
As VidBro moved further into enemy territory, his live commentary on what they were planning to do quieted down into a whisper, and soon completely stopped since they were almost completely surrounded by enemies. Somehow taking advantage of the knee tall shrubbery all across the battlefield, which had already been flattened on the active battlefield, but was still tall this far back into enemy lines, the two players were crawling on their stomachs incredibly slowly.

In front of them was a huge camp with numerous tents and soldiers guarding it. No army would be foolish enough to send their full force of 2 million into battle. Just the casualties from friendly troops trampling over their own soldiers would be a staggering number nearing the hundreds of thousands. Therefore, both Leon and Islesat on this battlefield, and Leon and Roland on the other battlefield sent only around 1/5th of their total armies to battle it out as cannon fodder.

Seeing nearly 1.6 million people at the camp which had no walls or defences other than the normal soldiers surrounding it, OriginalMagus and VidBro looked at each other and contacted each other through the interface in order to not make a single sound.

"We should charge in and explode" said VidBro impatiently. He desperately wanted this footage of blowing up an enemy base. His views would definitely skyrocket, since, everyone liked explosions, whether they admitted it openly or hid it from others.

"My thoughts exactly. So here it the plan…" OriginalMagus continued for around a minute and VidBro simply nodded along throughout the entire lesson in terms of killing and murdering in a game.

OriginalMagus had already planned out the two best locations to blow up.

The two lit the ends of the fuse on the dynamite sticks and ran into the enemies. Using the skills, they had accumulated thus far to kill of the 3 low level soldiers directly blocking their path instantly and rushing into the camp before splitting up.

However, within another minute, they were already caught. But that dd not stop their smiles as the two laughed hysterically as the enemy soldiers were dragging the two masked spies towards their superiors.

Suddenly, both the players, who had run about 600 meters away from each other, each of them running around 300 meters totalling to 600, heard deafening explosions from near them.

Naturally they did not keep the bombs on their own bodies, hoping that their chance of survival might increase by a few percent and they might not lose the 10% of all the exp they had gained just before they died. They two players had dropped the bombs into the ground while running and killing as many enemies as they could. Since it was not raining, the ground was dry and only the temperature was slightly cold.

The fuses did not die out in mud but continued to burn, and finally exploded after a minute of burning slowly. Two thundering booms followed the blinding light created by the explosions, stunning not only the entire base, but even the nearby battlefield. None of these people were used to seeing explosions on this scale in their everyday lives and they all lost their composure for a while before those on the side of Leon roared as they realised what had happened. Someone from Leon's side had snuck into the enemy's camp and exploded it!

Sadly, the two heroes became martyrs as they too perished in the explosions, along with thousands of soldiers, both directly in the explosion of from the flying shrapnel created by the explosion. Naturally, Luke had had his research team insert metal scraps into the sticks of dynamite which were 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm long.

The same occurrence happened with the Rolandians where another two brave soldiers sacrificed themselves to kill off thousands of enemies, whose identities no one knew since they had masks on their faces, and their bodies vanished after they died.

The people who saw the stream end on VidBro's channel all had a burning feeling within their hearts, with a single emotion filling their minds.

'I want to do that.'

In a virtual reality where consequences cannot affect their real bodies and lives, the personalities of almost all players take incredibly scary turns. They no longer wanted to survive in a normal world, but wanted to be the best or 'chosen ones' and wither become the leaders or cause the maximum damage as possible. And the scariest thing about their thoughts were that they did not care about death in the same way as the NPCs, but only cared about the 10% reduction in the total exp they had, and the 7 revive limit every week. Their thoughts flowed like so; 'If I'm going to die, I must die in the most spectacular way possible. Either saving my friends, killing my enemies with me, or exploding.'

Therefore, the way VidBro and OriginalMagus died had sprung this very ingrained instinct of players to either explode others of explode with others, and the ones with who were already part of CoD were now rushing even faster to the CoD base, while the others had already made up their minds to either mind a way to achieve this same outcome or join CoD in the Leon kingdom. And those from other servers were just disappointed and angry that they would not get this opportunity in their servers.

At this moment, Luke received a call from his old friend back in MI9, the phoenix Barton.