on their faces.

They walked calmly down the busy alley, and everyone was as jolly as they'd always been.

" Sister Rene!! " a small voice yelled.

The two girls turned their heads and a bunch of kids were running towards them, a big toothy smile appeared on Shaine's face, " How have you been?" she asked kneeling to match the height of the kids.

A young girl with pale pink hair and black eyes put her arms around Shaine's neck and then gave her a gentle hug, " We've been good, we always listen to everything you say." the other kids agreed with the girl and started hugging Shaine with all their might.

Selviah laughed and patted Shaine's head, "These kids sure have takin' a liking to you." she said smirking making the children quiver.

A boy about the age of nine stood in front of Selviah, his gray hair slightly covering his gray-colored eyes, " Stay away from us you rouge monster!" he yelled with all his courage.

Selviah smiled evilly and kneeled, he gently pat the kid's shoulder and smiled like a maniac, " Who are you calling a rouge you little brat?"

The boy shivered and eventually ended up crying, Shaine chuckled but soothing calm the boy down. Selviah said that she'll be walking ahead or she may make another child cry yet again.

Sniffling the boy wiped away his tears and stood straight, Shaine gently pats his head and smiled softly, " Don't cry now, what did I tell you guys?" the kid stopped sniffling and looked at Shaine with teary eyes still.

" Strong men don't cry." the boy said which made Shaine laugh a little.

It wasn't long until Shaine had to go, the children waved goodbye to their older sister with words being yelled, " Someday we'll be the one to protect you, sister! "

Up until Shaine returned to the inn her smile didn't fade away. She meet those kids around her fifth week in this world, being a kindhearted and stubborn girl she helped an old woman who got her gems stolen, although scared she carried all her courage and walked into the black alley where most bad guys hang out. She soon found that the thief was young kids, being forced to steal under their father's orders. And from that day on she taught the kids the proper way to live, although that doesn't change that the parents of the kids were roughly abusing the children due to tiny amounts of earnings. Shaine looked up at the sky and gritted her teeth, " If I become a proper mage someday, I promise to myself that I will give those kids a better life." she said to herself.

On her way, a couple of people were saying their greetings to her, after a month of training, learning, and working they've adjusted to the ways in this world, most people in the market know them for being cheerful and sometimes oddly bunch. ' Maybe I can buy a land and build a house for orphans when I earn some money.' she taught to herself.

" Hey, sis!"

Shaine was cut from her thoughts and was shocked to see Abby in front of her, she chuckled knowing that her mind was flying somewhere else again.

Abby smiled and walk along with Shaine towards the inn's front door, "Daydreaming again, anyway how's your training it ended much earlier than usual?"

Shaine hummed, " I can say the same, sister Selviah said that she has nothing more to teach me which I don't believe, I mean she mainly taught me some elemental magic and mostly hand-in-hand combat. And to top it off I think I can pass as a swordwoman. " she giggled.

Abby put her index finger on her chin and said, " Sister Zecla said that to me too, Oh, get this, I learned how to wield a dual blade. " Shaine's eyes grew and looked back at her sister.

Shaine held both Abby's shoulders and shook her lightly, " Wait you too learned how to wield a weapon, I thought it was only me and Elly!?" Abby chuckled at her sister. " I was shocked too when she started teaching me maybe about two weeks ago, up until today I'm still learning but she didn't teach me any magic anymore. "

Shaine let her sister go and think for a minute but shrugged it off, " Nevermind that maybe I can take a short afternoon nap before our chores."

" Hey!! " a voice yelled from behind, Elly was running towards the two with his hand waving.

" Hey Elly you're back early!" both the girls greeted.

Elly took deep breaths and chuckled, " Yeah it ended quite fast than usual. "

They all walked into the inn and got greeted by Zari behind the lobby counter, " Master's here to see you again, he's out back. "

The three looked at each other and shrugged, they all know what master might be doing here it was either doing his owner duties or asking about their training.

Master was standing in the backyard, his long black coat being swept by the puffs of wind, he was staring afar into the woods.

" Master we heard that you were visiting." Abby happily greeted, the master smiled and turned his head to the youngsters, " How have you been?" he asked walking up to them.

Elly smiled back, " Much better than we first started." master nodded and looked up at the clear blue sky, " Let me ask one question kiddos."

Master Verg walked past them and stopped at the ground terrace, without looking back he asked, " Do you wish to go home?"

The three were taken aback, they've been comfortable in this world almost forgetting that they don't belong here. Abby held her chest and looked down at her feet, " Of course, our family must be searching for us as we speak master. "

Master Verg smiled at her response, " Now then, shall we take a nice afternoon walk." he said and walked back inside the inn.

The three looked clueless at each other but decided to follow their master and accompany him on his walk.