
Luke entered the village and looked around at the people beginning to gather as per his own instructions.

"Hey chief! What is going on? Who is this dude? How come he is ordering us?" a rather burly man shouted from amongst the crows before stepping forward, fully displaying his muscular, shirtless, tanned figure.

'Good. The second one appears!' Luke thought in his mind as he moved, each of his casual steps covering large distances which did not seem to match his walking speed. It was as though he was in a movie, being the hero, and was chasing after a car. Although it seemed like he was running at the speed of a normal human, the distance he covered at that speed was faster than a car. The same mismatch occurred here, but there was a simple reason to this.

Luke had used Wind Magic to slightly lift his feet into the air, which almost complete eliminated friction with the ground, allowing his body to keep moving forward relative to the ground, even when he was stepping. [1]

"What do you want?"

Flustered at the speed Luke displayed, the man moved back a few steps before yelling.

"Who are you! What are you doing here? Who are you to boss these villagers around."

His words seemed to affect the moods of the villagers, who were at first moving according to Luke's instructions due to curiosity and confusion, as well as the man entering the village after meeting the chief, meaning that he had gotten the chief's permission. Now, these villagers became slightly irritated at a random person appearing and bossing them around.

Seeing the shift in moods, the buff man smirked.

"I am the owner of this land. I bought it from the Baron who previously own this place fair and square. Technically, that makes me your lord."

Hearing the unexpected words, everyone froze in their places, including the burly man who intended to ridicule the one who tried to boss him the people of the village around.

Luke had already known about this fellow, one of the few people he thought of as both trouble maker and trustworthy. Unlike the chief, who only worshipped the strong, and hated those who were superior to him in rank, but weaker in combat, this fellow was the exact opposite. He respected those with a higher rank, rather than their individual combat strength. He, in fact, was not finding trouble for Luke, but was actually trying to put Luke down and prevent him from turning the people of the village into slaves under his own rule.

Therefore, he told this burly man who he was really, instead of his personal power like the chief.

"It's fine. I did not come here for trouble. I wish to set up a base here, and so I bought the land."

"Base…" The burly man nodded as though he understood everything, when he did not quite get much of why Luke was here.

"All the way out here, at the edge of the continent?" asked a third voice. Hearing this voice, Luke immediately turned around and a smile appeared on his face as he saw the third person who he had to take care of. The third and last trouble-maker of the town.


[1] Just to make things easier to people. Try and remember a scene from a movie, where the her is running. However, it feels as though he is running on an escalator, which would make him move even when he is not moving.

For more reference, open this YouTube link:

And go to 0:25 and watch it. You will notice what I am talking about. Sorry I didn't know how to explain it.