He's Like Art. Terrible Art, But Still, Art

"Stop here", Liam said.

I pulled over on someone's driveway. It looked vaguely familiar

A bunch of guys walked out of the house but only one stopped and opened my car's door.

"Woah! What the hell bro?" I asked, turning around. That's when I got a good look at his face. He had messy jet black hair with an undercut, green eyes, and a chiseled jaw. He looked familiar. 

"Glad to see that you remember me Rain" his deep voice rang out.

"The fuck!" I exclaimed.

"What are you doing here? In my car ?" 

"Dramatic as always I see", he said rolling his sleeves up, "Samuel invited me to help you with whatever shit you're going to do tonight"

I turned and glared at Samuel.

"What?" he asked, "Tell him everything you told me, I'm sure he'll understand"

So I told him everything, leaving out the genie part, me getting arrested, and how I knew this shit.

You're probably wondering how I knew him. I've done a lot of bad shit but what I did to him was the worst. Let's start with his name- Chase Jennings. When I was growing up, I, Samuel and he used to be best friends. The three musketeers. Then, we fell for the same girl and it ended badly, with him in jail. Let's just say I had a hand in that. We stopped talking after that, and soon he transferred to another school, in another state so I was more than surprised to see him here. 

"Why are you helping me?"

"I don't believe in holding grudges", he said, "Plus Samuel offered me a hundred bucks if I would come"

"What are you doing back here in LA?"

"Shouldn't you be driving to get to that club?"


I completely forgot about Nat. I still couldn't believe it. Chase Frigging Jennings was sitting in the back of my car pretending that everything was fine. I pulled up at Club Maddow. I walked to the bouncer. I knew that he saw my car and that he knew I was rich. As soon as I reached him he opened the door without a word. I entered the club and looked around. I saw a woman with red hair on the stage. I couldn't see her face though. I inched closer to the stage, navigating my way through the dancefloor. I reached the stage and yelled- "Nat!"

She turned to me and smiled at me. God. She looked amazing. Her red hair was tied into a ponytail and she was wearing a black dress that showed her curves. Her blue eyes locked onto mine and I felt the world melt away. For some time, it was just me and her voice then someone slammed into me. I turned to find myself looking at a very muscular woman. I decided that I didn't want to die so I turned around. Nat's band was leaving the stage. I hurried backstage. 


"Hi", I blushed.

"You're red as a tomato"

I stammered.

"I think it's adorable", she winked at me.

"I'll just change and join you"

After a couple of minutes, she joined me, Samuel and Chase at the bar. She was wearing a black crop top with leggings and boots with spikes on them. Her red hair was tumbling down her back. 

"What now?" Chase asked. 

"Well… Jared's having an epic rager according to all the snaps I've been getting" Samuel said.

"Let's go there then," Nat said, grabbing my hand and pulling her behind me.

She got in the driver's seat and held her hand out. I reluctantly handed her my keys.

"I like her" Chase chuckled, getting in the car.

The time taken to reach Jared's house would have approximately taken half an hour but she got us there under 15 minutes. Samuel promptly got out of the car and puked in the bush. 

"Well, well" Jared's voice rang out from behind me.

We turned around at the same time like we were in a movie. So cliché. 

"Hullo brother," Nat said

"Don't call me that. You hang out with him and expect me to be fine?" he asked, waving his hands at me.

"I don't care what the fuck you're fine with and not," she said, turning around.

"Well I always knew you had standards but this low even for you"

She quickly turned around and punched him, her face connecting with his nose with a nasty crunch. He dropped to the ground clutching his nose and groaning. Blood was splattered on his white shirt and Nat's fist. She turned around and walked into the house. I, Samuel, and Chase just stood there and gaped at Jared. 

"Come on," Nat yelled from inside.

We hurried inside and headed to the pool. There were more than a dozen people in the pool and approximately the same amount outside the pool. The music was so loud I could barely hear myself. I walked up the stairs, leaving Samuel and Chase to stare at the pool. 

"Nat" I yelled, checking every room.

Lots of naked people but no Nat.

I checked the last room and a hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me inside.

"The hell!" I exclaimed, turning to look at my assailant. It was Nat. Before I had time to register what the fuck was happening, she smashed her lips onto mine. I kissed her back passionately, my hands finding her waist. Her hands were in my hair. This was by far the best kiss I ever received. My phone buzzed, once, twice, then thrice. 

"Do you need to check that?" she asked, pulling her head back.

"Nah" I leaned in, hoping to continue our makeout session.

"Sounds important"

I took out my phone and looked at the screen. It was my genie.


'I can see you're busy but this'll take barely a minute'

'Don't you guys need to breathe or something!?'

And a new one-

'Look at my texts goddammit!'

'I'm here you psycho genie stalker', I texted back.

'You need to find the jackass who framed you, in case you forgot'

'Also, I sense a disturbance in the force'

'Really? A Star Wars reference?'

'I don't know what or who Star Wars is but I actually feel a disturbance in the force'

Someone banged on our door. 

"Rain, Jared called the police saying that you assaulted him pretty badly," Chase said.

I opened the door and found myself looking at a shirtless Chase and a pantless Samuel.

"I don't even wanna know"

"Come on", Nat said hurrying downstairs.

We ran out of the door and stopped at my car. It had a flat tire. It looked like someone slashed it. 

"Jared," I said through gritted teeth.

"Desperate times, desperate measures," Chase said, hiding behind a bush. I hid behind the same bush as his, whereas, Nat and Samuel hid behind a couple of trees.

"Yo Stone," Chase said to his phone, "I'm gonna need a ride". He paused. 

"Take a left at first Avenue, go straight, and take the third right, keep driving straight till you see a huge white house. How long?", he paused, "That's fine dawg. I owe you".

"How long?" I asked

"Five minutes"

"Why are you shirtless?"

"All the girls wanted some of this," he said pointing at himself.

I chuckled.

"What?" he asked, "Worried you won't be able to resist me" he joked.

I shook my head and kept my eyes fixed on the road. I heard sirens and a cop car pulled over at Jared's house. Two officers got out of the car, one female and the other male. The female was Officer Sanchez. I was sure. Jared came out of the house, clutching his nose and limping for a little extra spice. He frantically pointed at the house and officer Sanchez said something into her police radio. Chase lifted an exact one to his ear.

"What the-" I started to say but he shushed me.

"Dispatch, calling for backup. This is     Officer Sanchez. Shield number- 100789. The perp is a white caucasian, male with platinum hair and blue eyes. Goes by the name Ryder Rain. Charged with Aggravated assault on Jared Holtman" she said. 

She said something to her partner and he went inside the house while she circled the house, thankfully starting from the other direction.

"Come on," Ethan said, standing up. We all ran to a set of lights, hopefully not belonging to a cop car. The vehicle. It was a bright red van with the words- Dance On, written on the side in white.

"Come on fools," Stone said, opening the door. We all climbed inside.

"Where to?" he asked.

"A clothing store," I said looking at Chase and Samuel.