Chapter 3.2 - Stats, Classes, Racial Affinity, Equipment, and Party System

[Main Stats]

There are 6 main stats that an individual is born with. These are: Strength, Vitality, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom and Luck. The first five stats affect the body and mind, the total magic capacity, endurance and Ki capacity that an individual possess. These are denoted by HP, MP and Ki. It can be improved over time through proper and constant training. The higher the numerical value of these 5 stats, the stronger, tougher, more intelligent and faster an individual is. The Luck stat, however, is a stat that cannot be improved and will stay as is from birth, and is denoted by a letter: F, E, D, C, B, A or S; S being the highest and F being the lowest. These stats can be seen using an Orb of Identification. All base stats cannot exceed 999. Total stats have no limits.

Through increasing the Strength stat, the individual will deal higher melee damage, will be able to exert greater force in punching, carrying, pushing, etc, and will have greater physical defense penetration. This will also increase one's Ki capacity/stat. For every 5 Strength stat, the individual will receive 25 Attack and kilograms of force, 10 Ki points and 0.15% Physical Defense Penetration.

Through increasing the Vitality stat, the individual will have a higher HP stat and regen, and will have greater physical knockback and damage resistance. For every 5 Vitality stat, the individual will receive 0.25% armor/defense increase, 5 HP regen per second, will resist the knockback from 20 kilograms of force from physical attacks, and will have an increase of 25 to HP.

Through increasing the Agility stat, the individual will be faster and one's senses will be better. Execution of abilities will also be a lot smoother and faster, making it properly execute combos. For every 5 Agility stat, the individual will receive 0.15% natural weight and gravity resistance and 0.2% increase in physical damage. This resistance is special and is not a substat.

Through increasing the Intelligence stat, the individual will have a higher magical force, higher MP or magic capacity, and will have greater magic defense penetration. It also makes it easier for memorizing and casting things. For every 5 Intelligence stat, the individual will receive 25 Magic Attack and kilograms of force, 20 MP, and 0.15% Magical Defense Penetration and Cast Time Reduction.

Through increasing the Wisdom stat, the individual will have greater MP regen, magical knockback and damage resistance, and debuff resistance. For every 5 Wisdom stat, the individual will receive 0.25% MR increase, 2 MP regen per second, 0.15% debuff resistance increase and will resist the knockback from 20 kilograms of force from magical attacks. In addition, for each 20 Wisdom stat, the individual will get 0.8% additive Cooldown Reduction on spells.

The Luck stat is different. It dictates your role in the world and what may happen to you. With the lowest luck F, an individual may die early or will not achieve anything worthwhile in the world. And the affinity with classes are absolute. With the highest rank S, an individual may become a role model and may cause a paradigm shift in the world. And the affinity with classes may be obsolete, making it possible for a person to defy affinity ratios.

Each individual is born with a certain amount per stat depending on their race, health and genes. The Human Race has a balance stat where most of them are born with 6 of every stat, but higher luck stat. The Demon Race has a higher Vitality, Intelligence and Wisdom stat. The Beastman Race has a higher Strength, Vitality and Wisdom stat. The Elven Race has a higher Agility, Wisdom and Vitality stat.

[Sub Stats]

There are multiple sub or secondary stats that an individual has. The following are: Health Points or HP, HP Regen, Magic Points or MP, MP Regen, Ki, Physical Attack, Physical Defense, Physical Knockback, Magic Attack, Magical Defense, Magical Knockback, Physical Defense Penetration, Magical Defense Penetration, Physical Knockback Resistance, Magical Knockback Resistance and Debuff Resistance.

HP refers to the individual's toughness. The more HP one has, the lesser the effects will be seen on an individual when he/she takes damage (Think of it this way: A woman who casts a 100 HP damaging spell unto a man with 200 HP will make that man lose a lot of blood, and signs of an attack will be seen on the man's body. However, a woman who does the same thing unto a man with 2000 HP will not lose much blood, probably just spitting a very small amount of blood, and the spell will only cause a small bruise unto that man's body). MP refers to the individual's capacity of casting spells. The more MP one has, the more spells one can cast. Ki refers to the individual's capacity of using energy in order to perform abilities. The more Ki one has, the more abilities one can execute. The air is filled with magic and Ki. One can absorb Ki anywhere anytime in order to regen one's Ki. However, absorbing the magic in the air will not increase one's MP. Instead, it will strengthen the magic damage output of an individual.

The Regen stats are self-explanatory. HP and MP automatically regen every second depending on that individual's Regen stats. Ki, on the other hand, cannot replenish on its own. Therefore, Ki can only be replenished through Ki absorption.

The Physical and Magical Attack stats affect how much damage an individual can deal to an entity's HP. This number is decreased by the amount of Physical Defense and Magical Defense that entity possesses. The Physical and Magical Defense stats affect how much more damage an individual can take in relation to one's HP. For every 1 Physical Defense, one's effective HP when receiving Physical Damage will be increased by 0.1%. For every 1 Magical Defense, one's effective HP when receiving Magical Damage will be increased by 0.1%. The Penetration stat values are denoted by percentage and the values cannot exceed 100. This stat decreases the total physical or magical defense of an opposing entity when fighting.

An example for this would be: If an individual has 500 Physical Defense and 0 Magic Defense, and that individual has 1000 HP, then that individual will have 1500 effective physical HP since having 500 Physical Defense will result to getting a 50% increase in effective Physical HP and 1000 effective Magical HP since having 0 Magical Defense will result to getting no increase at all. Meaning, that individual will die either from taking 1500 pure Physical Damage at full HP or from taking 1000 pure Magical Damage at full HP.

The Physical and Magical Knockback stats affect how heavy of a force an individual could exert from performing an action. If an individual were to carry 1 sack of rice that weighs 50 kilograms, that individual must possess a physical knockback stat of 50 or higher. If an individual were to make a rock that weighs 50 kilograms levitate using magic, then that individual must have a magical knockback stat of 50 or more. The Knockback Resistance stats for both Physical and Magical holds the same concept. If an individual with 50 Physical Knockback were to push another individual away who has 40 Physical Knockback Resistance, the pusher will be able to apply 10 Physical Knockback only. Generally, each Knockback stat increases the distance travelled through pushing by half a meter.

Lastly, the Debuff resistance stat value is also denoted by a percentage, not exceeding 100. This stat will reduce the effectivity and time of a debuff. Say for instance, if an individual is bleeding due to an open wound which deals 5 damage per second, and the open wound will only heal after 1 minute, then having a debuff resistance percentage of 50% will decrease the time to 30 seconds and the damage over time to 2.5 HP instead.

[Skills – Passive, Abilities and Spells]

Through using the Orb of Identification or Inspect Spell, citizens of any continent will be able to identify an individual's name, race, title, class, level, main stats and top 5 skills. These pieces of information may be altered by an individual using a spell called "Identity Disguise" or the ability called "Ki Minimization." Now, what are skills, abilities and spells?

Skills define the individual's prowess and/or capabilities. There are 2 types of skills: Passive skills and Active skills. Passive skills are skills that give permanent buff/s to an individual or party. These skills do not need MP or Ki in order to be utilized, and these are the skills that give an individual inherent strength (meaning, toughness of one's body, intelligence of one's mind, strength of one's muscles/force, etc.) at all times. At times, it also increases the effectivity of Active Skills. On the other hand, Active skills are skills that allow an individual to execute an ability or spell in exchange for using one's resources. Active skills are learned by individuals through getting or leveling up one's Passive Skill.

Abilities are actions that require the use of Ki or Health in order to be executed. Spells are actions that require the use of MP in order to be casted. Abilities and Spells may be support-oriented or damage-oriented wherein Abilities are physical and Spells are magical. Active Skills will be put on cooldown once used, restricting the individual from using the same skill in succession.

In addition, Abilities are executed as soon as it is used. Meaning, there is no delay at all when using this kind of skill. Abilities can be chained with one another, allowing an individual to chain auto attacks and abilities into combos. However, do not be confused by "no delay in executing" and "delay in applying damage." Abilities do not have delay in the execution, but how long the attack/ability "moves" or has to travel still depend on one's Natural Weight and Gravity Resistance. In short, one can use abilities to chain them into combos but not all abilities when used will immediately hit/damage an opponent

Spells are different. There will always be a delay in the execution of spells. This is called Cast Time. All spells have different cast times depending on the type of spell used and the intensity or power of the spell. Generally, spells that come from a Level 1 Passive Skill will always have low Cast Time while spells that come from a Level 10 Passive Skill will have relatively high Cast Time. However, there are Passive Skills that will reduce or even remove cast time, making it possible to do combos as well, just that it takes a longer time for spells to reach the target/s as compared to Abilities. Spells are not affected by Natural Weight and Gravity Resistance.

Most Passive Skills, Abilities and Spells are considered as Ranked. The ranks are categorized as: Beginner Rank > Veteran Rank > Expert Rank > EX Rank. The other skills that are not under any category are called Unranked. Unlike Ranked skills which have a level cap of 10, Unranked Skills have unique level caps, depending on the skill itself. Passive skills are learned through practice. One can acquire a passive skill from doing activities related to it. Abilities and Spells are different.

Abilities can only be learned through: (1) reading Ability Scrolls and performing them repetitively, or (2) Ability Creation. Ability Scrolls are scrolls that contain a particular Ability that an individual has created or learned before. Ability Scrolls that contain a Ranked Ability will always be divided into several parts: Part 1 for beginner, Part 2 for Veteran, Part 3 for Expert and Part 4 for EX. An individual must master the preceding part in order to learn the ability. The techniques and ways in how to perform the ability are written on the scrolls, and an individual must perform these techniques properly in order to make use of the Ability. Through repetitive usage of Abilities, they will level up. Once an ability reaches Level 10, the individual can now make use of the next Ability Scroll part. Ability Creation is where an individual creates his own set of techniques and ways in order to make/create an Ability. This can be done anytime, anywhere. However, it is very hard to do so. A successful ability creation will make a sudden burst of Ki in the area, which is a sign of acknowledgement from the world.

Spells can only be learned through Leveling Up a certain Passive Skill. Most of the Passive Skills that give access to Spells are found in the Caster Class. These Passive Skills that do give Spells will already grant the Individual a Spell from Level 1. The moment an individual gets a spell from a passive skill, a sudden burst of elemental mana will occur in the area wherein the elemental mana depends on the element of the spell acquired, giving the individual the information to cast the Spell in his/her mind. Repetitive use of the spell will cause the spell to level up. Ranking up of spells happens automatically as well. When a spell reaches level 10, casting that spell for another 300 times will unlock the next rank of the spell, creating a sudden burst of elemental mana in the area wherein the elemental mana depends on the element of the spell ranked up.


All classes have their own respective Hall in order to unlock new passive skills. Only specific passive skills can be advanced into the next rank. These specific passive skills are needed in order to take the Class Advancement Trial in the Hall of Class Advancement. Abilities and Spells can automatically level and rank up, but passive skills cannot rank up without taking the trial in the Hall. Say for instance, if an individual were to have a passive skill of One-hand Swordsmanship B Level 1, after practicing a lot and gaining experience from fighting, it will level up. Once it reaches Level 10, that individual has to go the Hall of Fighters and request to take on a trial to advance that skill from One-hand Swordsmanship B Level 10 to One-hand Swordsmanship V Level 1. A spell like Fireball will level and rank up by itself through repetitive use. When a skill, ability or spell reaches EX rank, the Level will automatically be MAX.

[Classes and Roles]

There are 3 main classes to choose from in the world of Eternia. These classes are: (1) Fighter Class – who specializes in melee attacks and defense, (2) Marksman Class – who specializes in ranged physical attacks, speed and stealth, and (3) Caster Class – who specializes in ranged offensive and defensive magic, and support magic. Each class has 3 tiers which separates the strong from the weak. Having a higher tier means having more versatility and overall strength. In order to get to the next tier, one has to reach the "peak" on each tier, excluding Tier 3. There are many roles under each class and being classified as one of those roles depends on the path an individual has taken, but there are only 3 main roles per class that are recognized by the inhabitants of Eternia.

Each individual has varying affinity with a class. Higher affinity = Faster Training and Better Effectivity. This means that a person who chooses a class that he/she has a high affinity with will reach Tier 3 faster and the effects of the active skills from that class will also increase. This affinity is affected by one's race. In order to see one's affinity with a class, a Class Orb must be used. There are 3 class orbs: Red, Green and Blue. Red is for the Fighter Class, Green is for the Marksman Class and Blue is for the Caster Class. The intensity of the light coming from the orb when used by an individual will state the individual's affinity towards that class. There are 9 states of intensity – 1 being extremely dim and 9 being extremely bright and the color of the light has gold details. Up to now, no one (at least those who tested) has reached the 9th state of intensity yet.


The Fighter Class has 3 tiers, and the gap between each greatly differs. At most, the base (meaning, no equipment or titles have affected this stat) knockback force of a Tier 1 Fighter is 1000, 3000 for a Tier 2 Fighter and 10,000 for a Tier 3 Fighter. This is relatively the same for all classes.

One who reached the peak of Tier 1 Fighters must have mastered Ki release and Ki Bestowal, allowing him/her to use the basic elements of Eternia on his/her attacks and abilities. Also, his/her passive skill of Ki Condensation B (for beginner) must have reached max level. The passive skill Body Tempering must reached at least reach Bronze Level 10.

One who reached the peak of a Tier 2 Fighter must have mastered Ki Transformation and manipulation, allowing him/her to use ranged Martial Skills, elemental or non-elemental, that are in the form of a beast, granting traits to the attacks or abilities. He/she must have also mastered Partial Divine Beast Transformation, making it possible for the body of the Fighter to transform into a half divine beast, tremendously increasing stats. And finally, his/her passive skill of Ki Condensation V (for Veteran) must have reached max level. The passive skill Body Tempering must have reached at least Silver Level 10.

One who has reached the peak of a Tier 3 Fighter must have mastered Ki Control and Purification, allowing him/her to: (1) create domains that increases one's fighting capability, (2) hide one's power level from most items and skills, (3) manifest a coating of Ki right on top of the Fighter's skin at all times which is used to control temperature and protect the Fighter from a limited amount of damage without using one's Ki at all and instead using the Ki from the outside, (4) control needles and spirit needles for attacking one's mind and healing one's body through acupuncture, and (5) altering the direction of all sorts of hostile projectile. He/she must have also mastered the Martial Ascension skill which transforms the Fighter into a Fallen Angel or Angel. The Ki Condensation E (for expert) must be Level MAX. The passive skill Body Tempering must have reached Immortal Level MAX. And finally, created his/her own unique fighting technique.

Under the Fighter Class, the 3 main roles are: Tank, Assassin and Brawler. Tanks are individuals who focus mainly on their defensive capability, boasting high amount of HP and defenses but low mobility. Most of the times, they are the vanguards in the team who are in charge of crowd control and taking aggro. The other times, they are the damage dealers who draw strength from their total HP and Defense stats. Assassins are individuals who focus mainly on their speed and damage output. They have low HP and defenses, but they can dodge out on attacks due to high mobility, and they deal high burst damage. Brawlers have High HP but low defenses, and mediocre mobility and damage output. They are best during long fights which is why they are popular during raids battles (in dungeons, caves, etc.) and castle defense.


One who has reached the peak of the Tier 1 Marksman must have mastered the arts of Hit and Run B, Short-range Kiting and Piercing B, allowing the individual to fire 1 auto attack or ability while on the move which pierces through the first enemy hit dealing 125% damage and hitting the second enemy for 75% of the damage, having 100% hit rate and +30% Crit Rate applied on those actions as long as the distance between the individual and the opponent does not exceed 10 meters.

One who has reached the peak of the Tier 2 Marksman must have mastered the arts of Hit and Run V, Mid-range Kiting, Piercing V, Multi Shot, Trap Arming and Disarming, element-imbued arrows and Nature Stealth, allowing the individual to: (1) perform 2 auto attacks or abilities while on the move which pierces through the first enemy hit dealing 130% damage and spreads, hitting the enemies behind and beside the first target for 100% of the damage while having 100% hit rate, +50% Crit Rate and other debuffing traits (depending on the element imbued on the arrows) applied on those actions as long as the distance between the individual and the opponent does not exceed 40 meters, detecting and disarming + setting traps in a 50 meter radius, and (2) using Full Stealth while near Nature which erases the presence of the individual, fooling all senses and sensory skills by 75%, leaving nothing but a shadow. The stealth buff lasts forever until the individual attacks, uses an ability or item, or takes damage. In addition, the individual must have mastered Partial Assimilation skill which embeds some of the surrounding energies (magic and ki) into the body, increasing all main and sub physical stat points by 25% and both defenses by 10%, all while gaining the traits of 1 element assimilated with.

One who has reached the peak of the Tier 3 Marksman must have mastered the arts of Hit and Run EX, Long-range Kiting, Piercing EX, Mapping, Full Stealth and element-imbued traps, allowing the individual to: (1) perform 5 auto attacks or abilities while on the move which pierces through the first enemy hit dealing 150% damage and spreads, hitting the enemies behind and beside the first target for 125% of the damage, while having 100% hit rate, +50% Crit Rate and other debuffing traits (depending on the element imbued on the arrows) applied on those actions as long as the distance between the individual and the opponent does not exceed 200 meters, (2) increase natural weight and gravity resistance by an additive percentage of 15% while using Hit and Run E, (3) create flawless maps on anything in a 1 km radius, (4) use stealth without the help of nature, and (5) imbue traps with elements for debuffing entities that trigger the traps. In addition, the individual must have mastered Full Assimilation skill which increases all main stat points by 30% and both defenses by 25%, all while gaining the traits of all elements assimilated with. All physical arrows are automatically resupplied and all of them are homing – they will not stop chasing its target until the arrows are destroyed or the arrows hit the target.

Under the Marksman Class, the 3 main roles are: Sniper, CC Archer, and Toxophilite. Sniper role is the most popular role out of all, as they mainly use stealth, hit and run, and long-range kiting to deal powerful damage while evading enemy sight. In parties, they usually stay very far from the team and act as a scout. CC Archers, which is shortened for Close Combat Archers, engage in close quarter combat using martial skills with the aid of shortbows or crossbows. They utilize their speed and rolls in order to evade attacks and gain stealth, and uses short-range kiting capability in order to dish out damage, all while gaining natural weight and gravity resistance. Natural Weight and Gravity Resistance is a special stat that allows an individual to move and attack faster. This stat only decreases one's perception of natural weight and gravity, meaning the individual will feel less burdened by his/her own weight and the natural gravity around him/her. This does not resist the pressure from gravity spells or weight from external sources. Toxophilites are well-versed in trapping and support. They focus more on the effectivity and duration of their traps and blessings, inflicting more Damage over Time (DoT) and movement-impairing debuff on enemies over a long period of time when it comes to traps, and giving Natural Weight and Gravity Resistance buff (additive; does not stack) to all allies in the party for a long period of time.


There is an additional difference between Casters of different Tiers, aside from the overall power level of the Caster. This is the number of Magic Circles and the Complexity of Magic Circles used when casting spells. Higher ranked spells will create variations in the magic circle that will appear when casting that spell. If a Fireball B was casted, there will only be 1 magic circle that will appear, and that magic circle will be simple to Analyze. If a Fireball EX was casted, there will be 4 magic circles that will appear, and each magic circle will be harder to Analyze.

One who has reached the peak of the Tier 1 Caster Class must have mastered at least 1 passive Basic Elemental Magic I, at least 3 lifestyle magic, and the active skill Dual Cast. There are 7 Basic Elemental Magic skills which are: Fire, Water, Wind, Elec, Ice, Earth and Light. Each element has their own pros and cons, applying either debuffs or DoT effects to enemies. They are passive skills which give the individual either permanent buffs or Spells under that Element. Say for instance, an individual can have a skill called "Fire Magic I Level 1." That skill will give the individual the capacity to cast a new spell called "Fireball B." Once the skill reaches Level 2, the individual will receive a permanent increase in his/her damage on the spell Fireball by 10%.

Dual Cast skill is an active skill which ranks up in a different way as compared to the normal skills which are marked with B, V, E or EX. The evolution of this skill is as follows: Dual Cast > Triple Cast > Quadra Cast > Penta Cast > Hexa Cast > Hepta Cast > Octa Cast > Nona Cast > Deca Cast. These active skills grant the individual a temporary one-time use buff, allowing him/her to cast 2 or more spells at the same time, or to combine 2 or more spells into a single specific spell that has a new effect overall. However, the effectivity of the spells when using Dual Cast, Triple Cast, and so on will be compromised, depending on the level. For Dual Cast Level 1, the effectivity of both spells will be 70%. For Dual Cast Level 10, the effectivity of both spells will be 120%. Meaning, if an individual were to use Dual Cast Level 1, casting both Fireball, which originally deals 100 fire damage, and Aqua Sphere, which originally deals 100 water damage, at the same time, the two spells will deal a total of 140 damage instead of 200 (because 70% of 100 is 70; 70 from Fireball + 70 from Aqua Sphere =140).

One who has reached the peak of the Tier 2 Caster Class must have mastered at least 2 passive Basic Elemental Magic I, at least 1 Basic Elemental Magic II, at least 1 passive Intermediate Magic I, the active skill Idiosyncratic, the active skill Mana Imbuement B, and the passive Quadra Cast. There are 7 Intermediate Magic skills which are: Shadow – which is known for its movement and binding, Summoning – which is for taming and summoning familiars, Plant – which is known for defense, Manipulation – which targets one's mind and soul, Blood – which is for curing diseases and poisoning, Alchemy – which is used for manufacturing, and Blessing – which is used for healing, buffing, and purifying.

Once Dual Cast skill reaches Level 10, this will unlock the new passive skill Triple Cast Level 1. If the individual decides to use Dual Cast, then the effectivity of the 2 spells are now at 120%. However, using Triple Cast will make the 3 spells' effectivity to be 70% again. The same goes for the next evolution of this skill. When Triple Cast becomes Level 10, Quadra Cast may be unlocked. At level 1, all 4 spells will have an effectivity of 70%.

Idiosyncratic is the unique skill of the Tier 2 Caster that gives the user a buff which converts: all Intelligence and Wisdom stat into Strength and Agility, and all Magical Attack and Magical Knockback into Physical Attack and Physical Knockback. Magical and Physical defenses and resistances will also be swapped. To be specific, these are the conversion ratios: (the symbol "=>" stands for "will be converted to" while the symbol "~" stands for "will be interchanged with")

· 1 Magical Attack => 1 Additional Physical Attack

· 1 Magical Knockback => 1 Additional Physical Knockback

· 1 Intelligence => 1 Additional Strength

· 1 Wisdom => 1 Additional Agility

· Physical Defense ~ Magical Defense

· Physical Knockback Resistance ~ Magical Knockback Resistance

During the state of Idiosyncrasy, all the spells of the Caster except Mana Imbuement will be locked, temporarily restricting the user from casting spells. The user will also receive faster resource regen, recovering HP, MP and Ki at an astonishing rate, all while being immune to debuffs and crowd control. The primary and secondary weapon of the Caster will turn into 4 flying hands that can be used for attacking and/or defending the user.

Mana Imbuement is an active skill that lets the user imbue mana into items and equipment. It enhances the power of an equipment or strengthens the effectivity of an item in terms of percentage. These mana-imbued items and/or equipment has extra effects depending on the kind of Mana imbued into the item or equipment. Using the Mana Imbuement skill during the state of Idiosyncrasy will lead to different things. First, the user will temporarily unlock Abilities that deal 50% Physical Damage and 50% Magical Damage but still scales off of Physical Attack. Second, all auto attacks done by the hands will be inflicting debuffs. And third, all passive skills that increase the effectivity and reduce the Cast Time of spells will be temporarily replaced by a single passive skill that increases all damage dealt of the user by 30% and increases Natural Weight and Gravity Resistance by 20% (additive).

One who has reached the peak of the Tier 3 Caster Class must have mastered all Magic Passive Skills (Beginner to Advanced), the passive Deca Cast, the active skill Analyze, and the Active Skill Magus Break. There are only 3 types of Advanced Magic which are: Space, Time and Soul (no details for this yet). Deca Cast is the ultimate passive skill of the Caster which allows 10 spells to be activated at once. Not only that, the Caster can now control the delay of when the spell will hit the target/s and when the spell will be seen or sensed by the target/s. Analyze skill allows the Caster to see and understand the magic circles that appear anywhere. This knowledge will be stored for 1 minute. Magus Break is an active skill that has no cooldown and is not considered as a spell. If a caster Analyzed an individual who is casting a spell and the Analyze skill finishes before the casting of the spell, Magus Break can be used in order to stop the spell from casting, dealing twice the amount of damage that the broken spell would have dealt to the individual.

The 3 main roles under the Caster Class are: Disruptor, Sage, and Saint. Disruptors are well known for dealing Damage over Time damage to multiple enemies while impairing their movements and restricting them from using abilities or casting spells. They also impart multiple debuffs to the enemies during a fight. Sages are the main damage dealers that do ridiculous burst damage on multiple enemies or deal instant death burst damage on a single target. They utilize movement impairment spells into burst damage-type spells during battles, getting rid of squishy targets and stopping the vanguards from getting near to the center or rearguard. Saints are the support-type Casters that use spells to give HP instantaneously to a group of people or cast a wide area wherein all allied units will receive HP per second. They utilize their healing and purifying spells, healing HP and removing debuffs or DoT effects. They also buff allies and use defensive spells.


There are 3 types of Equipment in the game. These 3 are: Armor, Accessory, and Weapon. They may be enhanced through embedding more materials into it, or imbuing it with mana using an item called Gem of X where X is the type of mana or magic imbued into the item. If it was imbued with fire, then it would be called a Gem of Strength which increases the strength of the user. Further explanation for this will be found on an Item Encyclopedia. Pieces of Equipment may only be embedded 1-5 times, depending on the open slot of the equipment which can be seen through appraisal merchants or using appraisal skill (lifestyle magic).

Armor pertains to wearable clothing that offer certain amount of defense (Physical and/or Magical) depending on the material that was used in crafting it and gems embedded into it. There are 5 Armor types: Top – which may be a hat, a helmet or a mask, Core – which may be a breastplate, a cuirass, a coat or a robe, Gloves – which may be a pair of gauntlets or arm guards, Trousers – which may be a pair leggings or jeans, and Bottom – which may be a pair of boots or shoes. There is normal Armor equipment which gives individual effects only inherent to the Armor piece itself, and there are unique Armor equipment which give buffs to the user when all Armor pieces are equipped. This unique Armor equipment is called Set Armor which only gives the individual the buff once he/she equips all the needed Armor pieces in the set.

Accessory pertains to wearable jewelries or cloth extensions which doesn't give defense substats but instead give stats or skills. There are 5 Accessory types: Pendant, Earrings, Ring, Mantle or Spaulder, and Artifact. Pendants are worn on the neck. Earrings are worn on the ears and always come in pairs. Rings are worn on one's finger. Mantles are capes that are pinned into the shoulder pads of the Core Armor Piece. Spaulders are the same however, they also offer additional defense substats. Artifacts are emblems or flying objects that float around the user. In addition to giving stats and skills, they also have other functions depending on the Artifact, such as automatic protection. An individual cannot wear more than 1 Accessory Type each.

Weapon pertains to usable items which boost one's Physical and/or Magical Attack and is used in fighting or defending. There are 2 Weapon types: Main Hand and Off-Hand. These two can be held on either hand, where the Main Hand weapon will be seen on one's dominant hand, while the Off-Hand weapon will be held on the other hand. Most of the times, Main Hand weapons are the weapons used in battle, while Off-Hand weapons are complimentary equipment to the Main Hand weapon. Off-Hand weapons may not be able for individuals who fight using either a 2-handed sword or a pair of gauntlets since those types of Main Hand Weapons automatically use the Off-Hand weapon slot. During battles, the Off-Hand weapon slot may be empty, but the Main Hand weapon slot must have something in it. If not, the individual will fight with his/her fists, reducing all of his/her substats by 20% only if his/her Class is not that of the Fighter Class.

[Racial Affinity and Traits]

Each race has traits which dictate their affinity towards a certain Class. Normally, the affinity of an individual towards a certain Class is 100%. However, being a certain race will decrease or increase that affinity by a certain amount, or retain it. Having a higher affinity towards a certain class will give the individual a higher chance of becoming that class. In addition, races that do get the class that they have a higher affinity with will increase the effectivity of either type of active skills by the excess amount after 100%. Likewise, if a certain individual who has a lower affinity with a class gets that class, the effectivity of all skills will decrease by the missing amount.

[Human Race]

[Trait: At most 100% Affinity towards all Classes]

The Individual has no special affinity towards any of the classes, making it possible for him/her to get any class. What class this individual gets will depend on one's fate. The effectivity of all the skills of an individual will never go lower than 100% unless an existing skill reduces it. An example would be the Active Skill Dual Cast of a Caster.

[Beastmen Race]

[Trait 1: At least 300% Affinity Towards Fighter Class]

The Individual has a special affinity towards the Fighter Class, making it possible for him/her to get the Fighter Class easier. The effectivity of all abilities under the Fighter Class will be 20% or more than the original. Leveling up all skills associated with the Fighter Class will be faster.

[Trait 2: At most 100% Affinity Towards Marksman Class]

[Trait 3: At most 75% Affinity Towards Caster Class]

[Elven Race]

[Trait 1: At least 300% Affinity Towards Marksman Class]

The Individual has a special affinity towards the Marksman Class, making it possible for him/her to get the Marksman Class easier. The effectivity of all offensive active skills under the Marksman Class will be 20% or more than the original. Leveling up all skills associated with the Marksman Class will be faster.

[Trait 2: At most 100% Affinity Towards Caster Class]

[Trait 3: At most 75% Affinity Towards Fighter Class]

[Demon Race]

[Trait 1: At least 300% Affinity Towards Caster Class]

The Individual has a special affinity towards the Caster Class, making it possible for him/her to get the Caster Class easier. The effectivity of all spells under the Caster Class will be 20% or more than the original. Leveling up all skills associated with the Caster Class will be faster.

[Trait 2: At most 100% Affinity Towards Fighter Class]

[Trait 3: At most 75% Affinity Towards Marksman Class]

This concept, however, changes when it comes to individuals who are of the mixed race. The Mixed-blood Race is a special kind of race that an individual gets born with if his/her parents are of different races. If an individual were to have an elf for a mother and a human for a father, then that individual is most certainly a mixed race – specifically a half-elf and half-human. When an individual is that of the mixed-blood race, he/she will get 1 trait from each of the race he/she has the blood of. An example would be: If an individual were to be a Mixed-blood – half-demon and half-Beastman, he/she may will have 2 traits, wherein Trait 1 would be any of the 3 traits of the Demon Race and Trait 2 would be any of the 3 traits of the Beastmen Race.

[Jobs and Age]

Jobs are simply jobs – the profession of an individual. An individual may have multiple professions. However, only the main profession of the individual will be seen when using the Orb of Identification or Inspect Skill. If an individual is a student, it will show in one's identification that he/she is a student. If an individual is not a student and has no profession, it will show Jobless. Any individual with a profession has to pay taxes. When an individual is Jobless, he/she will not be liable to pay taxes to the nobles. However, he/she will not be given courtesy or respect, most especially if that person is an adult. This is because anyone can acquire a profession as early as 6 years old. An individual will become an adult once he/she turns 12 years old, allowing them to acquire a profession related to slaying monsters or bounty hunting which can be applied for in a Guild Tavern or a Bounty Hall respectively.


Titles are given to individuals of great prestige. It can be bestowed upon by the Church, the Nobles, the Royalty or the Common People. Individuals with a title will gain access to many features that are normally inaccessible to the common people and nobles. In addition, titles may also give a permanent buff or buffs that can be utilized in fighting or in trading. Finally, together with the title, an Artifact is given.

[Party, Mercenary Groups and Guilds]

During quests or requests, a person can form a party through Mutual Agreement in a Guild Tavern. The Guild Tavern employees collect a drop of blood from each member and pour it into a Party Contract. There can only be 6 individuals in a party where one is the party leader. When individuals are in a party, their offensive attacks against each other will be rendered useless. In other words, no Friendly Fire. Arrows and spells stop before hitting the ally, disappearing instead. Abilities and auto attacks will reach the target but will not deal any damage or knockback to the ally. In addition, party buffs can now be casted and utilized. Individuals within a party, no matter how far they are from each other, will be given a buff if a party-buffing spell is casted or used.

Mercenary Groups are the same as parties, just that this is a more long-term relationship and they are more professional. Also having a maximum group of 6, mercenary groups are permanent groups that are ranked from F to S. In order to reach the next ranks after F, a mercenary group must have the right amount of Fame and Battle Points. Fame can be earned through completing small- to medium-scaled quests. These quests are limited to mercenary groups and guilds. Battle Points are earned after completing dungeons and raids. Dungeon and raid monsters drop a particular type of gemstone that can be traded in for Battle Points. The more Battle Point a mercenary group has, the stronger they seem to be.

Guilds consist of many parties or individuals. They operate the same as Mercenary Groups but are managed by a Guild Master and a Vice Master, they have a building for their operation, they have facilities within that building, and they are bounded to a single kingdom, empire, county, etc. They earn more than Mercenary Groups and they are treated better due to loyalty. Since Mercenary groups aren't bounded to a single area, they can be recruited by an opposing kingdom or continent. Individuals in a guild get additional buffs when inside a party of guild members. The buildings used by these guilds are called HQ. They are different from Guild Taverns which are places that are operated by individuals who were employed by the Royalty. Guild Taverns focuses more on the safety of the populace as ordered, unlike Guild HQs which are independent and free.