Chapter 23/Fuck Fuck Fuck, It's her

For generation, my family upheld the title of royal. Being the reprensentative of the poor and protecting the people from all sort of danger. My family was once known for its good deeds and happiness it spread. But a day like any other, they changed. Instead, they became the bad of the story. Influencial and powerful, they remained untouchable and demanded big. They extorted from poor, killed the poor and dirtied them. And no one could oppose them. That's what the story said but today, I found a secret. Evolving about a duchy opposing the royal. Named the 'Maldegart', they became the people's heroes for attempting to eliminate the royal family. I learny through this sheets that my family actuslly lost the war at that time. But a mysterious force helped them gain the power they actually lost. And letter hidden with the sheets revealed the name of the one, it was Tom Vanessa.....What ?! But there is one in my present. What the hell is happening ??

-' Brother Louis. We need to talk. '

-' About what, Sister Dey ? '

-' (I can't just talk about it like that. It's a sensitive subject right now.) I want to know if you know Tom ? '

-' Ohh...Tom Vanessa...Yes, an old friend of mine. '

-' You know him. But he lived hundred of years back. How ? '

-' Ohh I see. You found out. Hmm...I am a bit late. So we'll talk about this tonight. Good ? '

-' (But !??) Okay... '















-' So, you know about the 'Maldegart'. Well you must know about the 'Vanessa' to--'

-' Don't tell me you angered them volountarily ?! '

-' I don't understand. '

-' You purposely brought me close to HER so you could keep an eye on them. But why the adoption ? '

-' Wasn't my idea. Hers. '

-' Who--- '

Then, it all became clear in my head.













My family was supposedly the greatest threat to the poor. Abusing their power and neglecting the poor. We were for two third of the story the bad one. Rose Maldegart defied us but lost her life while battling against the royals. Two Vanessas' died too. What the story said about that was correct. Until one point, one more person came along with the trio. She was hiding in the shadows. Spying on the trio and helping the royals. She did her best everytime to kill the trio. And when that person reincarnated in my era, she must've hate being directly linked to the Vanessa. So, she planned her near-death and joined us. We are not the real villain. It was Bonnie Vanessa. She played us all.

She is the villain of the story.

To be continued.
