Chapter 24/Heart's Flame

I have my reasons for doing what I did. I had to. In all of my life, no one thought about me but now, I will make them think about me. Just watch !

-' Hi V '

-' Hello Alexandra. Same to B and Ashley. How are you guys doing ? '

-' Good. We came to check on you. You missed the first and semesters. '

-' Yes, I know. Doing what I'm doing is important. I must finish what I started. '

-' We got that. And I know important she was to us but think about your future too. Kare--- '

-' B ?!! Don't.. '

-' It's okay, Ashley. So, I now that you are here. I must ask of you something important. Answer quickly. '

-' Okay. '

-' Who helped the royals ? '

-' !!!!? '

-' If your answer doesn't satisfy me. I will kill you all. That day, Karen was talking to one of you. I was there. I heard. But I couldn't see who it was. I only heard Karen confronting one of you. Because only you three did Karen care to show her true emotions. We were her friends... '

-' .... '

-' Who ? '

-' I did. '

-' Rebecca....because of your parents ? '

-' Yes, I am sorry. '

-' Everyone, go out. I need time alone. Apart you of course, Rebecca. '

-' Okay. '

Left alone in a room, an awkward tension arose between V and B.

-' Stand up. And come sit near me. '

-' Okay. '

B stood up from her chair and sat by V. Sweating from the stress, B could only watch forward. And dared not to turn her head.

-' Don't sweat. I do not hate you. You were forced. In short, I see you only as an ant getting bullied by some lion. '

-' I let you down. I am sorry. '

-' No, no.. Do not worry.....Now, remove your clothes. I must give you your punishment. '

-' Yes.. '

Suddenly, V took out a sharp knife and stabbed B.

-' You see. I don't hate you. I am sad for you. You betrayed us, betrayed me. And you lost your self... Ohh, when you reach heaven. Tell Karen how bad you were as a friend. '

While B's life was withering away, her heart's flame turned off. Her body froze up at the same time as her body and died with tears falling down her cheeks.

-' I could never hate one of my friend. I simply want them to be happy. I simply want you to have mercy. But nevertheless, you killed my love. So, die with that in mind. I am not a hero. I am the true villain of the story. Because my goal was never to save someone. '

To be continued.
