
"My friend Mr. Phoenix. How are you? What brings you to contact me this time of the day?"

"Lu- ahem, Mr. Sage, kindly address me as Mr. Barton since this is an official call."

"Naturally Mr. Barton."

"Stop with the small talk."

"Mr. Barton… You were the one to start with it…"



"Anyway. I need to ask you something on behalf of the council. Was that you?"

"Was what me?"

"The explosions in Roland and Islesat's camps."

"You already know about that? It seems Leon's hidden technology lives up to its reputation."

"So I was you?"

"Yes" Luke simple answered on the call.

"…" A moment of silence passed before Barton's loud voice boomed through the phone, almost bursting the speakers.

"How dare you!! What were you thinking? Revealing such technology so early in the war? W-"

"Yes, yes. Stop screaming. I know what those old guys are thinking. I will send over the formula and how to make it. In exchange, you have to give me resources, as well as allow my troops to use your transportation and other logistic while fighting Rolandians, Islesatians as well as those other small fries. Also, give me some more technology. After all, I did help you all get the number of enemies and all their information did I not?

"…" Another moment of silence went by before Barton's voice, now much calmer came once more.

"Good. Send it over as soon as possible. Tell someone from that Card of Destiny organisation of yours to send it over."


Luke knew that MI9 knew about CoD from the moment he had begun building it at Conner town. Since they did not interfere in his work, they were subtly hinting that they would support him. Since Leon was incredibly large, they in fact needed organisations like CoD to be able be more efficient that the public organisation they built. This was the same concept of privatisation as back on Earth[1]

Although he had not officially left MI9, he had stopped working for them. However, they never stopped him from using their services for active members, signalling their stance towards him. Therefore, he also wanted to maintain good relations with MI9 and the Leon council of 12.

"Good then. The official conversation is over. Luke. Tell me. Why did you do this? I know it was not to kill some of them."

"Well, they did put a hit order on me…"


"But that was actually useful to me. The reason I did this was simple. You can tell the council this as well. I want to speed up this war. It cannot last a century, but needs to wrap up within 10-20 years at most. I'm just speeding up the release of hidden technology to speed up the war from all sides."


"That is all Phoenix. I will contact you later once I get time. I am currently rather busy. I hope the council understands that I do not want to speed up the war for my own desires, but because there is something even worse coming up after the war ends. I need Leon to win and quicky establish itself as the ruler within the entire continent as soon as possible."

Without wasting any more time, Luke cut the call and looked at his interface.

[A member of your faction has killed Lv 6 Franz Hector. You receive 10% of the exp for being the leader of the faction.]

[A member of you…]

Luke was even more surprised since this feature did not exist when he was playing as the leader of a faction which was his own guild. He never received any exp for his faction members killing others. Since NPCs killing other NPCs did not give him any exp, he had not gotten such a message before.

'So players killing gives me exp? What about completing quests?' Just as this thought came in Luke's mind, he noticed a few messages hidden deep within the kill notifications.

[A member of your faction has completed Lv 1 E rank quest. 10% of the exp will be given to the faction leader.]

'Haha! Being the faction leader is truly wonderful. I can just sit back and relax, and let the exp roll in. All I need to do is bring in as many players into CoD as possible. Haha. By old bones can finally rest easy for some time. Running around managing this place while worrying about quests is too much of a headache. Now, I can leave all normal quests to players to complete for themselves, and I can just leach off of their exp without them even knowing.'

Luke assumed none of the players knew their exp was being leached by him since no message on the forums had popped up about it and no one was leaving CoD in waves after learning the disadvantage it would put them at.

'Hmm, although they might not realise this for the time being, they are bound to find out sooner or later when the CoD players are weaker and lower levelled than other normal players. I should begin preparing things to make them stronger to cover this up. The best way is to give them quests that others cannot receive.'

Just from the moment everyone joined CoD till now, Luke had already levelled up once, since almost everyone was not just rushing towards the CoD base but clearing quests along the way as much as possible.


NPC Status

Name: Lucas Ferland (The Sage)

Legendary point- Father of Modern Magic Arrays (Multidimensional point)

Legendary point: Dragonborn (Dimensional point)

Legendary point: Undying Monster (Gamin Continent point)

Legendary point: The Fool (Gamin Continent point)

Legendary point: Vanquisher of Resistance (Gamin Continent point)

Level: 43

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Draconic Overseer I

Path: Magician (Grand Mage)

Specialisation: Sun (Priest), Unshadowed Infancy (Priest), Child of light (Priest), Aura-wielder (Warrior)


Vitality: 405

Stamina: 305

Intelligence: 510

Perception: 305

Strength: 305

Dexterity: 325

Charisma: 305



Mana Energy: 610

Aura Energy: 10

Fire Affinity: 50%

Water Affinity: 50%

Wind Affinity: 50%

Earth Affinity: 50%

Mind Affinity: 60%

Space Affinity: 2%

Recovery Affinity: 90%

Magic Damage Resistance: 200

Physical Damage Resistance: 200

Status Ailment Resistance: 40



- Undying Will Lv 3

- Basic Aura Lv 2

- Advanced Cooking Lv 5(MAX)

- Advanced Hunting Lv 5 (MAX)

- Basic Martial Arts Lv 5

- Advanced Swimming Lv 5 (MAX)

- Advanced Smithing Lv 5 (MAX)

- Basic Weapon Crafting Lv 4

- Advanced Crafting Lv 5 (MAX)

- Basic Metallurgy Lv 4

- Advanced Sewing Lv 3

- Advanced Meditation Lv 5 (MAX)

- Basic Fire Elemental body Lv 4

- Basic Earth Elemental body Lv 4

- Basic Water Elemental body Lv 4

- Basic Wind Elemental body Lv 4

- Basic Recovery Elemental body Lv 4

- Intermediate Soul Spells Lv 4

- Inferior Space Spells Lv 2

- Advanced Magic Runes Lv 5 (MAX)

- Advanced Purification Light Lv 5 (MAX)

- Advanced Regeneration Lv 5 (MAX)

- Draconic Tongue Lv 4

- Draconic Scale Lv 5

Skill points: 35



- Advanced Spell Casting Lv 5 (MAX)

- Advanced Energy Absorption Lv 4

- Beginner Soul Perception (Inherent)

- Advanced Regeneration Body Lv 4

- Draconic Blood (Inherent)

Talent Points: 1



- Draconic Eyes

- Overseer's Eye



Time until Mid-Version update – 4 years 360 days 22 hours 12 minutes 46 seconds





Seeing that he had a tonne of skill points and a few skills he could evolve, Luke unhesitatingly did so after a long time of stopping himself from doing so. Luke always felt a great satisfaction from doing things all in one go rather than slowly progressing. And now was the time to do things in mass.

[1] So I'm pretty sure most people know what this is, and if you don't google does. But I will give you a gist since I feel like it. Companies in the public sector; meaning those that are run by the government tend to be slow and inefficient. You should have noticed this when you go to a government office to file a complaint for something, everything happens incredibly slowly. On the other hand, private organisations do things as cost and time effectively as possible in order to earn maximum profit as quickly as possible. Therefore, allowing private organisation; meaning those that are run by private individuals, basically al normal companies like Apple, Google, Walmart, etc, would increase cost effectiveness, which is good in some cases.