A sudden confession

"Hey, do you need help with that?"

"No, it's alright! Don't be so formal"

"I'm not!"

Mika's eyes slowly start to open up. Her head was still feeling light. She starts to support her body for getting up. She was still a little dizzy. As she started getting her senses back, she heard chatter coming from the living room. She rubbed her eyes and took off the sheets from her. Somehow it was getting weirdly hot for her.

She leaned back on the wall, too lazy to get up. Her head was filled with what happened a while ago. She was hoping that it turns out to be a weird dream. But happened next broke her hope.

"Finally awake huh?", a familiar voice came from another corner of the room.

She raised her chin and looked forward. Her eyes expanded and cheeks were flushed.

There was a guy, a guy dear to him, standing in front of her, showing off his bare skin. Noah's muscles were rippling on his shoulders, the packs in his abdomen were beating loud, his perfect shape was blinding Mika's eye. The physic was like a cherry on top with the dark guy he is.

Mika's thoughts were messed up. All she could think was, 'Am I done for today? Goodbye sweet world'. She got the will to say something before she goes completely dumb.

"Wha- wha- what wh- why are you here?", she asked being beet red from the sight.

It was a complete misunderstanding of how Noah was standing there but seeing Mika blushing so hard, his shenanigans felt like playing.

He climbed up to Mika's bed. Slowly and calmly. His eyes were fixed on her.

Mika's head blasted from embarrassment. Her heart was beating like a drum. She gulped to the nervousness of what he was doing.

Noah stopped moving as soon as he was over her, "well I wonder why I'm here", he smirked. As looking down in her beautiful shimmered eyes, all he could think was to tease her more and hold her tight. He wet his lips. "You said you've trying to find me, so I thought it would be rude to leave you alone", he whispered in her ear. So calmly but yet with such a deep tone that it sent shivers to Mika's whole body.

Mika tried saying something but she couldn't get any words out. Neither she had the will to push him away.

"You don't seem disappointed", Noah whispered.

Mika covered up her face, it was obvious she didn't have an answer.

"You know it's very dangerous to show that face to anyone", he smirked. "I wanna lock you up so no one could see it", he kept speaking with his sadistic side on the show.

"I don't want that to happen", Mika whispered looking down, not willing to look directly at Noah.

Noah gently lifted her up by the chin and looked at her in the eye. "Then tell me yourself. What do you want me to do doll?", he asked gently.

Mika's eyes were getting shimmered. Even though she knew what she wanted she would never have the courage to let him know. She somehow grabbed up her courage to let words out, "I-"


"Noah your shirt is dry-", Grace entered the room and soon enough, froze to the place.

"Grace I've put the cookies in the oven", Nate yelled from behind.

Grace was too shocked to reply. Seeing her not responding he went ahead to see what's happening.

"What's wrong", Nate made his way and poked Grace on the back. Instead of getting a reply, he saw something more amazing.

All of them were looking at each other. Moreover, all of them were having different expressions. Mika was blushing hard to the extent that she would prefer dying than this, Grace was too happy and too shocked with what was happening, Noah was calmly waiting for them to say something (without getting off Mika) and was utterly confused. His expressions were shouting, 'when did this happen? How did this happen? Oh god, what have I seen!'

"Oh, maybe you don't need it. Nate c'mon let's bake cookies", Grace smiled and turned back to Nate.

"Yes yes, they would be exhausted after this right?", Nate nodded and closed the door.

"WAIT! NO!", Mika climbed down from the bed without wasting a second.

"Oh, c'mon they were okay with this", Noah sighed as he watched everyone else go. After five seconds he left the room.

"So what were you doing?", Nate raised his eyebrows and gave Mika an evil smile as they all were sitting around the table.

"I didn't do anything! He was the one who came onto me with his shirt off!", Mika furiously pointed to Noah, who was sipping in coffee all carefree.

"Me?", he pointed himself out with his figure.

"Yes you!", Mika shouted.

"Well, that was because my shirt was all dirty. I didn't want to wear a white shirt with smears on it", Noah explained.

"How was it dirty?", Mika asked all confused.

"When he brought you here after you fainted, he had your lipstick all over", Grace joined the conversation. "Which reminds me! Eating just two spoons of cereal is not a breakfast", she pinched her ears.

"Owwww, sorry", Mika teared up.

"Eat properly alright!", Grace patted her head even though she was scolding her.

"Alright", Mika looked down.

"But what did you two actually do to have that kind of marks", Nate barged in with his obvious ulterior motive.

Mika looked at him with a death glare. In return, Nate gave her an evil smile.

"Now I look at it your eye makeup is a little messed up", Grace held Mika by her chin to get a close look. "Did you cry?"

"So what if I did!", Mika blushed. Her mind was coming back with the flashbacks of what happened back then and what she said.

"Why did you cry?", Nate asked.

Mika felt teary. She didn't want to tell anyone about the special moment that she and Noah shared. It was too precious to tell. She looked down on the verge of crying.

All of a sudden, she felt a soothing warmth coming down to her started from her head. She looked up to Noah patting her.

"We just had a heart to heart conversation which made her a little emotional", Noah told them.

��Really? This emotional?", Nate asked. He was a little worried this time.

"Not gonna lie, it made me emotional too", Noah chuckled.

"What?! You!? The kind of 'I don't give a shit'?", Nate almost shouted.

"Stop that weird name", Noah frowned.

"It did?", Mika asked with her eyes of innocence.

Noah brought his hand forward and patted her head, "yeah it did. And you might not know but-", he brought his face closer to Mika's ears. "I've looking for you my whole life", he whispered in her ears.

Mika's cheeks got flushed, it was for her to even look at anyone in the eye.

Grace chuckled. "I'm happy for you doll", she patted her head.

Nate was just beaming with happiness. To see one of the most important people in his life be this happy, he could cry from joy.

"Wow girl, I didn't know you were this bold", Nate smirked at Mika.

Mika frowned. She stared at Nate with the intention of kicking him off.

Grace stretched her body, "gosh it was a tiring day".

"Did the work go alright?", Mika asked.

"Yeah but it was too tiring", she rubbed her shoulder. "And I had to walk back to the campus", she frowned.

"Walk back? Why not a cab?", Mika asked.

"Well, that was because-", before saying anything she sipped her hot cup of tea and burnt her tongue. "ow!", she cried.

"Oh, dear how clumsy can you be?", Mika frowned. She headed to the kitchen and got her a piece of chocolate from the fridge. "Here have this", she handed it over.

"Thanks", Grace replied. It was obvious from her face that it was painful.

"Are you alright?", Nate held Grace from the back.


Within a second, Mika kicked Nate away from Grace. "How many times should I tell you to stay away?", she yelled furiously.

"Mika! Don't do that!", Grace raised her voice.

"No! I don't like this guy!", Mika pouted.

"Why's that?", Nate rubbed the back of his head.


"Oh, that? Well yeah, I did that", Nate chuckled nervously.

"Yeah you did!", Mika held Grace's arm.

"Well you were about to do more with my best friend, what about that?", Nate smirked sitting on Noah's side.

Noah raised his eyes and looked at Mika.

Her cheeks got a little red. "So what? I can do that!", she argued.

"Would like to tell me how can you do that?", Nate asked. He was a little confused with this statement.

"BECAUSE HE'S MY BOYFRIEND", Mika said proudly.

There was pin-drop silence in the room before everyone uttered a single word.


