Dependency on players

While Luke was sending out quests to all the new players that reached the CoD base, he suddenly had a thought.

'Why not begin creating more technology?'

Naturally, Luke was not talking about the normal kind of technology. He was talking about war technology.

Using his memories from Earth, Luke sat at his study and began creating countless blueprints of technology with only rough estimates that needed to be experimented on and improved. After spending a few days creating blueprints, Luke sent them all to his little R&D department consisting of mages, chemists, and mechanics, who had all signed contracts of their souls with Luke to be a part of this, or were force to be a part of this team.

Seeing the new blueprints, the eyes of many of these crazy scientists flashed a shade of intense curiosity and pleasure.

Luke had made sure to only hire, or persuade those who were not willing, such people who were madly in love with researching and experimenting. Since he was not bothered to do such laborious tasks on his own, he would periodically send over things to this R&D department of CoD to keep their appetites satiated.

By now, not only had he gained dynamite explosive charges, but he had also created a few other types of bombs. The best creation the R&D department had come up with up till date was a grenade that worked exactly like grenades on Earth. Naturally, Luke did not feel like using this technology now. He was beginning to understand the leaders of the three nations at this point. They had spent countless years making technologies in secret. They were simply unwilling to use them all.

IT was the same for Luke. However, unlike the leaders of the nations, he did not intend on stockpiling technologies like candy, but was instead collecting them up and release them on mass like distributing free candy every Halloween.

After taking care of all the players who arrived at the CoD base, Luke left the base in secret. He had been cooped up in that base for far too long, and it was finally time for him to take an evening stroll through the continent.

Besides, no matter how far away from the base he was, as long as he was connected to the system, it would allow him to give out missions to the players, which would effectively allow him to maintain contact with the CoD base at all times. Furthermore, he had access to the Forums, which allowed him to see everything that was happening in real time.

Naturally, he knew the consequences of relying on the players too much. And that was the fact that they would disappear for prolonged periods of time in-game. Therefore, he would need to create a reliable network method for his faction. However, that was in the future. At least, for the next 5 years, no one would be vanishing, until the 'Mid-Version update' would come along.

This was essentially the game equivalent of a time skip in novels and shows. A hundred year was would be too long and boring for players. Therefore, they would play the game for half a year in real life where they would be introduced to the war, and then wait for 1 day for the Mid-Version update to complete, before returning to a Gamin continent that has been through 25 years of war. After another 1 year in-game, another Mid-Version update would come along with another 30-year time skip. This would continue until the main storyline mission was completed. Naturally, different servers took different amounts of time to complete the missions. Therefore, the number of years in each time skip between Mid-Version update differed.

Some servers that took only around 20 years to complete their whole storyline would only have 2; 5-year version updates. In general, all the servers had about 10 years' worth of gameplay in-game time. This amounted to about a single year of gaming in real life.

Gamin was one of the few continents that took over a hundred years to complete the Gamin storyline, and which was why players would spend 5 years playing at first, but then would go through multiple extremely vast time skips to reach the end of the 100-year war within only 10 years.

In Gamin, based on the ratios that were used in the other servers, the players would play 5 years in-game, before the first Mid-Version Update that would time skip them 20 years into the future. Then they would have a single year of playing before another update of 20 years comes. This will continue for another 2 more updates where the players can only play for 1 year, and the last version update should only be around 11 years, leaving the players with their last year witnessing the end of the war and their main storyline mission.

Therefore, since players would not leave at least for the next 5 years, Luke had a lot of time.

Right now, he could focus on building up his own and CoD's power, and could later focus on his dependency on players.