S Class Mages

Abby's POV

" Phew," I said as I finished hanging some beddings I washed.

The clean white beddings sway in the smooth blows of winds, I held my hair as the wind picks up.

" Abby I've finished here, let's have lunch." I smiled at Shaine standing by the door with a big basket in hand.

" Coming."

It's been 3 days since we started working at Master Verg's Inn, and by now we got used to things. Everyone was so nice and helped us if we needed anything.

" Have you seen Elly?" Shaine asked as we both put down the baskets in the laundry room.

I put my index finger on my chin, " I saw him leave earlier with brother Thansco, I think they're going to the market for a little while, why did you ask?"

" The boarder in room 12 was complaining about the lock in his room, Elly was the one assigned to him yesterday," she explained.

We walked our way to the employee's dining saying our greetings to some boarders walking by.

" Ha finally, break time. " Shaine happily said with her arms stretched up.

" Good work Rene, Dale, you guys got used to it pretty quickly. " Aweson greeted with a wave.

" We used to do a lot of house chores back at home," Shaine replied.

We sat down in front of Aweson on a long table, I took a deep breath and sigh in relief.

" Tired? " I reply with a nod towards Vareku.

" Hey Rene it's your turn to cook," Myrg yelled from the kitchen door, Shaine who was beaming with excitement stood straight from her seat.

" Alright!" she yelled running towards the kitchen, everyone inside the dining chuckled at Shaine's cute action.

Shaine has her way with people, she's already friendly with everyone here. As expected from my sister.

Aweson laughed, " Rene is hyper, was she always like that?" he asked which I replied with a small laugh.

" Yes, she has always been a ball of sunshine since we were kids." I said giggling, " and she had those majestic cooking hands. Both she and El- I mean Enor loves to cook. " I added.

I smiled to myself, everyone around here isn't bad people so it's not that hard to warm up to them, I feel comfortable and they always treat us like their younger siblings.

" How about you, do you also cook?" Vareku asked leaning a little on the table.

I nodded, " Yes but I'm more intrigued with baking."

" Ohh you gotta bake us something someday, I'm sure it's as sweet as you." I laughed at Aweson's joke.

We chatted along and they asked me a few questions, about my personal life my hobbies, and such. I wasn't this talkative to them in the last 3 days but it wasn't hard to warm up to them, they're all kind people and have a very wacky personality like my sister.

After a few more investigations in my life they both started talking together and I just quietly listened.

" Food's ready!"

Shaine walked towards our table and place two big trays full of different kinds of dishes, some dishes came from our world.

" Wow, what a feast, maybe you should always work in the kitchen." Shaine and I chuckled at Awesons excited comment.

We each grab different dishes and took our first bite.

" Exquisite!!" Aweson yelled and started gobbling down his food.

" I've never seen this kind of dish before but this is delicious. " Vareku then commented.

We had small chats as we finished up our food, Elly came in together with Thansco a few minutes later carrying a basket full of veggies and fruits. They both joined us and Thansco was shocked by how delicious Shaine'd cooking is. As we were about to finish up all the dishes the door slammed open and entered Zari.

" Enor, Rene, Dale the master is here to see you, along with some guests."

We all stared back at each before excusing ourselves and following Zari from behind. " What do you think the master is doing here?" Elly asked which we shrugged as an answer.

Master Verg was standing by the lobby counter together with Selviah, Halxian, and 2 unknown people.

" How are you three doing so far?" master Verg asked, each of us smiled and nodded.

" Let me introduce to you some new friends, this is Zecla Stornoh." he pointed towards the woman next to Halxian, she has light brown hair with beautiful sapphire eyes.

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty, and her brown overall shorts with dark red ribbons just hugged her body perfectly.

Master Verg then pointed to this muscular topless man carrying an enormous sword on his back, " And this shirtless man here is Juruh Uslur." We all smiled at him, " Hey there kiddos!!" we all stepped back when he suddenly shouted.

" Don't scare the kids Juruh." master Verg said smacking Juruh's arm.

Shaine raised her hand lightly, " Um master Verg why did you suddenly call us?" she asked.

Master Verg smiled at us and started walking towards the door with the others following, we shrugged at each other but followed behind.

We stood on the grassy front loan and are clueless.

" Juruh please take good care of Enor. " the master suddenly said, " Aye, leave it to me! I'll make you a man like me!" Juruh yelled and put his arm over Elly's shoulder. Elly blinked multiple times before chuckling awkwardly.

Zecla then came towards me and smiled, " Zecla please take care of Dale for me." the master said, Zecla stood next to me and held both my shoulders, I chuckled awkwardly but I'm still clueless.

" And as for you dear Shaine, Selviah." the master proudly announced, Selviah grinned and walked to Shaine's side, " Looking forward to working with you, Shaine," she said putting her fist in front of Shaine.

" Uh me too?" my sister replied putting her fist to Selviah's.

I raised my hand for the master to notice me, " Master Verg what is going on?"

He chuckled at me, " My dear I did say that you three would be learning magic, I have assigned my strongest mages around to teach you. And as for learning our language and ancient texts, Halxian would be the one to teach you. " we all nodded understanding the situation, 'Magic.' I said in my head.

" Your training will start after your morning chores, during your day off you would be attending Halxian's class at the inn's library. Your day off is on every Wednesday and Saturday. Is that clear kids?" we all nodded to him, luckily this world has the same days as ours.

" Your training will begin today. "


" Let's go now dear. " I was gently dragged away, 'Wait what?'

I didn't know how but I was dragged away from the inn and into the forest not far from the town. We stopped at a small clearing, there are tall grass swaying with the wind and a few wildflowers here and there.

" Now then dear, let's see that necklace of yours." I looked back at Zecla and shyly moved forwards as I showed her my necklace.

She stared at my necklace and nodded, " Interesting, how about we start with Aero magic, which seems to be close to the color of the Medeis Stone."

I just nodded at her, she walked a few feet away from me and silence took over our surroundings.

" Whirlwind." I heard her say, a bright white circle appeared under her feet and suddenly a big whirlwind consumed Zecla's body. I was shocked and stood securely to prevent myself from being blown away.

Slowly the whirlwind disappeared and Zecla faced me with a smile. " Now Dale, that is Aero magic. " I blinked twice still a bit shocked from what I have seen.

She walked up to me and looked around, " You see magic is all about imagination and feelings, picture what you want to happen in your head and feel your magic flow through your body. " she held out her hand in front of me, a smaller white circle appeared and then a visible foggy ball appeared on her hand. " The air isn't visible to the naked eye but when magic is applied it becomes clearer and can be seen. " the ball disappeared like a puff of smoke as soon as she stopped talking. I look up at Zecla, she smiled at me sweetly and step back. " Now you try."

" Bu-but how should I start?"

She smiled again, " Close your eyes and put out both your hands. " I nodded and did what she told me. " Now clear your mind and picture the form you want the magic to take." I tried imaging the ball from earlier, round and swirling with small waves of air. " If you had pictured it let your magic flow to your hands. " I chuckled in my head, even if she told me that I don't know how to do that.

Suddenly I felt something tingling on the tips of my finger, it was like a short electric shock but I didn't feel any pain. " Dale stop! " my eyes burst open when Zecla yelled, I was shocked to see the ball hovering over my hand the size of a volleyball. The ball suddenly burst into fog, and I fell in disbelief.

" Di-did I fail?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

" Rather than fail you made a low-grade magic into a stronger type." I tilted my head clueless of what she said. She laughed at my reaction, " I mean no, you succeed perfectly."

I smiled at her and felt like jumping, that wasn't so bad. Suddenly a loud explosion caught my attention, I turned my head towards the sound and saw smokes of dust over the trees, maybe a few kilometers away from us. Just then another explosion occurred in the opposite direction of the first explosion, smoke of dust hovered over the tall green trees and this time I felt a little shaking on the ground.

" My, those two don't know how to teach young kids." I stared at Zecla who was watching the smoke of dust slowly fade away.

" Did those explosions come from my sister and cousin's training grounds?" I asked with worried, 'I hope they're okay.' she laughed and turn her head towards me.

" Precisely, but don't worry Juruh and Selviah wouldn't bring any harm to your sister and cousin." I sigh in relief, " I hope that is. " she added, I chuckled awkwardly, I just hope those two are okay.

" Okay now let's try another kind of Aero magic." I nodded toward her.

She thought me a few simple magic and I succeeded in each one, I felt happy achieving these kinds of things and I sure do hope that Shaine and Elly are too but I can't help the feeling that they're having a hard time. From time to time an explosion would occur but it wasn't that loud like the one from earlier, I'm glad that Zecla was the one assigned to me or I may be laying on the ground by now.