Pretentious B*startds!

Time passed once more, and Luke had finally fully grasped the knowledge he needed to advance to Level 5.

However, he decided not to do so. Instead, he decided to use the knowledge he learned, along with skill points and talent points, to Tier up the corresponding skills to the next Tier. In Advancement knowledge, the knowledge to Tier up skills and talents pertaining to the corresponding pathway is generally included. However, most of his skills did not pertain to the Magician pathway, resulting in only a few of them Tiering up. For the rest, he would have to go to different people complete the advancement of the skills.

For now, he used his knowledge and Tiered up everything he could.

Multiple notifications began to pop up one after the other.


-Intermediate Meditation Lv 5 has evolved to Advanced Meditation Lv 0



-Beginner Fire Spells Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Fire Spells Lv 0



-Beginner Earth Spells Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Earth Spells Lv 0



-Beginner Water Spells Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Water Spells Lv 0



-Beginner Wind Spells Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Wind Spells Lv 0



-Basic Magic Runes Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Magic Runes Lv 0



-Beginner Spell Casting Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Spell casting Lv 0



- Beginner Energy Absorption Lv 5 has evolved to Intermediate Energy Absorption Lv 0


With the new skills and talents in hand, Luke began training them silently in the train. Training was simple, just keep using the skill.

He started with a low tier Water spell to cool down the black coffee in front of him while he was on the train, to train his [Intermediate Water Spells]. Once it was frozen solid, he used Fire spells to heat it back up, which would train his [Intermediate Fire spells]. Both of these together would train the [Intermediate Spell Casting].

This would keep repeating until his energy was almost exhausted, at which point, he closed his eyes to begin [Advanced Meditation], which would intern level up [Intermediate Energy Absorption].

Once this was done, he used Earth magic to pull together all the dirt left on the train by the passengers, and formed a tiny lump of earth below his feet. Since his seat, as well as his feet were hiding the lump from the other passenger's views except the MI9 member, Luke played around with its form to create many reminiscent figures, like his original old self, his late parents, his son, grand-daughter, any many of his in-game and real-life friends. It was astounding how much people might ignore if they are paying attention to something else.

With all his spells reaching [Intermediate] level, not only did the power and accuracy of his spells increase tremendously, his control over the basic elements also sky-rocketed. He could form these sorts of figures with any of the elementary elements.

To tease the MI9 member, he changed the form of the figure to that of the MI9 member. Seeing this, cold sweat suddenly started forming on the officer's forehead as he had a bad premonition.

With a snap of his fingers, Luke changed the formal suit the MI9 figurine was wearing to a tiny frilly dress, which made him look like a pervert cross-dresser.

Visible embarrassment could be seen on the MI9 member's face now, however, Luke did not stop there.

The then changed the clothes to an extremely tight dress that barely covered his business.

Suddenly, a foot descended upon the figure, cause it to be obliterated back onto pieces of dirt.

This foot belonged to the fuming MI9 member.

Luke chuckled for a while before moving onto training his wind magic.

Time passed as the train finally pulled into Sozra's station.

Luke followed the man out of the station at almost midnight. The then got onto one of the few carriages still working at this time, and headed East.

After 10 minutes of travelling through the maze known as Sozra, they finally arrived outside a barber shop called 'Miracle Booth'.

The two knocked on the door and entered. While Luke was entering the one that opened the door eyed him up and down before making way for the MI9 member, and the masked Luke.

They were then lead to the back of the barber shop, where a reinforced metal door was opened. It looked almost like a giant safe door.

They were then lead underground through the steps behind the door, and then to a few other guard stations, who were apparently informed about the masked 'Sage's' arrival.

Soon, Luke was led to a brightly lit, interrogation room and left there for a while.

Luke was in no hurry to expose his cards, so he just leaned back in his chair and stared at the one-way mirror and said,

"Since I am going to be here for a while, you might as well give me something to eat and drink."

However, there was no response, and Luke could only chuckle dryly before decided to get some rest.

After almost an hour of sleeping, he heard the door open and he instantly opened his eyes and pulled his head up from the table, where a small pool of drool had been formed.

'It seems some of my habits from old age have transferred with me." Luke lamented in his heart as he turned to face the one that entered the interrogation hall.

Just with a simple glance, Luke calmly said, "Not you. My price for my information is way above your paygrade."

The interrogator was slightly stunned at first before he was infuriated. What kind of attitude was this?

Luke's attitude wasn't without reason. He was actually deep in thought about something rather important and couldn't waste time with a small fry.

He was wondering, how there were LED lights here when the outside world was clearly living using candles and gas lamps. Just what was going on.

Luke remembered that as soon as the war started, technology sharply increased in all countries, with electricity, fully-functional diesel and petrol cars, and many more things required for a modern society.

However, such things came about nearly 5 years after the war started! Right now it was around 7 years before that time.

Could it be possible that all the three kingdoms had already researched and implemented all the technology, but only gave access of it to the public during the war?

Such pretentious b*startds!