Magic Knowledge

Abby's POV

We followed Master through the market streets, by study I guess he meant reading a book or perhaps getting another tutor.

Our walk ended in front of a big building, on the top of the double door was a sign saying 'library'. After those weeks of training and tutoring the three of us managed to get a hold of the written language of Eden, and can now understand the signs on the streets.

We obediently followed the master inside, the room was filled with thousands of books, shelves lined up as far as I can see and thousands of books covering almost the whole wall. It feels like one of those fairytales, like the library in Beauty and the Beast.

Master walked up to a long counter, an old woman wearing glasses and a book held in her hand was sitting comfortably behind it. The librarian I presume. The master whispered something to the lady and then received a key from her.

" Follow me kids." as he had said we followed him through the rows of shelves, I felt a little strange when the rows became narrower but we eventually reached the end of the building.

The three of us looked clueless as to what master was standing for in front of the rock wall. He gently laid his hand onto the wall and a bright light emerges from it then revealing a wooden door with a big round handle and a keyhole.

" This room is where they keep some of the ancient texts here in Eden, one can only enter if permitted by the guardian." the master explained to us.

" Is the librarian the guardian you spoke of master?" Elly asked earning a small chuckle from the master.

" More or less, even as the guardian she can't permit just anyone to enter this ancient room, she still needs the consent of the high priest to make sure." he explained once more " I presume the three of you felt that as if the row of shelves was slowly narrowing towards us, that is the magic of the high priest if a non-permitted person tries to find the room they will eventually get lost in the library," he added.

He put the key in and snapped the door open, the door creaked as it was pushed for us to enter. The room was a little smaller than the ordinary library outside and rather clean than expected. The walls were covered in books with chains attached to each thick book. There are rows of shelves too. There are even tables, chairs, and even sofas to sit on while reading.

" I'll leave you three now, I still need to attend a meeting back at the holy circle. " the master said and was about to walk out of the room.

" But master which one of these is the book that contains what we are finding?" my sister asked stepping forward, I lightly giggle hearing my sister in a very well-mannered tone.

The master smiled, " You will know. I need to go now, the doors won't lock if someone is inside, and if you ever find the book make sure to take note or memorize the content because as you can see the books in here are intact and can never be taken out of this room. Also, the chains can grow longer if you wish to sit to read it." without another word said he closed the door leaving us three inside.

" I guess we better find that book, " Elly said and looked with gloom at the endless row of books, " wherever it may be," he added.

We split up and focused on each book our eyes set on. " When the master said that we would know if it's that book, should it be like glowing or something!" I said in a lightly loud voice.

" I think it may be but we still can't leave out some of the books that seem close enough to what we are finding!" Elly yelled back from four shelves away, since the room is pretty closed with no windows and only crystal lamps to light it up, our voices echoed back.

" But first what are we finding exactly!?" I chuckled hearing my sister from her side of the room.

" I book that can bring us home!" Elly replied with a chuckle.

" So what do you guys think they call that in this world?" Shaine yelled back again.

I walked slowly down a shelf with my fingertips touching the sides of the books where the titles are printed. Some of the letters are hard for me to understand, but I'm pretty sure that we learned both the present and ancient texts of Eden.

I stopped when a book caught my eye, it was a pale blue book with golden markings. I gently grabbed it from the shelve making a rattle because of the chain attached. "Celestial Magic" is what's written on the cover. I flipped it open and started reading a few words.

' Celestial Magic is one of the ancient magic used by a magical kingdom called Melestia, it is said that the royal family was blessed by a goddess called Eleaina who gave them power over the stars above and gave them protection from all evil. But as the years goes by the new generation of the royal family used the power given to them to raise their control over the lands, the goddess was furious and warned them to not use it again for evil deeds but the family didn't listen to her warning and continued to capture lands after lands. In the year X13 the kingdom was attacked by a powerful demon when the royal family prayed and begged in the goddess's temple for protection, but Elaina didn't show herself. Eventually, the demon devoured every human being in the kingdom, while the royal family was locked up inside the temple praying nonstop. The family lost all hope when the demon finally reached the temple, they tried using the few ounce of magic left in them to fight back but the fight didn't last long and ended with a temple splattered with the royal family's blood. The kingdom of Melestia was destroyed into rubbles, it is said that the kingdom was erased from the maps and was replaced by a forest called "The Whispering Spirits". The forest itself grew on the kingdom's land, and said to be the place where one can enter but never leave.'

I blinked a few times and gently tapped on the book, what a tragic story I never knew that something like this happened thousands of years ago. If only they had listened to Eleaina then maybe the kingdom would still be standing today.

I flipped through the pages and found spells, curses, and chants, each with a history to tell. The spells are all Celestial magic and said to be spells that Eleaina herself approved to be used since the kingdom she had watched over for years had betrayed her trust.

I flipped a few more looking for a simple spell and eventually landing on to a simple looking one. "Starry Night" is one of the simplest spells taught to the royal children of the Melestia kingdom, when one cast this spell one should be in a small room, held out your hand and close your eyes, calmly chant the spell then a starry night will project out from the hand of the caster and will be seen at the top of the room almost looking up to the real sky at night.

" Wouldn't hurt to try," I said to myself.

I lift my hand and closed my eyes, I slowly picture the night sky I want to see and whispered, "Starry Night".

I opened my eyes and my hand started glowing a bright yellow color, then letting out a flood of colors to the ceiling.

I looked up and was mesmerized, the ceiling was gone and all that was left is a beautiful night sky filled with twinkling stars.

" Abby did you do that?!" I heard Shaine screaming, I chuckled and replied with a yes and a sorry.

I closed my hand and the night sky disappeared. I flipped the pages of the book looking for something close to what we are looking for but failed to find any. I sigh and returned the book to its place.

I walked down the shelf looking high and low for a book that may be glowing or is close enough.

After walking down three shelves I found fifteen books that can have a spell that can return us home. As I can't possibly read it standing here I stacked it up and made my way to the tables, I can hear the rattling sound made by chains as I pull them, I feel like a prisoner.

I put the books down on the table as quietly as can be but the books are rather thick resulting in a loud bang on the table. I settled down on the chair and took the thickest book I brought.

" That's all you could find?" I heard my sister say behind me, I looked back and was shocked to see her carrying way more books than me, the stack was already covering her eyesight.

" Yeah, and I can see you find a way beyond what you can carry." I chuckled.

She placed the books on the table but lost balance and ended up with a big mess. " Ah geez," she said as she stack the books again but in a much shorter stack.

" I don't even know where to start." she groans sitting beside me.

" Looks like we'll be here all night." I heard Elly's voice from behind, I looked back and chuckle as he tried balancing his stack of books.

He settle down to my left and one by one he looked closely at each title of the books he carried, " You girls found anything?"

I grab a book with a dark green cover and white writing, " Not particularly, I just grab books that look like its filled with old magic. Like this one." I held the book up for them to see. 'Ancient Caster' was written as the title.

" That looks more like a story book than a magic book filled with spells." Elly said grabbing the book from my hand and flipping through the pages, " it is a storybook, guess that's out." he added placing the book away from the stacks.

" How about you Shaine?"

Shaine sighed, " Not very good at all."

We are looking for a book that can return us to our original time or world, but somehow I feel like we're missing something.

" Well, I was thinking the way we got here was through a tunnel, what was the last thing you remember before waking up?" Elly asked.

Both I and Shaine look back at each other and think hard, that's when it hit me, " Ah I remembered." both me and Shaine said at the same time.