Magic Knowledge Part 2

Shaine's POV

" We were walking back to the house, and then passing by the oak tree I suddenly felt strange." I answered.

" Like my body suddenly couldn't move." both me and Abhy said at the same time.

Elly put his hand on his lips and think hard, I slightly look up looking at the dark ceiling looming above us, we finally have a way home and now we can't even think of any ideas how.

" Maybe like a time slip."

I look back at Elly and he awkwardly smiling towards us, " Based on movies and stories I've read it's always got something about time, perhaps."

Abby chuckled, " We'll just take the risk. " I lightly smile and clapped my hands together.

I started turning page after page, the first book I finished was only one of the thinnest ones I've, it was full of random low rank magic that even a starter can handle.

The next book I opened was a thick gray one with silver writings. "Ancient Beasts" was printed at the front. I flipped it open and started reading a few of the pages. As like the title said this book is filled with creatures of different kinds. Not the normal kind though.

I was just flipping through pages only looking at the pictures painted and the name of the creature until I reached the end where the last page is golden in color. I few writings are scribbled on it.

"Let the Seven Ancient Beast be at your guide, towards the future that they hold, where nothing is impossible at mind, and by believing what they have told." I read enough for me to hear.

A riddle that somehow flipped my curious switch on, I've flipped through the whole book but didn't read any of this Seven Ancient Beast. As curious as I can be I set aside the book to read another time.

" Guys!!"

I turn my head towards the lines of shelves, Abby walked back in that direction just moments ago, "You okay Abby?" I yelled back with a slight worried tone.

" Nothing to worry at all but I think I found something, you guys have to check this out."

I stood from my seat and started walking towards the row Abby went in, she was about 8 shelves away from the reading tables. " What did you find?" Elly asked walking behind me.

On Abby's hand was a brown book with twisty shapes carved on it. " I think its a book that tells about time magic."

She gently rub the cover and traced her fingertip on the title, "Mikrocosmos" was the word written at the cover. She slowly opened the book and there were tons of spells written on each pages.

"Wait stop."

Abby stopped flipping through pages when Elly told her, on the page that we had stopped there was a specific spell that was written in golden ink.

" Revert, when performed perfectly one can go back to where they once stood." Elly read aloud. Our eyes meet and each of us shows bliss beaming on our faces.

" Is this really it?!" Abby happily yelled, she jumped and hugged the book out of excitement.

I sighed out of relief and held her down. " Should we try it?" I asked and turn my gaze to Elly, he gave me a smile and nodded.

" Umm... Let's see here, it says to channel our magic towards our mind, channeling magic to our brains may bring side effects so great caution is needed. Once the magic has completely travel through the veins of the brain remember the location you may want to return to and cast the chant, " By the blessings of the time god, I command the clock to bring me back. Revert." is what the book says." Abby read loudly for all three of us to hear.

Elly clenched his fists. " Let's give it a go." both me and Elly replied with a small nod.

After talking about what we should do and giving the book a last glance to be more sure, we held each others hand forming a small circle. I sighed and gently closed my eyes.

" By the blessings of the time god." We all chanted together. I felt myself being more lightheaded, now I understand why we should take great caution, this is really dangerous. Just chanting the first part has made me feel like this. I even heard how Elly slightly groan and how Abby is panting continuously. " We command the clock to bring us back." I let out a groan when a slight headache suddenly hit. I couldn't help but open my eyes slightly, my vision has become blurry but I can still see a golden glow surrounding Abby and Elly, both of them are sweating aggressively while letting out groans and pants. 'No' I shut my eyes again and focus my magic, this may help us go back to the lives we love. Just one more push.


'Gahh!!' a massive pain hit my head, it was pounding so bad that I can almost cry. It's absolutely unbearable.

' Shaine '

Who was that, I can hear someone calling me but I can't see anything, it's dark. The pain had disappeared.

' Shaine '

My body feels so light yet I can feel it descending down, rather than being pulled it feels more like my body is floating.

' Shaine '

My eyes instantly opened and I was greeted with a grassy view, ' Where am I?' I turn over and slowly sat up, I'm feeling a little dizzy but the headache was gone.

" Where exactly.." the words flew out of my mouth when I recognized the familiar field in front of me, I felt the nostalgic feeling as I gaze upon the grassy land. I couldn't help but laugh a little, " Hahaha...we're back.." soon tears slowly slides out of my eyes. I stood up and smiled, "We're back!!" I yelled across the field where I have played my favorite sport for almost my whole life, soccer.

" Shaine!!"

I turned around and couldn't help the smile on my lips, " June, Alex!!" I yelled back waving my hands aggressively up in the air.

I started running up to them but as I got closer I noticed something unusual, " What are you doing here, don't you have any classes?" June yelled at me as he walked in a slow pace, I know it's June but something is really strange. He looks younger.

But I didn't let it bug me, I miss them so much. As they were in front of me I jumped for a hug but I didn't felt anything and instead landed on the ground.

I got on my knees hissing from the sting I felt. " Ouch, hey why did you guys avoided my hug?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

" Elly would be mad if he founds you practicing instead of attending to your classes. " I heard Alex said, but who are they talking too?

I got up from the ground and patted my outfit for some stucked grass, " Hey!" I yelled and turn to faced them.

" I don't have any classes this afternoon, our teacher's attending another seminar."

' What? '

What am I seeing right now, I couldn't belive my eyes.

Is that me?

" Still if teachers found you here without proper consent you'll definitely get scold." Alex answered back, and they started chuckling at each other.

I see myself, there in front of me with June and Alex wearing our school uniform and in my hand is a soccer ball.

" What is going on?" I said to myself, I walked up to them and stared at the girl confirming if that is really me, maybe they're just playing prank.

I analyze the girl and I'm definitely sure that it's me, but younger. They keep on chattering as if I was never there. I held out my hand and slowly touched my younger self's forehead but my hands just went through her. " What the? "

I can clearly see my body being transparent whenever I tried touching them. This is not what we're hoping for. My knees felt weak and I couldn't hold myself up, I stared at the ground hopelessly, my vision blurred as I felt the pain stinging my chest. 'This is just pure bullshit.'

I rarely cry so I couldn't help but laugh at myself, how idiotic of me to think that going home would be that easy. I chuckled to myself until a thought pops in my head, I came here with Elly and Abby so they're probably around here.

I quickly qiped my tears away with a huff, I took a deep breath to help clear my hazy mind.

" Alright let's go." I yelled loudly and jogged away from the field.

So the riddle like description of that spell is actually about going back on a memory, if I thought about the soccer field I'm guessing Abby should be...

" In the Home Economics club room."

She loves that club more than expected, if she may think of a memory that's important to her then I'm taking my guess.

I ran up on the staircase and started to notice that there are no other students nor teachers here, and some structures are rather blurry. That's weird. I can see the door of the club room down the hall, I stopped when I saw students walking around chattering and everything was so clear.

" Abby are you in here?! " I yelled as I slam the door open.

" Shaine." her voice said softly, she was sitting on the open window, gazing upon the ground below.

" What are you doing, get down from there." I said and marched towards her. I lightly held her hand and helped her get down. My gaze wandered inside the room, I saw a younger version of Abby who is happily baking with some of her club members. This is a memory of Abby, maybe around 2 years ago.

" I guess we couldn't make it back just yet." I heard her whisper while letting out a giggle.

" I guess not but for now lets look for Elly." I smiled at her then grabbed her hand, lightly squeezing it to tell her that everything is okay.

If I think more to it I really don't know where Elly might be, he wasn't with me in the soccer field, so where is he.