Chapter 3.1 - History of Eternia

Note: Chapters 3.1 - 3.2 contain the History and common knowledge in Eternia known by its inhabitants, which was explained to and studied by the main character Julius. Read it for more information (if interested). In the story itself, it will not be explained, but limited information regarding those pieces of knowledge will be shown.

2000 or so years ago, the world was created by a goddess named Tuphy who came from the heaven called Yggdrasil. In this wold, nature was dominant, and a variety of animals and beasts were created. The Humans, the Elves, the Beastmen and the Demons were the 4 major races created by the goddess in the world, and they were all given the task to bring the world into prosperity. Each of them was given certain amount of intelligence in certain fields. Each race was given land, separated from each other. She called that world "Eternia."

The Demons were blessed with the intelligence in Science and Technology, using natural occurrences and resources in the world to their advantage. Their race was given extra limbs for versatility (making the body tougher, having the capability to do more, etc.) and in order to fly, making it easier for construction purposes. They live in the North Continent called "Drugand".

The Elves were blessed with the intelligence in Agriculture, making them the protectors of plants and biodiversity. Their race's senses were improved in order to have an easier time dealing with the wild, and the elemental spirits have greater affinity with them. They are taller in stature in order to oversee the situation better in the wildlife. They live in the West Continent called "Edeosone".

The Beastmen were blessed with the intelligence of Metallurgy and Cave Systems, making them the protectors of caves and dungeons alike (also underwater). Their race was given tough bodies in order to deal with mineral better, and they are more tolerant to poison. They are shorter in stature due to the possibility of hitting stalagmites. They live in the South Continent called "Beaslush".

The Humans were blessed with all three intelligences, and they are in charge of maintaining the peace and connection between all of the races. They have no specialty or unique trait – making them the weakest but most intelligent race between the three. They have average affinity towards everything, and can adapt easily. They live in the East Continent called "Hewruth."

All of them lived in harmony for almost a thousand years – improving the economy, technology and culture of the races. However, due to the growing arrogance of the human race from having all of the intelligences, the leader of the Human Race learned what it means to be selfish and greedy.

He wanted everything to belong to them. He wanted for the Human Race to be the most superior race out of all of them. He urged his fellow humans to follow him and to plot against the other races, convincing the majority of the humans with his plan and capturing the minority who wanted to keep things the way they should.

Soon after, the great war started. The humans sent arsonists equipped with fur clothing toward the West Continent and burned a quarter of the continent belonging to the Elves. Due to the misconceptions of the Elves, thinking that the arsonists were Beastmen due to fur they saw, they blamed the Beastmen for the destruction of their continent and the death of their Chieftain.

On the other hand, the other humans were heavily geared with armor that had wings on them which is meant for aesthetic purposes only. Some wore leggings with a tail behind them, too. They were sent to the South Continent with explosives and toxic gas. The 25% of the cave systems where most beastmen were working in was exploded, killing some of the older beastmen who were inside it and injuring most of the young beastmen as well. Then, toxic gas was spread within the dungeons, knocking out the beastmen who were collecting materials from killing monsters in the inside, ultimately getting killed by the other monsters. The Beastmen blamed the Demon Race.

Due to the strong bond between the Demons and the Beastmen, and the Elves and the Humans, the 4 major races teamed up as groups of 2 and went into war. Many were killed and destroyed. During the war, the humans were exploiting their war relationship between the Elves, getting more resources and eventually getting young elves as slaves (war slaves and sex slaves). The Elves could not disagree with the Humans or else they would be in a disadvantage in the war. The captured enemy Beastmen and Demons were also turned into slaves by the Humans. Some were even used by as bargaining chips in order to get minerals and blueprints in exchange for the slaves.

This war continued on for 25 years. The Goddess Tuphy was enraged with the situation. It was eventually stopped when the Goddess started to intervene. She created another continent which was in between the 4 continents. Then, all the continents drifted towards that continent, combining with it. She also blessed the 6 humans who were held captive. The war was stopped by those humans. To be more specific, the leader of the Rebels who people now call as Hero was Arthur.

During his stay inside the castle's underground prison, he was collecting evidences that could be used to stop the war. He had the help from his best friend who is acting as a spy, giving out crucial information to Arthur. He tried escaping from the prison in order to stop everything, but he couldn't. There were too many guards stationed around him who were armed. He was losing hope until the Goddess appeared to him in person, bestowing upon him the gift of strength. From there, he escaped using brute force, knocking out everyone in his way without killing them. Because of the central continent, he was able to bring the evidences to light when the 4 leaders of the Races were marching towards the central continent for the last battle. From there, the 3 major races helped Arthur capture the rotten leader and his loyal followers. Everyone was given renumeration by the blessed humans and then the war finally ended. These 6 humans were then called the 6 Legendary Heroes. After that, those blessed humans disappeared, leaving their belongings in Eternia.

Even then, discrimination towards each race did not disappear. The other races still scorn the Humans up to this day. They also still hold some grudge towards each other for the number of casualties done upon each other. They just had to deal with this aftermath, and only time will tell when everything will be the same once again - which brought us to this year where discrimination may still be rampant, but at least the animosity towards each other has greatly subsided.

And this is basically how Eternia came to be. 4 Major Races and 4 Main Continents. Due to the Human leader's blunder, discrimination came to be and the Central Continent was created. Up to this day, no one knows what happened to the blessed humans. And up to this day, no one knows the truth about the being that created the central continent, except the Humans who were around the time of war.