Player_Deletion: The First Vintim!

At this moment, Luke was waiting in the forest outside the Northern city gate of Sozra. He had already created a number of missioned in the hidden chain mission quest and had given them all to the players. If certain criteria were fulfilled, the next mission would be triggered.

For the current mission they had just received, the criteria he had set was that They had given the letter to Barton, and that Luke was near Sozra. If Luke had not reached Sozra, then the mission would be to wait for Luke in his apartment, the keys to which were with MI9.

Since he was here, the former was activated, and the players should be here soon.

Luke stood there, leaning against his Lukemobile, in all black and a white mask. This was a slightly different mask. In the past month, Luke had bought many different masks and engraved The Sage onto them for aesthetic purposes.

Currently, the mask had The Sage on the left side if his cheek, while both the eyes had an artistic layer of crimson red.

When the players reached, the first thing they noticed was the Lukemobile. They were puzzled as to what such high-tech equipment was doing in this world of horses and carriages.

But before they could say anything, Luke's gaze turned away from them onto a few bushed nearby. With his melodious voice, he said, "Come out"

After a few seconds, 2 men in MI9 uniform came out. Both of them were people who Luke recognised. They were members from the MI9 squad ambushed by Rachel.

"So you guys survived Rachel?"


"Go back. I won't be returning to MI9 for the time being. Once I grow strong enough, that is when I will return. And I will avenge our fallen comrades, as well as my parents. I will destroy The Resistance. Not only did they kill my parents, they even forced me into slavery. Thankfully, my owner allowed me to buy my freedom after some years of labour. But now is not the time to take action. I must bear with this burden for some more time. Until I can make a difference. I need to become stronger."

In the past month, Luke had received a particular mission which required him to return to his hometown, the place where his parents were killed by a monster horde. He was required to find clues, similar to the mission he had received from the two-headed eagle. And similar to that incident, he had found out that the monster horde was created by The Resistance.

With that said, Luke turned to the players and said,

"I feel like you are trustworthy people. However, you are not strong enough currently, nor am I. My enemy is The Resistance, who are caused the Leon kingdom's stability to be destroyed. Are you willing to join me in my quest against The Resistance?"

At this moment, a quest completion notification, as well as a new quest came up on the screens of the players. It was not a continuation of the Hidden Chain mission quest. That quest had been put on hold, with no new quests added to it. Instead, a new quest came up.


Hidden Main Storyline Quest- The Resistance

Before the Leon kingdom was formed, this part of the land was ruled over by hundreds of different lords. However, due to the greed of the few, a huge war was waged across half of Gamin over the true ruler of Gamin. Over time, a new kingdom was slowly formed by swallowing up those hundreds of small territories, forming the Leon kingdom we know today.

However, many citizens, nobles and rulers were unsatisfied with this takeover, and with the support from Roland and Islesat, formed a secret organisation called 'The Resistance' with the numbers reaching in the hundreds of thousands.

With the sole goal of the breaking down of the Leon Kingdom into smaller kingdoms, they worked in the shadows to achieve this goal. However, with time, this goal shifted from disbanding to annihilation, twisting their morals and attempting to create diseases for humans, and mutations for monsters.

This has resulted in the death of many, including The Sage's parents. It had also caused him and his friends to fall into the abyss known as slavery. Somehow, The Sage was able to leave this abyss, and is now on a mission.

A mission prevent such disasters from befall others. A mission to eradicate The Resistance.

Mission Objective: Help The Mysterious Sage, and the Leon Kingdom in eliminating 'The Resistance,' an organisation formed from the flames of war .

Mission completion- 0%

Mission difficulty: A-

Mission Completion Reward: Unknown

Mission failure: Collapse of the Leon kingdom


This was the same mission Luke had received after completing the [Investigation] mission. He had naturally added his own name into key parts of the mission, to make himself seem more important.

Unknown to him, the four players in front of him had already categorized him as a protagonist character for version 1. Due to this mission, their speculations were simply confirmed, and their visible shock was underwhelming for Luke.

However, this did not affect him too much. All he needed was these players following him around during the course of the Open beta which would last for another 28 days.

At this moment, Luke felt another presence, one that was weaker than even the players in front of him. Putting this person at level 1, or maybe even level 0.

Looking over, Luke said in a cold tone, "Who are you?"

At this moment, a figure came out of the bushes with a fanatical expression on his face. What was more, is that he had a player tag above his head.

Luke had missed this person because he had been on alert from high level characters like dragons or Rachel, not actively searching for low-level characters.

The player in from of Luke said, "Allow me to join! I know all these people. They are very famous from where we come." As he pointed at the four pro-players in from of him. Their expressions immediately sank as they read the player tag of the person, VidBro!

His name said it all. Although they did not know who this person was, they were more or less certain that this was a streamer.

"If you don't allow me to join, I can always go to this Rachel who wants you dead, and tell her that you are alive!"

At this moment, this player's words struck a nerve, and Luke sharpened his gaze as he used a This caused everyone present to panic. The MI9 members were afraid that Luke might kill a civilian out of rage, and become a criminal. The players were afraid that this player would implicate them in his strife to join The Sage. They were also afraid about something else. What if this player was killed by The Sage, and then revived somewhere else and told the news to Rachel, The Sage's mortal enemy, then their ticket into the Main-storyline might be cut-off right then and there.

However, Luke did not kill the player. Instead, he coldly walked to the clearly stunned player and whispered in his ear.

"Let me tell you something…VidBro. I know a few things, including the fact that you can revive even after death."

As he said this, he used Earth magic to hold down the player completely, preventing him from moving a muscle.

"I also know that you can decide where you revive. And I do know that this only applies when you die."

A sinister smile grew on Luke's face as he continued.

"But what happens if I imprison you for life. I won't let you grow stronger, while I myself do grow stronger. And when the time comes, and I kill Rachel, I will still keep you imprisoned. Forever locked up. How does that sound?"

Hearing this, the pupils of VidBro clearly shrank as he began to think about all the money he had invested into the game. All the strings he had pulled to come into the game. All gone to waste because of one silly error while speaking to an NPC.

Initially, he did not intend on threatening anyone, however, it was a very bad habit to use any means necessary to achieve his goal, and he threatened a high-level NPC for no reason. Just to be able to go ahead the rest of the players, he had taken this risk, which was just about to backfire.

At this moment, Luke continued,

"Naturally, if you apologize, and agree to become my slave, I will allow it. But this will be a soul contract. Which will prevent you from reviving if you go against it."

This was a high level contract which was thought up by some players in much later versions. Such contracts would effectively terminate one's character if they go against it.

Such a thing was never used by anyone besides the rich, who could afford to pay for another character. They would use such contracts as a form of gambling within the game, and the loser would lose their character.

One should know, that each game capsule only comes with a single character, whose features cannot be changed. Only the accessories and clothes can be modified.

If a character was deleted by you, or through a contract like this one, one would have to pay the game company, the same amount you spent on buying the game capsule once more to receive another character.

Luke had already prepared for many scenarios for the future. He naturally did not like to take risks, and was prepared for a lot of outcomes, even as far as a few months in advance.

He had through about one of the players he brought along with him threatening him or trying to kill him for benefits, and had prepared this method to deal with them.

Seeing this glimmer of hope, VidBro agreed immediately.

'Sigh, an old man like me should just be resting at home, and not scurrying around the game world, trying to survive.' Luke commented inwardly as he took out a pen and paper and began to use mana to craft a soul contract on the spot.

After a few seconds, he handed it to VidBro, who could clearly not make out the magical runes on it. But a second later, a system notification popped up.


Soul Contract- Slave

Player VidBro will be the slave of NPC The Sage forevermore.

No conditions applied.

Player VidBro must listen to everything NPC The Sage tells him and follow them to the dot, even if it results in death.

Death cannot break the contract.

Breaching this contract will result in PLAYER_DELETION


Seeing the last words on the system interface, VidBro's expression sank as he began to think about a lot of things.