First Job

Eleanor's POV

" Pleasure to meet you three." a girl with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes said as she give the three of us a handshake, her large grin showed her perfect white teeth which almost look like it's shimmering.

" I'll leave the rest to you Czarinia, I'll go on ahead please make yourself at home." Master Verg said and gave a wave goodbye before disappearing out the door.

" Now then let me take you guys to your rooms." Czarina happily giggled and grab Shaine and Abby's hands then dragged them with her. I chuckled before following from behind.

After a few announcements earlier at the guild master Verg gladly took us to his inn, it wasn't a far walk and we happily enjoyed walking down the crowded streets. Especially for Shaine who was drooling over the food, and Abby who was mesmerized by the sweets and cakes.

" We haven't been properly introduced, my name is Czarina Penny Zethone but you can call me Zari." she politely introduced herself with a slight bow.

" I'm Rene Bun Moores, this is my younger sister Dale Trir Moores." Shaine said with a smile, " Hello." Abby said with a wave.

" And I'm Enor Cy Moores their older cousin. "

Zari nodded and smiled at us, " I could've sworn you three were siblings but I guess I was wrong. " she giggled. I let out a small laugh, 'We get that a lot.' I thought.

We continued walking until we stopped in front of a pale blue door with a big silver number 6, " This will be your room, Dale, Rene it would be room number 8, and for you Enor it would be room 13." she explained, " The rooms next to Abby and Rene are occupied by other workers so we can't put your rooms next to each other." I nodded at her with a smile.

" Can't I just share a room with my sister? " Abby shyly asked.

" The beds were only made for one person to sleep so that would be a no, sorry. " Zari smiled apologetically, " the bathroom would be the one at the end of the hall, and be sure to check the lock because sometimes it acts up and leaves the door unlocked." she giggled and said, " Well goodnight, I'll let you guys meet the others tomorrow so rest up."

Zari walked away but turned her head once more, " Almost forgot your clothes are already inside each closet, the one hanging from the wall is the inn's uniform be sure to wear it tomorrow. Dinner is ready anytime, just turn right from the lobby and the door on the left is the employee's dining. Have a good rest. " she smiled once more then waved at us as she walked away.

I looked back at my cousins and smiled, " Well goodnight you two, have a good sleep and make sure to lock your doors. " they both giggled and said their goodnights to me.

I walked down the hall lit up by some sort of stone inside a lamp, the light is small but enough for you to see in the dark.

" Room 13 huh? " I silently said to myself, there is 1 more room next to mine and at the end is a faded green colored door with a hanging note but I can't understand what's written on it. Maybe the bathroom.

I didn't bother anymore and twisted open the door of my room. The room itself isn't that big but it is spacious, a white bed is sitting at the left corner, standing by its left is a wide window with a wooden table and a chair sitting in front of it. I sat down on the soft bed and looked around the room, a dark green closet is standing on the right side by the door, and two stone lamps were lighting the small room.

I stretched both of my hands and lay back on the bed, 'I do hope that we can get home quickly.' I stared at the wooden ceiling and slowly closed my eyes.

" Elly!!!"

My eyes burst open and I instantly sit up on my bed, " Where's the fire!?" I said without thinking, I heard giggles and then a sigh when I saw Abby and Shaine chuckling by my table.

I looked out the window to see the morning sun rays passing through the glass, it's morning already, I must've fallin' asleep without realizing.

" Get your butt off the bed Elly, remember we're supposed to meet Zari and the others downstairs," Shaine said and stood up from the chair.

Now that I looked at it, Shaine and Abby are wearing matching dresses, it's a white and black dress, with a black knee-length skirt with a ribbon on the waist and a sleeveless button-up with frills on the top side of the shoulders, they are both wearing white socks and black shoes and to top it off they both have a cloth on their head that looks a lot like headbands.

" What are you wearing?" I asked a little annoyed about their clothing but it's not that bad like our school uniform.

" The uniform Zari told us to wear last night," Abby explained tapping down on her skirt.

" I wanna ask something Abby." they both looked at me, " How did you get Shaine into a skirt?" Abby laughed at me while Shaine sigh. " Let's set that aside, I'll wash up and get change. " I stood from the bed and walked up to the uniform hanging on the wall.

It mostly looks like a butler's uniform but simpler, plain black pants with a white button shirt and a black vest matching it with a pair of black shoes.

" We'll wait in here so hurry up." I chuckled at Shaine and made my way to the bathroom next door.

I had a little bit of a problem with how to turn on the shower without a valve, not until Abby suddenly knocked and told me to press the crystal on the wall.

After finishing dressing up I stared at myself in front of a big mirror, my eye twitching at the sight of myself, it's not that I look bad it's more on how I look kinda good in this uniform. " Maybe I should push my hair back," I whispered to myself.

After a few thoughts, I decided to push back a little of my hair, somehow satisfied I walked out of the bathroom with my previous clothes on hand.

Once I entered my room Abby and Shaine had their eyes on me, I quietly put my dirty clothes on a basket on the side of the closet then turned my head to the two. I saw Shaine smirking at me and Abby chuckled.

" Excuse me sir but I think you might have entered the wrong room." Shaine jokingly said with Abby laughing from her side.

" Knock it off." I said looking away from her teasing smirk, I let out a fake cough and said "Let's get going."

We walked out and made our way to the lobby downstairs, as we walked down the staircase we saw about 5 to 7 people wearing the same outfit as ours. Zari who was standing behind the lobby counter waved at us making the other people look up.

" Knew those clothes would fit perfectly on you three." she happily grin at us. "Now that all of us are here let us meet the newcomers." she smiled at us and moved to make some room for us.

Shaine waved at the people up front, " My name is Rene Bun Moores I do hope that you take care of us." she sweetly smiled at the other workers who gladly smiled back.

" Umm hi my name is Dale Trir Moores, it's nice to meet you." As always Abby is being a shy person and is slightly holding onto Shaine's skirt.

" I'm Enor Cy Moores, a pleasure to meet you. " I slightly bow in a very formal way, I heard Shaine and Abby laughing at my sudden actions, I couldn't help but felt shy so I instantly stood straight and avoid looking at the people. I mean this is my first job it's not bad to be proper.

Zari suddenly squealed, " Adorable aren't they." she held both Abby and Shaine's shoulders and then squeezed them to her, I chuckled at this funny view of my cousins' reaction.

" Now then here are the other workers I mentioned last night, please consider them as your older siblings seeing how young you guys are. " Zari giggled and stared teasingly at the other workers.

Now that she mentioned it the other workers seem much older than us three, that also includes Zari.

We were introduced to each of the other workers and were placed into one person's supervisory. As I was a guy I was assigned together with this guy named Vareku, his job was in the dining, cleaning, and serving the customers.

" The job isn't that hard kiddo, so I'll do the serving and you do the cleaning." I nodded at him and listened carefully to a few pieces of advice he gave, it's not like I don't know how to do a simple cleaning but it would be rude towards his kindness.

He showed me how to hold the tray with one hand and told me to bring it to the kitchen. I placed the tray with empty plates and cups on the counter and saw Shaine inside together with a girl named Myrg, both of them had an apron on and are cooking something, when Shaine noticed me she waved with a grin and I waved back.

We continued working when the boarders came in for breakfast, it wasn't that bad and I enjoyed giving orders.

As breakfast was done I suddenly felt hungry, come to think of it I haven't had breakfast, guess I'll have brunch then.

" Good work kiddo." I smiled at Vareku's small compliment and continued cleaning a table.

I gave out a sigh as we finished for the morning, since every boarder in the inn had to go to work the only thing left for us to do until evening is clean the rooms.

Shaine walked out of the kitchen still wearing the apron, " Hey Elly how'd you do?" she asked smiling at me.

" Not that hard, almost felt like being at home." I chuckled, " You seem to have enjoyed your time in the kitchen." she enthusiastically nodded and place both her hand on her cheek.

" It was a blast I learned a lot of new recipes from Myr and the chef." I chuckled seeing how happy she is, " But after this, I would be helping out upstairs with the room cleaning and also the laundry."

" I guess you and Myrg got along quite well seeing now that she had a nickname. " I said chuckling.

She laughed, " I was having a hard time pronouncing her name right so I just started calling her Myr since it's much easier to pronounce without the g. "

" Rene it's time to go upstairs. " Myrg yelled from the kitchen door, she was removing her apron and slowly made her way towards us.

" Alright, just a moment. " Shaine run back to the kitchen and came out without her apron and her hair let down.

" I'll help too. " I politely volunteer and got an okay from both Myrg and Vareku.

As we walked upstairs Shaine suddenly spoke, " Hey Myrg I've been wondering, why do you and that Vareku guy look almost alike?" now that I think about it, they both have the same scarlet hair and ruby eyes, weird colors for natural hair and eyes but we are in a different world right now so that sums it all up.

Myrg chuckled and then reply, " Well that's because we are related, siblings by blood. "

Shaine awed and then started chatting with Myrg, who seems pleased with my cousin's actions.

One by one we cleaned every room, for an inn this place sure is big, rather than an inn it almost feel like working in a high-class hotel. Each room has its mini living room and a bathroom.

While cleaning we meet up with Abby down the hall carrying a basket full of white bedding. She greeted us and didn't stay long, she said she has to wash those beddings and hang them on the rooftop. ' This place has a rooftop?' I thought to myself.

My stomach started to gurgle so I moved a little bit faster so I can finally eat.