The Storm before the Storm

4 days passed, and using the transportation Luke was able to secure for his 4 upper echelon players through his connections in MI9; OriginalMagus, SaintessKatrina, SwordSlasher, and VidBro all finally reached the battlefield.

Within these four days, Roland Theocracy and Islesat had officially declared war on the Leon kingdom with the nonsensical excuse of occupying the land that was rightfully theirs by years passed.

Naturally, no one believed this, however, no one cared about the reason either. What was most important was that war had been officially declared after the first few skirmished between the border defences of the three largest kingdoms on the continent.

Islesat came charging into Leon territory with an army of 2 million soldiers, cavalry, logistics, and all included. This was very nearly 3/4th of Islesat's entire military might. The on leading the army was the second prince, Arshin, who is said to be the greatest military strategist within Islesat. According to some rumours, Islesat even deployed 2 royal priests at the level similar to a grand mage of the magician pathway. Naturally, the estimate of their military power was only what Islesat showcased to the public, hiding most of their elites and technology just like Roland and Leon.

Roland on the other hand sent over an enormous force of 2.5 million soldiers, a majority being warriors with the only focus of slaughtering the enemies. Supposedly they sent over 3 high cardinals, who were on par with grand mages, and were just under the pope in terms of influence as well as individual might.

Although none of the nations wanted to display their full might, they could not seem causal about the war in the eyes of their public. They needed to send over elites from their reserves of elites to lead the general armies in order to showcase their stances in the war.

Other than these 2 nations, all the other small kingdoms and dutchies who were bordering Islesat and Roland also sent over at least half their troops. Unlike Roland and Islesat however, this was truly half of their entire military forces, which left them incredibly weak at the moment.

All these forces moved quickly, breezing through the border towns of Leon like a hot knife in butter. And just like the knife, they were not leaving anything in their wake except burnt villages and corpses.

However, Leon was not slow to respond either. With Islesat coming in from Northeast, and Roland coming in from the Northwest, with other affiliated kingdoms and dutchy troops mixed into the fray totalling an astonishing 5 million enemies, Leon deployed 5 of its own 8 legions numbering around 5 million troops in order to push back the enemies.

Their battlefield was 40 kilometres into Leon from the original border, and Luke's four little players were also present there, along with the little gift he had prepared for Leon, Islesat as well as Roland.

The 4 players had decided to split up, with OriginalMagus bringing VidBro to fight the Rolandians, and SaintessKatrina and SwordSlasher going to fight the Islesat Kingdom, with 2.75 million and 2.25 million troops respectively.

Soon, bugles sounded and the battle began. Since none of the players in the entire server could partake in these battles other than Luke's 4 players, most of the causal players were focused on VidBro's stream, which was showcasing the battle live to the viewers. Those who were travelling to COD within Leon kingdom, and those in the other kingdoms who were doing quests all dropped what they were doing to watch the first large-scale battle they had witnessed in this virtual game world that seemed incredibly life-like.


Both sides rushed towards each other, no guns or cannons could be seen anywhere. Just an infinite flood of humans wielding all kinds of cold weapons, gleaming under the cold winter morning as the yells of soldiers covered the battlefield just before the two sides clashed. Arrows were released from either side, mostly being blocked by the thick wooden shields of the enemies, luckily striking some of them.

*Ting* *Ting*

Within the next moment, hundreds of thousands of clashing sounds began to reverberate throughout the open battlefield, arrows flying across the sky, some hitting friendly troops, while some hitting enemies.

Yells of pain, anger, suffering, morning, fear and courage resounded throughout the battlefield as blood formed rivers.

Just one word could describe this scene of mutual sacrifice on both sites, with people dying everywhere; 'Chaos'.

And within this chaos, OriginalMagus and VidBro were slowly making their way through the continuous battles around them, trying to make their way into enemy ranks away from Leon soldiers. The soldiers of Islesat were too busy fighting life and death battles to observe two people who were both incredibly young, sneaking around them and moving into enemy ranks.

A similar case was happening with SwordSlasher and SaintessKatrina who were making their way into Rolandian ranks, dodging all fighting in order to find the perfect spot to maximise their kill rate.