
Chapter 29: Praise The Lord!

I stared at it for a bit of time as well, as I did my best to try and recall what the dream had been about. It had seemed like it had been so long ago, but really it had just been the other day. I closed my eyes, as for some reason I felt a bit excited, until I began to remember what the dream had been like.

I shivered, as I felt like going back at the same time. This really felt like it was a bad idea. Surely there was nothing good that could come out of this for me, right? I stayed there for a bit longer as well, as I did not dare take a step over to where the cabin was standing at, right in front of me.

I opened my eyes however, as I thought about all of this for quite some time. I felt like I should just mind my own business, and stay out of others. Who cared if they were a satanic cult? As long as they did not do anything to me, than I should be fine, surely right?

I still was not sure if that was all that true, I had heard stories about them, all of those, of which my father had told me when I was a lot younger. I felt a bit scared as well, as I tried my best to just push it all off, and to try and tell myself that none of it was real.

I could not lie to myself though... What were the odds that I would have found the place that I had seeked for in my dream? This was not a good place that I had seen in my dream either. I stared at it for a bit longer, as I had to tell myself that I could not do this, and that nothing good could come out of this.

I closed my eyes, as I moved back behind the truck that the man that's house that I had been staying at last night, was right in front of me. I needed to give myself some more time, to try and think this through. All of my thoughts were telling me not to do this, and that it was a bad idea.

For some reason it almost felt like there was some 6th sense taking over me right now, that was almost forcing me to go over to the cabin. I sat there for a bit longer, as I sighed a bit heavily to myself, and then I began to take a good look at myself, and all that I had done in my life.

What good had I really done in my life? It was not the fact that I had never done anything bad, but it was more the fact that I had done nothing good. My life had all just been a waste of space on this earth. No one gave 2 shits about me, if I were to die right here, than no one would care.

But what if? If I was able to find something, and share it to the public, than it might actually create a big change it the world. People would wake up to all of the evil that was going on around them. I closed my eyes once again, as it felt like I was beginning to get a bit too ahead of myself.

Even if people saw this, they might just think that it was some normal cult, and that it was nothing wrong with the world. What good would all of that really do in the end though? I knew that there would be some smart people that knew what all of it was though.

I then opened my eyes, as I looked over to front bumper of the truck that I was standing behind, as I saw a bit of some light flickering from inside the dark deep depths of the cabin that was ahead of me. I was not sure whether to be scared, or to feel a bit better that there was light inside.

Maybe I was over thinking all of this as well, what it this was just the place that the kid had been telling me about, the place that his parents sold their rabbits, and their eggs at. It very well could be so... I began to relax myself, as it seemed to make a bit more sense that it could be the case.

But what about the dream that I had? It did not make any sense as to what it was, and what it was about. It was before I had even met these people, or found this place as well. No... I had to go in, and I had to find out what it was that was going on inside there.

If worse came to worse, and I was killed, at least I could have a recording on my phone, that someone might be able to come across some day. The more likely outcome however, was this was just the place that they gathered at, to sell their supplies.

If I was to walk in, and they might be able to see me, and that had been the case, than they might not think anything of it, besides the fact that I had for some reason followed them all the way over to that place. They would not have some sort of evil scheme in place for me.

I blinked a few times, as I went ahead and made my decision. I had to at least find out what it was that was going on inside of that place. If I just walked away, and I went back to their home, and I did not find out what was going on, I knew that I would never be able to live with myself.

I would live the rest of my life in fear, if I never found out what had happened at this place that day. I gulped, as I then began to walk over to the cabin that was in front of me. I knew that it was a very big risk, but if they found me, and they did not kill me, than what would they do to me?

If I were to die, than I would get to go up with God, and have him know that I was only trying to find out what the evil plans were, and all of the evil stuff that might be going on in the world. I then nodded, as I got a bit closer to the door way to the cabin.

I stopped, a bit hesitantly as I heard some voices speaking in the cabin. I sat there for a little while as well, as I was a bit too scared to move any closer to the place. I stayed there for a bit of some time, as I heard the place then begin to get silent.

I began to get a bit scared as well, as I wondered if maybe they had heard me, or they knew that I was coming over to the cabin. I stayed there for a bit longer, as I waited to hear footsteps begin to head over to me. It just stayed silent for a bit longer however.

I sat there for just a few more moments, as I did not dare poke my head into the big room that I had seen a bit of an out line of in front of me. I waited for one of them to just all of the sudden scare me, and to pop out with a knife in their hand, like in those movies, ready to end my existence.

That was not the case however, as I just sat on my knees, and waited for them to go ahead and keep on speaking, and for them not to notice that I was there with all of them. After a bit longer as well, I then heard the voice of a man begin to speak up to all of the others that were in the room with him.

"We have all of these rich, and devine blessings for you father! We hope you accept our loving and caring for you! You have made our lives so much easier, and we thank you for it!" The man said, for all of the others that were in the room with him to hear as well.

I sat there for a few moments as well, as I wondered what it was that he might have been talking about. Based off of the voice that I had heard the man speaking with, it did not seem like any sort of evil and satanic voice... Maybe they were just having a prayer before they began to make their trades.

The mans voice that I had heard, I did not recognize, so I knew that it was not the voice of the man, whos house I had stayed at last night. I stared at the wall that was in front of me, as I managed to poke my eyes through a little crack, and I saw a slight bit of what was going on.

It was not enough though, as all that I managed to see, was just a few shapes moving around the room. I had to get a better view of what was going on! I began to poke my head out, to see all of it, until I heard the voice of the man that I knew, begin to speak.

"We give these rabbits to you my God! We love you! Praise the lord!"