Race Evolution

The infuriated man was stopped in his tracks. After a while he nodded and turned around.

And while he was turning, Luke caught a glimpse of something even more astonishing. He had an earpiece! He was receiving order through that the entire time.

'What the hell is going on? Just how far has the technology in Gamin reached? Has it already reached the point where technology had reached at the end of the second version? It seems I have underestimated Leon, Roland and Islesat. I need to assume they might already be working on the 'World Gates' created in the third version!'

The interrogator left the room, which fell into silence once more. However, this time it only lasted for a few minutes, before another man came in.

Luke looked at his face and used Inspection. He noticed that this guy was clearly more than 10 levels above him, and had already felt Luke's gaze on him. However, the man ignored it and said in a familiar voice,

"I am Barton."

Before he could say anymore, Luke nodded and said, "Alright."

With that, he took off his mask and smiled at Barton, the executive commander of MI9, the second in command for MI9, and the representative of the 'Council of Twelve'. The Council of Twelve is actually the true rulers of Leon, consisting of high level individuals from before the formation of the Leon Kingdom, including the leader of the Guild of Magic. The current king, as well as all so-called 'upper echelons' of the Leon kingdom in the public eye are only puppets of the council of twelve. Luke even remembered their names, since even after the destruction of the Leon kingdom, they stuck around in Gamin, giving a lot of quests as high level NPCs.

"I wish to add another request for the information."

"What now?"

"I want access…"


"Yes, to your technology. From what I have seen in this very room, there is technology that exceeds this era. I want access to it. Don't worry, I don't want those 'top-secret bombs and weapons', I only want a few good quality weapons, a few mobile phones, bullets and the stuffs"

Barton was not that taken aback by this request and instantly accepted the condition as long as Luke signed a non-disclosure agreement through magic, and made those he wished to share the information with also sign the agreement.

After an hour of negotiating, Luke agreed and started writing down a set of coordinates.

"Here. I have also added the approximate strength of the defenses. Also, I added another location for the technology you will be giving me in the future."

Barton had already expected working with this pretentious youth on front of him in the future, since he was convinces this kid knew a lot more than just a 1 or 2 bases. However, he did not expect to receive advanced payment.

"Keke, don't be too surprised, I will make sure to fully utilize the second location! Also, I want to have the information now. I don't want to waste 24 hours just sitting and staring at those guys behind the mirror."

Barton looked around and then chuckled dryly as if he was stalling for time, before saying,


Luke was then led to a slightly larger cell with a bed, sink and toilet, along with a one-way mirror.

"Sigh, are you that eager to see me sh*t?"

However, no response came from beyond the mirror. In reality, if Luke really wanted, he could use energy to see through the mirror, since it's thickness was actually rather low. Seeing through walls would be almost impossible, but a thin piece of glass should be possible if he really tried.

But Luke was not in the mood to.

He had been given 4 books as advance payment, and would be given the rest once his information was confirmed.

He then sat on the bed and quickly skimmed through all the books in an hour to create mental copies.

Once that was completed, he used his piled up exp to level up to 5, where a notification popped up.


Race evolution I

Advancement to Level 5 requires a race evolution. Choose one of the following races:

1] Undying I

2] Human II

3] Observer I


'Huh? I got 3 options?'

Luke was slightly shocked, because normally one wouldn't get more that 1 option, unless they have completed a specific mission, or had injected themselves with particular blood earlier. However, he had done none of them.

Undying I gave the player the body of an 'Undying', which had overpowered skills like 'Advanced Regeneration' which could heal the player instantly from most modern day gun shots. However, it not only turned the player's body and face into a disfigured monster, but it also gave the player an obvious weakness to high energy weapons, which would deal double the damage to undying. The only possible reason Luke could have gotten this might be related to Lucas dying and Luke taking over, or Luke dying and taking over Lucas' body, and the latter was more likely, since there were no obvious wounds on Lucas when Luke had taken over.

Human II was the one that Luke wished to opt for initially, the second faze of evolution for a human, with no special talents, and not special weaknesses either, just a boost in stats.

However, Observer I was a race that had never been discovered before in the entire 23 years of the game. The description of this race was locked along with the strengths, and the weaknesses said none.

This made luck feel like the game wanted him to choose this, as though someone was purposely manipulating his options.

However, Luke did not care. He was overjoyed by exploring something that was never seen before. This was the mentality of most gamers, wishing to open up new paths that made them distinctly different from others, taking risks to gain something as insignificant as respect and likes. Players did not care about death, since it was a game after all.

Realising this, Luke reigned in his excitement, since this might be the game world, but it wasn't certain that he had extra lives!

In the game, plot moved as though it was a real life simulation, and the died were not revived, be it the protagonist or a commoner, no NPCs were brought my back 'for the plot'. This allowed player to be able to influence the story as they grew stronger.

This also meant that as an NPC, dying would mean game over for him. Therefore, Luke fell into deep thought once more.

After some time, he decided to take the risk. Since there were no weaknesses listed it was only more beneficial to him. And if there was something wrong with the future prospects of this race, he could always switch to being a half-human during the next race evolution and continue along the path of Human II during the evolution after that.

Thus he chose Observer I. Instantly, he felt a piercing pain drilling though every single fiber of his being. The pain was so great that he instantly lost control of his entire body. Thankfully, he was already laying on the bed before making the decision, creating no abnormality.

All his cells were in overdrive as they accelerated their aging process and died, to be replaced by a new set of cells. This process was similar to how a snake sheds its skin, however, it was Luke shedding his entire body, to be created a new!

Time passed by and nearly, 5 hours later, Barton entered with two of his men holding thick stacks of books, numbering around 34.

Luke had mostly regained control over his body, but was still a little stiff. Therefore he simply nodded graciously accepted them. However, he did not leave, since he know that the Leon Kingdom was not stupid enough to let such precious information be taken out of their grasp.

If Luke went to the Guild of Magic to buy this information, he would not be given access. He would only be allowed to read each book for a short period of time for almost 300 contribution points! This would not be a problem for players, since they could learn the information within an hour or two, but for normal people it was a huge hassle. Luke was an exception, being able to record the information in his mind for understanding later, but it goes to show how precious the information is.

Instead, Luke took the books and sat back down on the bed slowly. Seeing this, Barton nodded inwardly and left with his subordinates.

He was rather accepting of this 'Lucas the Sage'. Both the coordinated he gave were accurate, and the information of the first base he had given was also rather useful.

Although both Barton and the council had realized that Luke was using them to eliminate the Resistance for some unknown reason, they were more than willing to oblige and eliminate the root cause of instability in Leon.

Therefore, having someone like Luke with them was only a good thing. Furthermore, they had also learned of his growth speed. He had grown from a normal ex-slave, to nearly an official mage in a month! This speed was beyond anything they had recorded before. Usually, a person would spend around 3 to 4 years being an apprentice.

Hence they decided it was best to befriend Lucas!

At this moment, a bunch of notifications popped up on Luke's interface.