The Perfect Life. SIKE!

"Hey!" Officer Sanchez yelled behind us. "Should we stop?", asked Samuel. "Never".We didn't look back, we just kept running.

Let's rewind it a bit. For someone who hasn't broken a rule in my life, I've done a LOT of crazy shit in the last 12 hours. Some for the first time, and some I shouldn't have. But I'm getting ahead of myself. It started a few weeks ago.

25th of March

A crash echoed in my room. "Aghhh", I yelled. I've really got to stop waking up like this, I thought, getting up from the floor. 

"Honey!" my mom called from downstairs, "Breakfast!". 

"Coming!" I yelled back, hunting through my clothes for a clean shirt. I headed downstairs and sat on the chair. 

"Your college applications came through," my mom said, ruffling my hair and setting a plate in front of me. I grabbed the stack of envelopes and opened them, one by one. Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, all accepted me on sports scholarships. Great. 

"Well?". She looked nervous. I mean I get that. I do. She's a single mom who had to work two jobs to send me to school. Even though she owns one of the largest retail stores, she never forgot her humble origins. She just wants the best for me.

"I got in"

My mom exclaimed. "All of them?"


"Try looking a bit happier", she said, lifting my chin until my eyes met her clear emerald ones.

"Yay!" I said with mock enthusiasm. I should be happy, I thought, I got into every college I applied to...except for one.

"Look at you", she stroked my cheek, "My baby boy is going to prom tonight, is a week from graduating, and got accepted into three Ivy League colleges!"

"Mom," I said getting up, "I'm not a little boy anymore"

"You'll always be a little boy for me", she pinched my cheeks. 

I went back to my room and grabbed the headset. "The Man is here," I said. Stupid name, I know. I chose it when I was 10 and it sorta stuck.

"That's debatable," Samuel said. Samuel's my best friend. We've been friends for 10 years since me and my mom moved here. He's tall, well built, has deep blue eyes, and platinum blonde hair.

6 pm: Prom Night

"Mom," I yelled, "Where's my tie?"

I rushed downstairs, pausing before I could collide with my mother. "Here", she pressed the tie into my hand.

I wore my tie. "How do I look?"

"Perfect", she said, straightening my tie, "One picture". She took way more than a picture.

I rushed out of the house and into the limo. "Hey party people," I said. I was greeted by several whoops and whistles. 

"Hey," Leah said, as she kissed me. Her breath smelled of mint with a hint of alcohol. Overall, an appealing smell.

"Someones getting some tonight" Jared chuckled. Asshole. Of all the people I hate, he's on top of my list.

I ignored him and talked to Leah for the rest of the ride. We arrived at the Pre- Prom party at Jared's place.

9 pm: Prom Night

The cafeteria was decorated with shimmering stars, booths at the back which provided the perfect spot for making out, and a disco ball that glowed white. 

Samuel whistled.

"Let's go dance," Leah said, pulling me on the dance floor.

Halfway through the song, Leah pulled me down. "I'll be right back," she said.

I wandered over to the picture booth. "Oh my god!", a girl behind me squealed, "Can we get a picture with you, Ryder?".

"Sure" I smiled while she took a series of seemingly endless selfies.

"I should go search for Leah," I said apologetically.

I stepped into the hallway. I heard the janitor's cupboard slam. I opened it and found myself looking at Natasha- Jared's older sister.

"Hey," she said, flashing a smile. 

"You okay?"

"Right as rain."

I chuckled.

"If you're looking for your girlfriend I saw her head to the Chemistry lab."

I looked back, "Thanks."

"Phone" Nat said

I gave it to her, not because I trusted her but because she was scary with her striking red hair, pale complexion, ice-blue eyes, deep red lips, and her spiky, black clothes.

"Now you can call me whenever you want to," she said handing my phone back to me. She walked past me, her shoulder brushing against my arm.

"What were you doing here anyway?" I asked her.

"My dumb-head brother forgot his phone". She winked at me and headed through the doors.

Taking her advice I headed to the Chemistry lab. I could hear hushed whispers coming from the Chemistry lab. I peeked through the door only to find myself looking at Leah and Jared having a conversation in hushed tones. I couldn't make out what they were saying but what I saw I couldn't believe or forget. They started kissing, delicately then passionately. I stormed inside. Leah stopped and stared at me.

"I'll just...go". Jared slipped out the door. 

"I can explain," she said. 

"I don't want to hear it"


A loud announcement interrupted whatever she was about to say. "The Prom King and Queen will be announced," said the Principal, followed by a huge amount of cheering.

I rushed out and stood next to Samuel. 

"Explain," he said.

"Later", I promised.

"The Prom Queen and King of 2022 are", The Principal paused, "Leah Carmichael and Jared Willmore".

I grimaced. Perfect. Leah looked at me like she was asking my permission to dance with him. She should have asked before she decided to kiss him. I didn't want to see them dance so I headed to the washroom. I splashed some water on my face and stepped outside. I heard footsteps and turned only to find that no one was there. 

"Hello" I called, only to be greeted by my echo.

I walked over to Samuel. 

"Hey," I said.

"You and Leah over?" he asked me.


"Good. I never liked that bi-"

He was interrupted by the microphone feedback. 

"Everyone stay where you are", the Principal announced, "Somebody has stolen the entire fund for the Senior class trip which was over thirty grand". 

He paused and then continued. 

"The authorities are on the way and they believe that the perp is here, in this cafeteria". 

Alarmed voices rose. 

"Anyone with any information please come forward". 

"Ryder did it," said a voice in the back. The voice sounded familiar. Then it hit me. It was Jared

"Yeah. I saw him go to the hallway after the announcement." A chorus of voices accused me. One by one my friends started turning on me.

"It's not me," I said, my voice a bit higher than usual. 

Sirens surrounded the building and a horde of officers swarmed in. The Principal talked to an officer and walked towards me. "Son, is it true?" he asked. 

"No," I said.

"That's what the guilty guys always say," the officer said, "Put your hands up and kneel on the ground, sir". It's like she automatically assumed that I was the bad guy.

Samuel tried to step in but two policemen intervened and held him back.

"Look, Officer…"


"Officer Sanchez I didn't steal the fund. I mean my mom's rich. Why would I want money?"

"Maybe you wanted to run away somewhere or you wanted your mom to notice you"

Looking around I realized how bad the situation was. Thousands of accusing eyes bored into me. I calmly put my hands up and kneeled. I knew I was innocent and that was all that mattered. The officer clicked the handcuffs around my wrists and took me outside. The sudden lights blinded me and I was shoved into the car. 

"Call my mother" I yelled, hoping that Samuel was there. 

In that one night, I lost everything- My scholarships, my girlfriend, my friends, and my pride. I never thought I would get another chance to redeem myself but turns out I couldn't be more wrong.