
Chapter 28: The Cabin

I sat there for a few moments, almost as if I expected a bunch of messages to all of the sudden come through my phone, all at once. It just stayed silent, and I was not sure if the fear that was creeping up inside me was because I was alone, or if it was because I did not know what was going on all around me at the moment.

Maybe it was a bit of both, as I was in fact not sure what it was I should do. It seemed like a perfectly normal day, as I was sitting in my truck, staring across the dashboard, like when I usually did when I was getting ready for an extra long day of driving.

The job I did, it was not very fun at all. I did enjoy it though, as it gave me time to be alone, and to just think to myself with all of the free time that I had. It seemed like this was one of those days, as I nearly began to pick up me keys to ignite the engine.

I then remembered all that had been going on with me the last few days. This was not a normal day, and now it was time for me to face the cold reality. I gulped, as I put the keys back in to my right pocked, and I stared at the dash board for just a few seconds longer.

I then shook my head, as I realized and I remembered what it was that I had been doing in the first place. I had lied to the kid, I really was not going to the truck to try to start it up, I had no idea how to take care, or how to fix cars and trucks in the first place.

I opened the door that I had used to get in to the truck, as I tried to remember what the exact reason was that I had come to the truck in the first place. On a normal day, my memory really was not this bad at all, but on a day like today, my brain really did not know what it was that it wanted to do.

I closed my eyes for just a few seconds, right after I closed the door to my cold truck that I had been in for a few minutes. It made a loud noise, which scared me for some reason. I then realized the reason that it had scared me as well.

It was not the fact that the noise had scared me, but it was more the fact that I was anxious, and I was scared that something bad was in fact about to happen to me. I kept my eyes closed for just a few moments, to give myself some time to think.

I then remembered at the exact same instance, what it was that I had been planning on doing right now in the first place. I gulped once again to myself, as I was a bit hesitant to really go through with all of this. I was not sure what it was that was going on with my at the exact moment.

I knew that this was a bad idea, and this only spelled disaster. I was sure that the family would let me go on my own if I did not go to find out what it was that they were doing. Unless... They might be using me as some sort of sacrifice... It made sense what had been going on the last couple of days.

What really were the odds of all of this happening though? The kid seemed completely innocent to all of this, and it did not seem like he knew a thing of what it was that his parents might be doing. He might be doing that on purpose though, as a way to trick me.

Or maybe, he just really did not know at all what it was that his parents had been doing. Or maybe... Maybe I was just going crazy, and I was getting a bit too ahead of myself, more than likely, there really was nothing going on in the first place.

At least... That is what I had hoped to be true... I knew I should just let all of this go, but for some reason, it seemed like if I were my father, that I would keep on going. I never did want to be like my father, but I knew if I were in my fathers shoes, and I knew the things that he did, I would want to get to the bottom of this.

If this really was happening as well, I might not have any way out of this any ways. If I did somehow find a way out of this as well however, I could tell my father about all of it, and we could really expose the truth about all of the evil shit that was going on.

I knew that I really was getting far too ahead of myself however. I opened my eyes for just a few moments as well, as it seemed like there was a sudden breeze that had pushed through, that had made things feel even more cold and scary.

It was strange as well, as I looked around, because when I was younger, you had the teachers that taught you that God was not real at all, and then you would have some that all told you that hell was some fiery place that evil people that did bad in school went to.

I felt like neither of them were true though. I felt like, hell was a place that was worse that you could even imagine, and it was different for every person. If it all was the same for everyone, than they would all know what to expect, and maybe perhaps some people would do evil stuff and not be scared as to where they would go.

I shook my head on that, as I knew that I did not need to think about any of those thoughts. They were none of my business in the first place. I felt like what it was that I was planning on doing, it truly was a terrible idea, but now for some reason, it seemed like there was nothing in my brain that could talk my way out of it.

I looked back at the house that I had slept in last night, it seemed like there was all sorts of evil coming from that place, even though if you looked at it in perhaps a picture, it seemed like a perfectly normal, nice looking house. I was not sure what had gotten in to me, maybe this was all normal.

No... It was not, something was not right in all of this, and I had to get to the bottom of it as well. Even if it meant the death of me, I quickly opened up the door to my truck as fast as I could. If I did in fact die, maybe there could be some sort of thing that I could expose in the end.

I went over, and I grabbed my phone from off of the cup board. If I could record all of this, and maybe some how someone would find it if I were in fact to die, than maybe I could expose some sort of truth. I then hopped out of the truck once again, closing the door as I had done a few seconds ago.

I looked at the phone, seeing that it was at 86%. I turned on battery saver as well, to make sure that I got as much life as possible out of it. I really did not know all that was about to go down, I still was not sure if any of this was even real in the first place.

I could just be making up some real crazy shit in my head right now, but there was no harm in finding out really, was there? I mean, what was the point in my life in the first place? To just be a truck driver my entire life? That was no sort of life that I wanted to live.

I looked around for just a few moments, as I looked back at the strange house. I felt bad for the kid, maybe he was in fact innocent to all of this. What if he had no idea what it was that his parents were doing? What it I was going crazy though, and I was blaming an innocent family?

I shook my head at the same time though, as I remembered the dreams that I had been having the last couple of days. It did not make sense... I had seen the couple in those dreams, long before I had even met them in person. I then shook my head at the same time as well, as I looked away from the house once again.

Maybe I would not make it back there, maybe this was the end for me... I shook my head, as I knew that it was not a good idea to think those thoughts. I then began to walk down the road, as I kept on telling myself in my head that none of this that I was thinking about was real.

My brain did not seem to be having any of it however, as it seemed like there was some other part of me that was taking over it right now. I closed my eyes as I walked down the side of the road at the same time as well. I had made myself a promise... There was only so long that I was willing to walk.

I would go, maybe 2 miles. I needed to be back before it was dark, if they in fact were not doing anything evil in the first place, than they might be upset that I had just gone missing on their property, and they might not let me stay another night either.

I kept on walking, as I tried my best to just not think on all of this. I knew that if there were a God right now, he would help me, and he would want me to find out all that was really going on at the moment. If I were to expose this to the public, who knows what could happen?

It would mean that all that my father had said was true! It all seemed so fake, but all so real at the same time as well, as I took my head off of it, and I opened my eyes to focus on where it was that I was going. I had to make sure that I did not walk across the road on the high way either.

Though, it was a fairly straight road with nothing around it, I still did not want to walk in to it. I doubt that any one might hit me, it did not seem like there was anyone that was going past me. Just as I said that however, I turned my head over from behind me, as I saw a car driving right past me.

The windows were a slight bit tinted, so I could not really see the people that were inside of the car, not that it mattered anyways. I saw as they drove past however, that the back side of the car did not have tinted windows at all however.

There was a little girl staring through it as well, and she looked a slight bit scared for some reason, as she had her hands on the glass as well. Were these people kidnapping the girl? I shook my head, as I thought once again, that perhaps I was going crazy.

If they were kidnapping her, that they would not let her have her hands free. I kept on walking down the road, as I tried not to think about any of it. Though it did seem like the family was in a hurry for some odd reason. I shook my head once again, not think about any of it.

I then stopped for some reason, as it seemed like I had been walking for nearly a mile at this point now. I spotted a random intersection, and there was a stop sign as well. The family had just drove right past it for sone odd reason, as if they had not seen the fair large stop sign on all 4 sides of the intersection.

They really must be in a rush then... I turned my head, looking around, as I then realized that I had in fact been walking for at least a mile, if not perhaps more than that. I looked back, as it looked as though the house was no where to be seen now.

A lot of that also might have to do with all of the woods that were surrounding me as well however, as I looked around at the area. I did not remember driving past the woods, but a lot of that might have been to do with the fact that I had been lost in my head while I had been driving.

It seemed like I had been like that first the last couple of days on end now. I shook my head again, as I looked around, not sure what to do since I was stuck by the intersection. I was not sure where to go either, as each way that I looked, it all looked exactly the same.

I felt like I should go back as well, as I did not want to get too lost on where it was that I was at right now. I turned my head back around, as I was just about to take the first steps back to where it was that I had come from, until I saw something poking out from the corner of my eyes as well.

There was nothing all that was really special about it. It was just a normal path that it seemed like might lead to an older persons house in the woods, or might be a random walking trail. I was not sure what about it had stood out, and made me stop myself from going back to the house.

It seemed like my eyes were zooming in on it, all at once for some odd reason. I was not sure as to what it was that was going on. I just stared at the beaten down path, as I looked at it for quite some time. It seemed like something in my head was telling me to go over to it however.

I looked across the road, to make sure that there were no cars driving by, and then I quickly ran across to the other side of the road. Once I was on the other side of the road as well, I stared at the pathway that was in front of me. There were a lot of twist and turns, but I still could see it going on for quite a while.

There was a scared part of me in my head, that was telling me that this was a bad idea, and that I should not walk down the path that was in front of me. If I thought about it, I really was not sure what good could come from all of this.

I was in the middle of nowhere, in a place that I had never been in, in my entire life, nor did I ever plan on ever coming back here. The place that I was looking at, was deep into a bunch of strange looking woods as well, who knows what kind of animals that might be living in there.

For some reason however, there still was some sort of thing in my head, that was telling me that I needed to come this way. There was the cowardly part as well, that kept telling me that this was a bad idea, and that something bad was going to happen to me if I did go down there.

I stared once again, for just a few moments longer, as I then gulped to myself at the same time as well. I blinked a few times, as I then made my decision. I then spoke a bit quietly to myself, kind of hypocritical to the words that I had said as well.

"Come on you pussy! Time to show God that you are a man!" I whispered to myself. I sat there for just a few moments longer, and then I finally made the first move, as I then took the first steps on to the dusty little trail that had been in front of me all of this time.

I then took a few more steps, until I was fully in to the woods at this point. I gulped once again, as I looked back at the road that was now a fair bit away from me now. It was too late to go back now, I had already made my decision, as I shook my head, and then turned my eyes back to the trail.

I then kept on walking across the trail, not turning my head back down the path any more, as I had already made up my mind. I blinked a few times, as the trail was a bit of an ugly one, and it was a bit cold as well. It was clear to me that it was a walking trail however.

It was not a nice looking one, but there was not much about this state that was nice looking anyways. It was not like the woods that I was going to be driving across when I got to Oregon. It was the perfect time of the year for those as well.

I shook my head at the same time as well, once again, as I remembered that I might not ever get to Oregon. Even if I ever did, at that point, the trees might have all fallen. These trees were the ugly type of pines trees, they never got to change colors.

Unless they died of course, that is when they changed to that ugly looking brownish-orange color. I did not like the sap that was all over the trees either. As I shook my head at the same time, as I tried not to focus to much on that, and more on what it was that I was going to find in front of me.

I had been walking for quite some time as well, as I suddenly saw a bit of a clearing in front of me through all of the woods. At first I thought that it was just some sort of normal, semi nice looking clearing out on the trail, but then I saw something in front of me.

I looked at it for quite a bit of some time, as I squinted my eyes at it, trying to see what it was that was so special about it. There was some sort of flicker that was on the sun, as I could clearly tell that there were some metal objects that were along the trail.

I did not think much about it, as I thought that it might just be something that was a normal part of the environment. I kept on walking down the trail, as I looked up at the sky, seeing that I had now got across all of the trees that had been blocking out the sun.

I stared at it for quite a bit of some time, just enjoying the warmth of the sun on my body, as it had been fairly cold outside up the this point, perhaps in the high 40s or maybe early 50s. I was about to pull out my phone to try to see the temperature, until I realized that I had no connection.

I shook my head, as I grunted to myself at the same time as well. The sun was about in the middle point of the sky to my surprise, as it signified that I still had plenty of time to get back before the parents wondered where it was that I had gone off to.

I stared at the sun for a bit longer, as I let the last bit of warm air in, until I began to look away, to keep on walking across the trail. But, just as I was beginning to look away from it, I quickly saw something that stood out to me at the same time as well.

There was some sort of black smoke that flew across the sun, as if there was something on fire, and the smoke was coming from that direction. I looked back up, just to make sure that I really had seen it. I then looked over to where it was that it was coming from.

It did not seem to be the smoke that might have come from a forest fire, but then again, I never really was a good person with things that came into the environment. I thought that I might have seen something that was ahead of me, but I could not be quite too sure as to what it was.

I then began to jog down the trail, to make sure that it was not a forest fire, as I needed to go back and warn people if it was. I went as fast as I possibly could, but then I suddenly stopped, as I saw what it was that was in front of me.

It was a bunch of cars and trucks that were in front of me. There was one that stood out in particular to me however, as it was truck that I had seen at the house earlier, meaning that the parents were at this location right now. Was this where they went to, to sell the rabbits and the eggs that they had?

I looked at it for a bit of time, as I thought about the smoke that I had seen as well. Why was there smoke, were they burning something? Where were they burning it at in the first place? I shook my head, as I turned my head over to where the smoke was coming from in the first place.

I sat there for a few moments, as I saw that there was a building that was in front of me. I looked at it for a bit of some time as well, as there seemed to be something that was oh so familiar about it as well. I then gasped, as I realized where it had come from, and then I whispered to myself.

"The dream... That's the cabin!"