Chapter 25/My Heart's Flame Is For You

The world seemed vague whenever I questioned it. I learnt how cruel it could be from my parents. They taught me that being too trustful was wrong. They taught me that friends and love were the only thing that would kill me. They told me that kindness killed people. And eventually I fought for it. I tried my best to prove it was wrong. I admit that I did bad to many people. I was a stupid girl qnd whatever happened was right. I did my best trying to satisfy everyone. But I failed. I wanted to be different from my parents but ended up the same. kindness did not matter anymore, it was power. I eventually worked my way to the top. I occupied the best seat as the queen. I then lost it but it was for a better future. I learnt to accept that. I did the impossible by burning a building. I learnt through that too. Nut never would I have expected to die by her hands. She was very important to me and I betraued her. But I thought she would forgive. Nah.. She stabbed me and left me dying on the ground. I managed to call ambulance. I got treated and suffered minor injuries. While everyone was thinking that I was dead, I was standing on both my feet. I wanted reckoning but at the same time revenge. V's smile came up my mind. I escaped from hospital and went to her apartment. But what I found there was truly a shock.

















Karen was my knight. She was my lover. She was the person I ever loved. And the only I wanted love from. I knew she would never have feelings for me but when she tasted my body. I thought that for at least one second. She would consider me as her plus-plus. But in the end, we remained only as sex friend. I wanted to ask her something before I died. I wanted to know if she ever loved me but she just left....She just left me with those dicks.....I hate her.. I hate myself...I hate everyone. I tried to show her affection but sje never responded. I wanted to know if she had feelings for me too but she was always occupied. I found out by gathering my courage to confront that I was a coward. And now, she is dead.

-' (I am sorry V. I loved you too but you were too good for me. I couldn't take you from your soulmate. I know you love HER more than me. So, don't hesitate to be true to ....)

Hmmm...It seemed like Karen's voice.. I must be tripping.. Anyway, I must prepare myself. She's going to be here soon.
















-' You can enter by the main door. I left it open. '

-' You knew I would come. Even though, you stabbed me. '

-' I wanted to test you. '

-' I almost died because of you !! '

-' I know. It was a test. Scared of dying. I wanted to know if the one who betrayed me would still come back to me. I guess you really love me. '

-' You nearly killed me !! Yet, I find myself attracted more to you. I don't know why but I love you.. '

-' You love me ?? You are weird !!? Hahahaha !!! [Laughing]!!! '

Then, B fell on knees crying. She started feeling the pain from her injury but the pain of getting heartbroken was greater.

-' Stand up. I never told you to lower yourself. And why the crying act ? You do know you are one I love the most among us. That's why I stabbed you. Because I believe in you. I knew you would come back to me. '

Suddenly, a smirk replaced the crying face with B all over V. Hugging and kissing, V said this.

-' And the second reason I stabbed you was for this. '

V took out her tablet showing to B her face on the news.

-' Politically, you died. I hope you don't resent me for this. You can see this as a new life I've given yo-- '

-' I am thankful for everything. Thank you.. '

-' Okay.[Smile]Won't you ask me why I did it ? '

-' To accuse the royals of murder. I was spoused to the prince Louis and you put the blame on him. Apparently, he killed me out of anger. When he found out about my other man. '

-' Yes and that is only the first phase of my plan. I have yet to finish. '

-' I see. '

-' Are you with me, WIFE ? '

-' [Blush] I..I....Yes, sir.... '

-' Hahaha !!! Yes, madam in my case. Look at you ! Blushing for this. So what is your answer, WIFE ? '

-' STOP TEASING ME !!? Yes, I'm with you. '

-' Good, WIFE. '

-' Stop that !!!! Meanie !!!! '

To be continued.

End of volume 6.
