Money can solve everyhting

"Hmm? Are you going to answer me?"


"Mm? You know me?"

Luke looked at Jacob and remembered the time he had been set free by Jacob. He remembered the time Jacob came running as soon as he noticed that a monster had come. He remembered that Jacob was the reason he could meet with those two fools.

While wondering how those two clowns were going currently, Luke moved in closer to Jacob and spoke softly, purposefully making sure no one else could here.

"How would I not remember the one who freed my sorry ass from slavery?"

"Slav- You! You are-"

"I am the Sage now. Just call me that please."

"You little brat. So you became rich huh?"

"Keke, not only that! I also became a grand mage!" Luke spoke proudly while puffing his chest.

"G- Grand Mage!?"

"Hehe. Old Man Jacob, what are you doing out here?"

"Sigh. It is a really long story, but if I make it short, then it would be that MI9 found a resistance base a few meters under the plantation, and so they flattened everything. Since there was nothing left, I decided to claim money from MI9 instead of new land, and chose to settle somewhere more remote."

"Like this place." Luke nodded as he understood what had happened.

The chief and all the villagers watched on in shock as the old man who had come to the village almost a year ago, and the strange land lord with a mask, embraced like father and son.

Although Luke himself was also an old man, he was still in his 40s, while Jacob was clearly in his late 50s, and therefore by definition he could still call him an old man. For some reason, Luke's way of thinking was also slowly changing the with time. And the small changes in emotions he felt that went against his own thought process also were slowly dissipating, without Luke himself realising that not only was Lucas vanishing, but so was Luke, and forming a new being. A being that called himself Luke and Lucas. A being that the world would know as The Sage.

"Anyway, before we continue to talk about my story so far, I need to address the people."

"Sure" Jacob nodded slowly as he looked around and noticed that almost all the people in the village who were not doing something necessary were present.

"Alright everyone. I called you guys here for a simple reason. I'm going to be building a base here. I will also be hiring a lot of people. Naturally, Since this is the only village on my land, I am going to have to hire some of the people here, not only to build my base, but also become part of my organisation. Just to inform you, although my organisation is pretty new, this organisation is quite good. There is me, a grand mage with enough power to wipe out the entire village in one blow, quite a few talents, as well as the executive director of Leon kingdom's MI9. Naturally, all complete identities of the upper echelon will be hidden. And most importantly, my organisation is rich."

Saying this, Luke pulled out a pretty large cloth bag of copper and bronze coins and jiggled it around to the audience.

"Now, who all will help me?"