Les I’m Miserable

2nd April

It's been a week since I got arrested. I was proven not guilty but being arrested was enough for Princeton, Dartmouth, and Cornell to rescind their scholarships. I was suspended and banned from attending my high school graduation. I grabbed the newspaper that was published the day after I got arrested. 'Ryder Rain In Trouble' the headlines said. My phone buzzed. I ignored it the first few times but whoever it was wasn't going to give up. I looked at the screen and saw that the texts were from Samuel. The texts read-


'You up?'

'Damn it!'

'Answer my texts!'

'If you don't answer my texts in the next 2 minutes I'm coming over to your place and dragging your ass out of there!"

Let him come, I thought. True to his word in less than 5 minutes I heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up on the driveway. I looked through my window and saw Samuel, dressed in a tight black shirt and black jeans. He was carrying a backpack, presumably with his graduation gown in it. I heard the front door open and after a couple of minutes the sound of footsteps heading towards my room. The doorknob rattled and opened. 

"Hey," I said, still looking outside the window.

"Get your ass off the bed," Samuel said.

"No", I replied curtly.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked it. I fell out of my bed with a groan. 

"Was that really necessary?" I asked from the floor.

"No, but I've always wanted to do it"

I got up from the floor and glared at him.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me behind. Despite my best efforts, he would not let go. Grudgingly, I had to admit Samuel was stronger than me. He dragged me out of the house and stopped when we were beside his motorcycle, releasing my arm. I rubbed my arm. 

"Let's go"

"No," I replied. I was not going anywhere. I just wanted to be left alone so I could wallow in self-pity.

Samuel hung his head in defeat. He got on his motorcycle and drove away without a word.

The saying- 'Actions speak louder than words' was more than applicable here. As much as I'd hate to admit it, that hurt me. 

I settled in my spot near the window and gazed down. Slowly, I drifted into sleep. 

25th of March (again)

"LIAM" My mom yelled.

I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor. Again. 

"Get ready!" she said, panic with a hint of excitement rising in her voice.

"For what?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.


She left the room leaving me to connect the pieces.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, hoping it was a text from Samuel but the ID just said Unknown. I read the text aloud-

'Don't freak out'. I freaked out.

'I said DON'T freak out dumbass'

'You just traveled back in time'

'Who are you?' I texted back.

'Let's just say I'm like that blue thingy in Aladdin'

'You mean the genie right?'. This conversation was getting weird.


'You have till midnight to change your past and fix your future'

'And as a bonus find the asshole who framed you'

'Are genies allowed to swear?'

'Of all the things I told you THAT'S what you're asking me!?'. 

'Yes, genies are allowed to swear'

'Now go get dressed'

I switched my phone off and wore my tux.

I grabbed the corsage my mom got for me and then it hit me. Leah and Jared. That was tonight. I threw the corsage in the trash and walked to the limo. I opened the door, making sure there was enough space for my head and torso to stick through it. Leah was laughing and talking to Jared. She noticed me and smiled.

"Leah. Were done" 

"What do you mean?" she asked, panic showing on her face.

"I know about you and Jared"

A look of shock came on both their faces.

"I'm sor-" she started to say but I shut the door. I headed for the door and my hand was on the doorknob when I heard the sound of the limo's door open. 

"Leah, I-" I said, turning around and found myself looking at Samuel.

"I never liked that bitch anyway" 

"I know," I said, then silently cursed myself. 

"Good," he said, "Are we going to Prom or what?"

"Nope," I said, the memories of Prom flashing through my head.

"Then where?"

Right now I just wanted to be with Nat.

I looked at my phone and scrolled through my contacts stopping at Nat's name. I called her waiting for her to pick up. After two rings she picked up.

"Hello?" her voice rang through my phone.

"Hey Nat, its Ryder Rain"

"Ryder!" she exclaimed, "What's up?"

"Can we meet up?" 

"Yes! I'm performing at Club Maddox in a couple of minutes. You can come up and see my performance and then we can talk."

"See you there". I hung up and turned to Samuel.

"Where's Club Maddox?" 

"Corner of Lexi and Trip"

 "Let's go," I said, getting into my car.

Tonight is going to turn out perfectly, I thought. I couldn't be more wrong.