Conner village once more

Almost a day later, Luke finally arrived outside conner village. Taking a deep breath, Luke finally took his first official steps into Conner village. This was actually his first time doing a public speech in this world. The only other time in his entire life he had given a speech was when he was graduating from his 12th grade, back when he was young in the real world… or other world…whichever is the case.

With some of his mana injected into his voice, Luke spoke,

"Alright, everyone from this village please gather at the town gate."

Since his voice was enhanced by mana energy, this announcement shocked a lot of residents and many of them poked their heads out of their doors and windows to get a look at what was happening.

A few moments later, a middle aged man, who seemed on the latter end of his 30s, ran over to the gat in a rush, with a pickaxe in hand, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

Luke had already checked who this guy was the last he had come to this place. This man was the village chief and was also a Lv 25 warrior, retired from the Leon kingdom for unknown reasons.

"Who are you people? What do you want?"

"Me?" Luke looked both confused and amused, although the chief could not see it since he was wearing a mask.

"Yes you!"

"Well… you see… I kind of bought this place. So I came here." Luke explained patiently about how he bought all the land from the baron.

After checking the authenticity of the seal on the deed of land, the chief put down his pickaxe and nodded,

"Hmm. It seems to be true. You are the owner of the land. I apologise for our misconduct."

The man seemed to be slightly more respectful of Luke since he had a lot of money, but it did not seem like genuine respect. This was one of the troublesome people in the village, which Luke needed to take care of right now, or else they might ruin his future plans. The chief was someone who was rather stuck-up, and had a lot of confidence in himself, especially since he was LV 25, and was also a veteran.

Luke mysteriously flashed the lines on his sleeve in order to showcase the two silver lines on his black sleeves.

The chief finally noticed this detail and took a few glances at it before realising what it was. Colour began to drain from his face as he took a step back, however, before he could move another step, Luke appeared behind him, his back touching the chief's own, giving him an even bigger shock.

"It is not good to look down on others is it not?"

"Y- Yes!"

"Good. Then remember. I did not come here to kill people; not do I intend on saving you guys. I am only here to offer work for the people."

At this point, the chief was like a waterfall of sweat, coming out from every pore in his body and drenching his clothes, as he took a moment to realise what had just happened.

'This man… he is not only a Grand mage, but also has a body capable of moving faster than I can see!'

This realisation made him ever more scared. What were magicians normally? Magicians were essentially tanks for magic and shields for enemy magic. They were strategic resources to be used either in battle for attack or defence. Such magicians were usually specialised in those specific fields. Then there were those few who made artifacts for the normal people.

But what if a magician was good at close combat? Didn't that make him stronger than any magician at his level, as well as any close combatant? He could eliminate the other magicians using physical prowess before they could caste spells, and he could avoid the close-combatant long enough to cast his own spells.

Such a scary thought invaded his mind. However, one thing he did not know, was that Luke was technically specialised in every spell possible, and could almost insta-caste most of them. This effectively put him at the level of certain national treasures, as long as he was able to reach Lv 60 in the future.

'I should avoid messing with him…" the chief thought in his mind and his mentality quickly adjusted to flattering Luke rather than intimidating him.

Luke looked back for a brief moment and noticed the expression on the chief's face, smiling inwardly,

'Great! One down, a few more to go.'