The Sage is in Sozra?

Sozra City, two days later…

"Did you see the card?"

"Yeah! The Sage had no picture of himself. It is always him wearing the mask."

"Not that! Did you see the rank? It says 'Rank: Special member- Authority- B!'"

"Yeah. But I don't know what that means."

"It doesn't matter what it means. We are finally here at the barber shop he told us about. Stop wasting time and enter."

With this, the four players on Luke's mission entered the shop late at night as per The Sage's instructions.

"We are close. Come back tomorrow" said the owner indifferently as he cleaned the floor with a rather thick broomstick.

After looking around and confirming no one else is present, OriginalMagus said, "We need to enter, you know, the back."

Just as these words came out of OriginalMagus' mouth, the eyes of the owner twitched slightly as his broom opened into a shotgun as he aimed it at OriginalMagus as he said,

"Who sent you. What do you want."

While the rest of the players were panicking, WeedGod took a step forward and said indifferently, "The Sage sent us to give a letter to someone called Barton. He gave us this as proof."

With this said, he snatched the identification card in OriginalMagus' hand and handed it to the owner.

After examining it for a while, he took out a scanning device and confirmed its authenticity before whispering into his neck.

A few seconds later, 12 men dressed in MI9 uniforms descended from the roof and escorted the group into the back through the safe-like door.

They were then made to wait in a room for 20 minutes before a man came in.

Seeing this man, the group conveniently decided not to inspect him. With The Sage, it was difficult to judge his strength, but the man in front of them was very clearly exuding an extremely powerful aura that caused them to assume he was an extremely high-level NPC that would easily feel their attempts at inspection.

The man in a black tuxedo exuding the aura of a tiger sat down and asked in a demanding voice, "What did he send you here for?"

This man was Barton. He was still speculative of whether this was one of The Resistance's ploys, and so he came out here himself to prevent any loss of life. If there was anyone that could stall Rachel for some time, it was him, who was currently level 76.

"Are you Barton?"


"He gave us a letter."

Saying this, OriginalMagus handed the letter to Barton.

Barton held the letter and instantly shattered an invisible barrier around the letter that became visible to the players as it was shattered, before disappearing once more.

Then, Barton opened the letter,

"Yo Phoenix! U still single?"

Reading the first line, Barton's eyelids twitched slightly.

He then continued reading and after some time, he let out a long sigh before mumbling to himself, "He really is alive"

With this, he got up and said, wait here and he quickly left to write down a reply.

Being left in the room alone once again, the four players couldn't help but pick up the letter and read it.

Yo Phoenix! U still single?

Hehe. I heard you conducted my funeral with some of my blood? Do you visit by jar of blood daily? It must be pretty awkward speaking to a Deadman right?

Don't worry. I did not actually die. The Resistance's leader could only cause me to temporarily retreat.

Btw, Once I announce me being alive to the Leon kingdom, would I be known as 'The one who survived' or 'The undying cockroach?'

Hehe, I will become famous for sure. But that is not the point. I do not wish to be known by the world yet. I will come when the time is right.

I will warn you about certain things. Roland and Islesat are beginning preparations. War is upon us and the Leon kingdom is still being unstable because of The Resistance and that Rachel who almost killed me!

I know a few more places for you to explore and eliminate off the face of Gamin. The exact coordinated are provided below.

Anyway, go tell the council of this information. Make sure to mention my intentions to work with them. I hope to be able to join the war after becoming stronger. Currently I am far too weak. But by the time the war starts, I will have grown strong enough to fight side-by-side with you, or even the council members.

Your truly,

The pronounced dead, Sage.

Below this, there were around 20 coordinates which marked spots on the maps of all the four players.

However, they did not pay too much attention to this. There was so much information in this one letter, that anyone reading it would go mad.

The most important of all was the Fortune cards. The Sage, and The Phoenix. Was this some sort of Fortune Card Cult?

Jokes aside, The Sage had worked with MI9 before, and due to a person called Rachel, was assumed dead?

Also, there was war coming to the continent of Gamin?

Through the course of the previous day on the forums, most players had understood which continent they were in, and these players where in the continent of Gamin, with the main three kingdoms called Roland, Islesat, and Leon, with Leon being the largest of them all, nearly occupying 50% of the continent.

So 'war' was the main storyline of this version? This was a huge scoop for these players, since they got to know of the main storyline before it even began.

Furthermore, The Sage was going to enter this war, and was the best ticket into the main-storyline for them.

Furthermore, he had promised to become stronger and join the battlefield. This meant that staying with The Sage was the most beneficial, since his story so far is that of a protagonist character. Sort of the Main character of the Version, with a lot of incidents revolving around him.

At this moment, Barton came in with an already folded letter. Hand this to The Sage with due haste.

Just as the players were going to tell him they didn't know where The Sage was currently, a notification popped up.


Hidden Chain Mission Quest- The Mysterious Sage (3/?)

The Sage is about to enter Sozra, meet with him outside the city.

Task 1: Return to the sage with Barton's message

Task 2: Ensure the secrecy of the mission even after it is complete

Task 3: Prevent the losses of your team members

Mission completion reward: 25 exp, +1 Contribution points for Faction MI9

Mission Failure penalty: You will be hunted down by The Sage as well as MI9

Mission difficulty: F-
